Chapter 200
Although Qiao Youxue said she didn't know her, looking at her appearance, Tao Que was also slightly puzzled. Suddenly her eyes moved slightly, and she immediately asked, "Tao Que still doesn't know the name of your benefactor?"

"Qiao Youxue." She said lightly, raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Tao Que lightly.

I saw Tao Que's face was full of surprise, even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that the person standing in front of her now was the girl who was like a myth in the Qingyun Sect, the only person who had climbed the Xinghan Peak for so many years , Tao Que's heart couldn't help but thumping, it was a place she could not reach, but she didn't expect that this person was standing in front of her now, and he was the one who had just saved her. Negotiate terms with her, saying that as long as you can get her help, after she takes revenge, you can let her order...

But thinking about it now, only someone like Qiao Youxue could save her seemingly dead heart in this way that was different from ordinary people.

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she said, "You want me to help you?"

Hearing this, Tao Que nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I want to become stronger!"

Qiao Youxue replied, and then said: "Then what are your plans now?"

After the words fell, Tao Que's eyes flashed dimly, and he said in a low voice: "I plan... I have already become like this..."

"Huh?" Qiao Youxue raised her brows lightly, and looked at Tao Que.

Meeting Qiao Youxue's eyes, Tao Que's eyes moved suddenly, and then said: "I want to go back to Qing Yunzong, to participate in the outer sect competition, no matter whether I have a chance to enter the inner sect, I will practice hard in the future."

Listening to what she said, Qiao Youxue slightly lowered her eyes to look at her bloody legs, turned her hand and took out a pill from the storage ring, and said, "Take it, and your wounds will heal. gone."

Tao Que looked at the pill in Qiao Youxue's hands, her eyes moved slightly, then she took it, nodded slightly to Qiao Youxue and said, "Thank you benefactor."

Qiao Youxue blinked her eyes lightly, and then said, "Don't call me benefactor, just call me Senior Sister Qiao."

"Yes, Senior Sister Qiao." Tao Que replied, and then took the elixir that Qiao Youxue gave her. In an instant, the wounds on her legs stopped bleeding, and the next moment, the dense scars began to slowly Healed. Seeing this, Tao Que's eyes were filled with surprise again, but he suppressed it quickly.

She was not surprised that such a good thing could appear in Qiao Youxue's hands.

And Qiao Youxue looked at her, and suddenly asked: "Do you want to be an inner disciple?"

After hearing what Qiao Youxue said, Tao Que's eyes moved suddenly, and she raised her head to look at Qiao Youxue in a daze, and said, "Qiao... Senior Sister Qiao, after becoming an inner disciple, you will have more cultivation resources. There is no one in the outer door who does not want to enter the inner door..."

"What day is your competition scheduled for?" Qiao Youxue asked again.

Tao Que's eyes moved, and he quickly replied, "On the seventh day."

"Time is enough." Qiao Youxue murmured in a low voice.

"Ah?" Tao Que was confused. She didn't know what Qiao Youxue meant when she said that time was enough. Is there any way to quickly improve her cultivation within these seven days? But right now she just needs to practice. From the point of view of her cultivation at the seventh level of qi, she might not be able to improve her cultivation by any means in an instant.

However, Qiao Youxue's eyes swept over her lightly, and she said slowly: "The so-called outer sect grand competition is actually when monks above the inner sect Jindan stage choose disciples for themselves, most of them are in the selection process What you look at is not the cultivation base of the monks, but their ability and character. Now you are only at the seventh level of Qi training. If you want to use some quick methods, it will be easy to be seen by others. You have exposed your own shortcomings, but if you can show extraordinary calmness and proficient skills on the field, you can easily stand out. If you want to be able to enter the inner door in this outer door competition, I do have a suggestion."

Hearing what Qiao Youxue said, Tao Que's eyes lit up in an instant, and she quickly asked, "I want to enter the inner door, so please ask Senior Sister Qiao to guide me!"

"Do you know the inner circle of the Monster Beast Forest?" Qiao Youxue said lightly. The Monster Beast Forest was the place she first came to. At that time, in order to hone her actual combat skills, she honed herself there every day. It's just a disciple in the Qi training period, and can only be on the outskirts of the monster forest.

Tao Que nodded slightly after listening to Qiao Youxue's words.

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she continued: "If you want to quickly improve your actual combat ability within seven days, you should stay at the border between the outer and inner circles of the monster forest for seven days. The monsters that will arrive will be at the early stage of foundation establishment or the great completion of Qi training. Their strength will only be higher than the people you will meet on the battlefield of the Outer Sect Grand Competition, and will not be lower. I will give you a lot Medicinal pills and talismans, as long as you can survive these seven days, among the inner disciples who can be selected this time, you must have a place."

When Qiao Youxue said these words, Tao Que's heart was trembling.

The inner area of ​​the monster forest is a place she dare not even think about. Even if she is doing tasks on weekdays, she only dares to walk around the edge of the outer area, and has never gone deep into it. But now Qiao Youxue said to let her alone The monks on the seventh floor of Qi training go to that kind of place...

In the past, Tao Que would have thought that this person wanted to harm her, and would have refused immediately, but now, seeing the plainness in Qiao Youxue's eyes, she suddenly understood.

Senior Sister Qiao is now able to become a mythical figure in the Qingyun Sect. She must have experienced the ups and downs before she can develop such a mind. If she wants to become a person like Senior Sister Qiao, she must be like her. .

Thinking of this, Tao Que nodded heavily, and then said: "I know, Senior Sister Qiao, I will definitely stand out in the outer sect competition this time!"

Qiao Youxue looked her up and down, then took out a storage bag, handed it to her and said, "Here are some pills and talismans that you may use, and they will save your life if necessary." , you have to make good use of it."

After Tao Que took the storage bag from Qiao Youxue's hand, she knelt down on the ground and said to Qiao Youxue, "Senior Sister Qiao's great kindness today is something that Tao Que will never forget. In the future, whatever matters to Senior Sister Qiao will be my responsibility." About Tao Que, even though I have nothing now, I still have a life with me, this life was saved by Senior Sister Qiao, if Tao Que dies in the future, it must be for Senior Sister Qiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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