The daily life of the villain

Chapter 409 The Cause and Effect of the Past Life

Chapter 409 The Cause and Effect of the Past Life

The refreshing Sanskrit sound came and went, the morning dew fell from the branches and leaves, and the fresh bamboo fragrance accompanied by the chirping of spiritual birds made the morning of Nanshan Temple extraordinarily peaceful.

In the middle of the bamboo forest, Qiao Youxue was dressed in white and meditated here. Her eyes were gently closed, but she suddenly felt the sound of footsteps approaching from far away, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Wearing a plain white cassock, Wuchen saw Qiao Youxue a few meters in front of her, and then stopped.

"Little Master Wuchen," Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes slightly, glanced at the beads on her hand, then looked at Wuchen, and said, "If I say that what happened in the sea is not related to you Related, can you believe it?"

Hearing this, Wu Chen was slightly stunned at first, then smiled lightly, and said: "There are thousands of fates in this world, if the fate in the South China Sea is really related to the little monk, the little monk will naturally believe it."

Hearing what Wu Chen said, the corners of Qiao Youxue's lips slightly raised, and she continued: "It is said that every holy son of Nanshan Temple is the reincarnation of a true Buddha, so does little master Wuchen know which true Buddha of Nanshan Temple he is?" Buddha reincarnated?"

Wuchen was slightly stunned, and then said: "The little monk has thought about this question before, because the abbot said that the little monk is different from the previous holy sons, so he said that the previous life of the little monk should be the Jingsan Buddha of Nanshan Temple. The little monk came to this world and had to go through more tribulations."

"True Buddha Jing San..." Qiao Youxue murmured in a low voice, her eyes flickered slightly, and then she asked, "The little master naturally knows that in his previous life, he was married."

Wu Chen didn't deny it, but smiled calmly and replied, "Young monk knows."

"It was the merman who caused the chaos in the South China Sea. Come to think of it, the little master should have known about it. I don't know why that merman didn't die back then. She was still alive and was sealed in the cave by Elder Li and the people from Nanshan Temple. into the depths of the South China Sea." Qiao Youxue went on to say that the reason why she knew that the person who finally sealed the death was Elder Li was because when she was at the bottom of the sea, she always saw the patterns on the ice coffin familiar to her. When the merman pierced Wan Xingchi's chest, she suddenly remembered where she had seen this pattern before - in Xinghanfeng's library pavilion.

Apart from some books in Xinghanfeng's Book Collection Pavilion, which are found in most of the book collection pavilions in the cultivation world, most of them were compiled by Elder Li himself. Some ideas and improvements such as exercises and mental techniques were created by him, including this formation.

This is the formation specially created by Elder Li to suppress Yin Demons. Qiao Youxue had read it before, but she didn't intend to learn it. It was at that moment that her mind quickly flashed the formation that could drive this formation. Tricks.

After Wu Chen was silent for a moment, he continued: "To tell you the truth, little benefactor, after the calamity passed, the shark's mouth still had a sigh of relief, and that day was the full moon, and when the moon's yin energy was at its heaviest, her body Absorbed the yin energy of the moon and became a demon."

"That makes sense." Qiao Youxue said lightly, watching Wuchen move slightly with her eyes.

Seeing this, Wuchen was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, and quickly asked: "Then what happened in the end, how did the benefactor become like that, and the one that little benefactor Qiao brought out from the sea Who is the woman?"

So, Qiao Youxue told Wu Chen what happened to them at the bottom of the sea, and seeing Wu Chen's frown tightened, she said, "But now that mermaid has been sealed by me again, the South China Sea should be Nothing will happen again, and we have to trouble Nanshan Temple to rescue the two elders, the Second Elder and Zhensi True Spirit."

Qiao Youxue spoke slowly, a light flashed in her eyes, and then she stood up from the ground, then untied the Buddhist bead from her hand, and handed it in the direction of Wuchen.

"Now that we have returned safely from the sea, the beads still have to be returned to their original owners." Qiao Youxue said.

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and continued: "Little benefactor Qiao is too polite, you can re-seal the merman, you and Elder Li are benefactors of our Nanshan Temple, so I will give this prayer bead to the little benefactor, I hope I will be able to keep the little benefactor safe in the future."

After hearing Wuchen's words, Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes and smiled faintly, then shook her head and said: "Since this Buddhist bead was born with the little master, then it must not be separated from the young master. In my opinion, this Buddhist bead Maybe it’s not just the function of keeping you safe, what can accompany you in your birth, maybe it’s the unfinished karma in your previous life.”

After Qiao Youxue's words fell, Wuchen was stunned for a moment.

She directly sent this Buddhist bead to Wuchen's hands, and then continued: "The karma that has never been resolved in the previous life may also be the catastrophe of the little master in this life."

Hearing this, Wuchen was completely stunned, Qiao Youxue's voice echoed in his sea of ​​consciousness until she walked away and left without noticing.

Qiao Youxue gently opened the door, and then walked in lightly. In the quiet room, there was only the sound of someone's long and steady breathing. A well-carved chin and cool and thin lips.

Counting the time, Qiao Youxue found that Wan Xingchi had been lying on this bed for three days, and the abbot of Nanshan Temple personally healed his wounds. It took two days and one night to repair his body, thanks to The wound was not a vital point, and he had already protected his heart when the merman attacked.

Abbot Faliang said that Wan Xingchi would wake up after lying down for another ten days.

However, Qiao Youxue has always been worried. Apart from guilt, there is more distress in the bottom of her heart, so she took advantage of the time she had just finished practicing in the morning to visit him in the room.

She originally thought that he must still be in a coma at this time, but she didn't expect that when she walked to the bedside, she saw Wan Xingchi was quietly looking up with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes.

"Are you awake?" Qiao Youxue said hastily, with a hint of surprise in her tone, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

Hearing this, Wan Xingchi blinked slightly, and said weakly: "Pangxue, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How do you feel now, but where does it hurt?" Qiao Youxue asked again.

Wan Xingchi sized her up slightly for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief: "It's fine."

Seeing his appearance, Qiao Youxue frowned slightly: "I'm asking how you are doing."

(End of this chapter)

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