Chapter 402
However, what he said didn't seem to be heard by Jiao Sha at all, she still leaned so close and said with her eyebrows bent: "Then I will come three hours early tomorrow, so don't be late again!"

Seeing this, Jing San sighed helplessly, his heart was full of annoyance, but when he raised his eyes and saw those beautiful eyes, the annoyance in his heart was reduced a lot.

He still nodded helplessly.

On the second day, the holy monk Jing San really kept the agreement with Jiao Sha, and came two hours earlier, and Jiao Sha had been waiting there early.

In the later days, the holy monk Jing San would still come every day, but the relationship between the two of them had long since changed.

Just like Jiao Sha moved from the distant sea to the shore waiting for the arrival of the holy monk Jing San, the appearance of Jiao Sha also entered the room in Jing San's heart majestically, he read Buddhist scriptures all night from the beginning It turned into a night of chatting with Jiao Sha, from wearing the plain white cassock every day to slowly starting to pay attention to my own image...

These changes made by the holy monk Jing San can be seen in the eyes and sweet in the heart.

However, for Jing San, these changes of his own will only make his heart more contradictory.

He has been telling himself that Jiao Sha is not a human being, she is just a mermaid in the sea, but he also knows that he still sees her as a human being in his heart.

The words Jiao Shacouu whispered in his ear many days ago echoed in the sea of ​​consciousness again.

Why should the holy monk lie to himself, you have already moved your heart, haven't you?
It was night, in the bamboo grove of Nanshan Temple, the holy monk Jing San was sitting alone in the bamboo grove, there was a soft wind blowing in front of him, mixed with the cold fragrance of green bamboo, it was refreshing, and he fell into samadhi unconsciously. Swimming bit by bit, gradually the twilight merged, the moon appeared in the night sky, and the clear moonlight fell down.

On the shore, Jiao Sha'an sat quietly on it, looking at the direction where the holy monk Jing San often came from time to time, but the long night was about to pass, and the person she was looking forward to still did not appear.

The first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, and the face of Jiao Sha, who had been waiting here for a whole night, finally completely sank.

She raised her head to look at the dazzling sun in the sky, her beautiful eyes looked like jewels under the sunlight, but there was no emotion in those jewel-like eyes.

That is the feeling of being cold to the bottom of the sea.

Nanshan Temple

As usual, the abbot was leading the monks in the temple to chant scriptures and pay homage to the Buddha in the main hall. Suddenly, the ground shook, and the abbot instantly opened his eyes. The next moment, the walls of the entire Nanshan Temple were trembling non-stop.

The sound of chanting in the main hall slowly stopped.

The abbot slowly stood up, walked out of the main hall, and looked outside.

A hoarse cry echoed continuously over Nanshan Temple.

"We don't know how long the history of Nanshan Temple has passed since its appearance. Naturally, we have experienced many disasters. Now counting, the latest catastrophe was also a hundred years ago." Nanshan Temple, who was only six years old The young monk kept pestering the abbot, asking him to tell stories about Nanshan Temple.

At this time, after Wuchen came out from the main hall, he also walked over when he saw this scene.

When Abbot Faliang saw Wuchen coming, he smiled lightly, and then said: "This Wuchen also knows, let Wuchen tell you."

After speaking, Abbot Faliang and the young monk looked at Wuchen.

Seeing this, Wuchen smiled helplessly, then walked over, found a place to sit down, then hugged the little monk on his lap, and said slowly: "The hero in this story is our Nanshan A real Buddha who once came out of the temple, Jingsan True Buddha."

"I know True Buddha Jing San!" The little monk said quickly, "True Jing San Buddha ascended at the age of [-], and he is the youngest among all the true Buddhas!"

"That's right, that catastrophe was also the day when the True Buddha Jing San ascended." Wuchen said again: "During the period before the catastrophe, people in the world had rumored that a monster appeared in the South China Sea not far from our Nanshan Temple. The merman, this merman would sing on the sea every night, causing quite a disturbance in the city to the south. Later, at some point, the merman stopped singing. After a long time, people also Forgot about the mermaids that appeared in the South Sea, and even later people thought it was just a rumor, but people in Nanshan Temple knew that it was true."

"Has the merman appeared?" The little monk raised his head and looked at Wuchen seriously and asked.

Wuchen's eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded lightly, and then said: "That day, the abbot of Nanshan Temple was still leading his disciples to chant Buddhist scriptures, suddenly the ground of the main hall began to tremble non-stop. A hoarse roar came from the sky, and the abbot walked out of the main hall to check the situation, only to see a huge and terrifying face appearing in the sky above Nanshan Temple..."

The abbot looked up at the face that suddenly appeared in the sky, and took a step back timidly.

The face in the sky can be vaguely identified as a woman's face, but her face is covered with green scales, above the forehead and above the cheeks, which have been submerged in the thick black hair. Her pupils were a strange gray color, and sharp fangs protruded from her mouth. Yellow-green patterns were engraved on her face, and her messy black hair fell down to her waist.

There are also many scales on her body, below the waist is a long fish tail, and the scales on the fish tail exude a cold light.

At this time, this monster was floating in the sky above Nanshan Temple, looking at the monks in the temple indifferently, as if looking at ants.

"Sharks... sharks!" Someone among the monks suddenly yelled, and the people in the temple panicked instantly.

The merman looked around the Nanshan Temple with his eyes, as if he didn't find the person he was looking for, the expression on his face instantly became fierce, and then he moved and rushed down.

The abbot's heart skipped a beat, but the merman only rushed halfway, and was bounced back by the golden light from the Nanshan Temple formation in midair.

This violent force made the ground under the monks' feet tremble.

Seeing that he couldn't break through the big formation of Nanshan Temple, the merman immediately became angry, and gathered his strength to slam into the big formation again.

There was another violent tremor on the ground, and the bodies of some monks standing on the ground could not help shaking twice.

The temple protection formation once again withstood the attack of the merman.

(End of this chapter)

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