The daily life of the villain

Chapter 407 The Ice Coffin Breaks

Chapter 407 The Ice Coffin Breaks

Qiao Youxue's gaze moved down slightly, and she looked at the patterns on the ice coffin. She had never seen these patterns from any Taoist books, but why did she feel so familiar?

The more Qiao Youxue thought about it, the more puzzled she became. Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and she saw a crack in the ice coffin, and the cold air was continuously flowing out of the ice coffin.

Seeing this, her expression immediately changed.

The cold moonlight shone down, and this moonlight was able to penetrate the sea water and shine in this dilapidated palace.

"No... no, Jing San must love me, it's not like this..." Jiao Sha was still muttering non-stop, suddenly her eyes became dull for a while, and she was like a puppet He walked towards the direction of the ice coffin.

At some point, that melodious and mysterious voice came from the sea again.

"How beautiful is the world with a clear breeze and bright moon, but my lord just likes the foul-smelling and dirty pool water, and the scriptures illuminated by the Buddha's light are so beautiful, but my lord only loves my vulgar singing voice..."

"But Mr. Lang, you just don't show up. I've been looking for you for a long time..."

After the voice ended, the tactful and sad song came from the sea water again.

Qiao Youxue's eyes flickered, and she hastily closed her sense of hearing. Similarly, Wan Xingchi, who had already learned a lesson, also closed her sense of hearing at this time.

At this time, the woman in the ice coffin raised the corner of her mouth strangely at Qiao Youxue.

Qiao Youxue looked at the woman who was walking towards the ice coffin like a puppet, a light flashed in her eyes, and she quickly shouted: "Stop!"

When she said this, Qiao Youxue's figure had already flown towards the ice coffin. Seeing this, Wan Xingchi hurriedly followed, but Qiao Youxue was still a step too late. The woman suddenly quickened her pace. His head hit the ice coffin hard, and bright red blood flowed out instantly.

At this time, the blood from the woman's head seeped into the ice coffin strangely, just as Qiao Youxue's body rushed over, a burst of cold air suddenly rushed towards her.

The next moment, his body was suddenly pulled aside, avoiding the cold air in a very dangerous way, and following the cold air was the coffin lid made of ice.

Qiao Youxue glanced at the direction beside her, seeing that it was Wan Xingchi who pulled her away just now, she didn't think about anything, and looked in the direction of the ice coffin again.

The lid of the coffin was blown away suddenly, and the merman in the ice coffin was exposed to the sea water in an instant. The merman's eyes were always quietly staring at Qiao Youxue's direction, half ridiculed and half sullen.

Qiao Youxue's heart sank suddenly, and the next moment she saw the merman in the ice coffin move.

At first, his fingers moved a couple of times indiscerniblely, but in an instant, he broke away from the ice coffin and rushed towards Qiao Youxue.

Qiao Youxue's expression changed slightly, she just wanted to dodge, but she forgot that Wan Xingchi was behind her at this time, suddenly there was a strong force coming from behind her, pulling herself to the side.

This force was so strong that Qiao Youxue's mind went blank for a while, but before she could stabilize her body, a powerful fluid residual wind mixed with monster, Buddha, devil and spiritual energy pushed her away more than ten meters open.

Qiao Youxue was completely shocked in her heart, she quickly used her spiritual energy to stabilize her figure, then turned around and looked in that direction, only to see that Fang Yuren and Wan Xingchi had already started fighting.

At this time, Wan Xingchi showed such a powerful strength in front of her for the first time, and the cultivation base of that merman was even more unfathomable.

At this moment, Wan Xingchi is still dressed in green clothes, but his aura is completely different, his whole body is surrounded by thick and pure magic energy, and the black long sword in his hand is even more strange Mysterious, the formidable strength displayed from him made Qiao Youxue dumbfounded. I'm afraid even people in the middle stage of transformation are not his opponents at this moment!
But what everyone can see is that his cultivation is only at the middle stage of Golden Core!

Is this still a human being? It's so heaven-defying!

But Wan Xingchi is powerful at this time, but the strength of that merman is even more frightening.

From what Qiao Youxue can see, there are two forces on her body, one is monster energy, the power of monster energy is not very strong, and there is a trace of cold devil energy mixed in it for some reason, Wan Xingchi can deal with it It's more than enough, but the trouble is that the power of Buddhism in her body is very strong, and it stabilizes Wan Xing by a head!
At this time, Wan Xingchi, who was fighting with the merman, also felt a burst of difficulty, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes showed caution.

Soon Wan Xingchi lost the wind.

At this time, Qiao Youxue's mind was also very chaotic.

The merman did not die, it seems that the truth is not what was said in the process, or there is something missing.

Now that I think about it, the formation on the ice coffin is used to seal the merman, and the barrier that is the same origin as the formation of Nanshan Temple Protector is also used to suppress the merman. And who is it? She can be judged as a human being from the moment she appeared, and she has no spiritual roots yet, but if she is just an ordinary mortal, how can she breathe and move freely in this underwater, and even has a level no less than that of a god? cultivation base?

Doubts are growing.

Suddenly, the merman hit Wan Xingchi's chest with a palm. This time he raised his sword to block it, but because he had consumed too much before, he couldn't block the blow, and his body was suddenly crushed. Knocked out.

Qiao Youxue's expression changed immediately, and she quickly flew up to catch Wan Xingchi, but the merman's eyes quickly looked in her direction, a strange smile flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, he suddenly turned towards her. She attacked from Qiao Youxue's direction.

Five sharp and long nails suddenly appeared on her hands, and they came directly towards Qiao Youxue's face.

"Fat Xue!" Wan Xingchi turned pale with shock, and shouted instantly.

At this moment, Qiao Youxue was heading towards Wan Xingchi, and she didn't realize that the merman was coming directly towards her. She only faintly felt it after hearing Wan Xingchi's voice and seeing his extremely anxious expression changes around me.

Mermaids live in the sea all year round, so they are naturally able to handle the sea water with ease. Even if they rush directly, the changes will be minimal. Only when they get close, this feeling will be amplified. Only then did Qiao Youxue realize that, Hastily turned his head to look.

(End of this chapter)

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