The daily life of the villain

Chapter 413 Seventh Floor Mysterious Tower

Chapter 413 Seven-Stories Mysterious Tower

" the sea?" The woman was slightly surprised.

Seeing her surprised appearance, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then asked: "You don't remember anything?"

"Should I...should I remember to write something?" the woman said.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue thought for a while and said, "Then I always know what your name is."

The woman looked at Qiao Youxue and nodded, then said, "My name is Li Yue, and I'm just an ordinary person in the fishing village next door."

After her words fell, Qiao Youxue unexpectedly showed a very surprised expression on her face, and she quickly asked again: "Is there any problem?"

The problem is big.

Qiao Youxue blinked slightly, and then said: "Since you are a commoner in the fishing village, how did you appear in the sea?"

After her words fell, the woman froze, frowned tightly, and said with some doubts: " memory is very vague, but I can vaguely remember that I was fishing with my father. When I accidentally fell into the sea, although I grew up in a fishing village and knew how to swim, I thought I would be able to swim up. Unexpectedly, there was a very strong suction force from the bottom of the sea, and my whole body was sucked. Suck it away, and I don't remember what happened after that."

After listening to Li Yue's words, Qiao Youxue finally understood. Thinking about the day they happened to meet the merman in the ice coffin when she woke up, the woman was captured by the merman and used as a substitute. Jiao killed and controlled Li Yue. month, and then committed a pile of cases.

Speaking of which, Qiao Youxue was naturally sympathetic to Jiao's murder. First, she couldn't die peacefully, and second, she couldn't spend the rest of her life with the one she loved. In the end, she committed such a big murder. It's a pity that those who are in the South China Sea these days People who lost their lives one after another couldn't come back to life. After Jiao killed them, they all turned into a puddle of muddy water, and the eminent monks of Nanshan Temple could only save them and accumulate some merits for their next life.

"I heard from the little monk at the door that it was Ms. Qiao who rescued me from the sea. Li Yue will never forget Ms. Qiao's great kindness!" After saying that, Li Yue got off the bed and went to Kneeling down in Qiao Youxue's direction.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's hand immediately appeared a spiritual force, supporting Li Yue's knee in mid-air, she said lightly: "It's just a little effort, no need to thank you, since you have woken up, you should recuperate in Nanshan Temple first, You can go home when your injuries heal."

Seeing this, Li Yue's eyes were full of gratitude, and she continued, "How can I repay Miss Qiao's life-saving kindness."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue smiled lightly, and then said: "As long as you do more good deeds in the future, it will be fine."

"Miss Qiao is such a kind person!" After hearing what she said, Li Yue couldn't help sighing.

"Heal your injury first." Qiao Youxue smiled, then turned and left.

After walking behind the screen, Qiao Youxue saw the surprised expression on Wuchen's face, and asked, "Little Master, what's wrong with you?"

After hearing Qiao Youxue's words, Wuchen came back to his senses, and then said: "Just a few days ago when I was in the fishing village, I heard someone looking for this girl. I thought, since I already know her identity , she should tell her family so that they don't worry."

"Okay." Qiao Youxue nodded and said.

Qiao Youxue suddenly noticed that Wan Xingchi had sat by the door at some point, as if he was not interested in the things inside, quietly looking at the bodhi tree in the courtyard.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, then she walked to his side and asked softly, "What are you thinking?"

Wan Xingchi had already noticed that Qiao Youxue was coming, and at this moment he heard her voice, the corners of his lips slowly raised, and then he said: "I was thinking, with the blessing of this shark's tears, one day in the future We will certainly not stand on opposite sides."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Why do you think that one day we will stand on opposite sides?"

After the words fell, Wan Xing did not speak for a long time. After an unknown period of time, he stood up and looked at Qiao Youxue, with the corners of his lips raised slightly, he said: "No, because I will never stand The place opposite you."

Qiao Youxue was slightly taken aback by the sudden words, and then smiled knowingly at Wan Xingchi.

After this matter was settled, it was time for Qiao Youxue and the second elder to leave Nanshan Temple. Wan Xingchi also said that he was going back to the Heavenly Sword Sect, so the three of them went on the same journey and left in the early morning of the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of them bid farewell to the abbot of Nanshan Temple and the Holy Son Wuchen, and planned to leave. However, just after they walked out of the temple gate, they saw a group of ordinary people surrounded by the temple gate. The gate of the temple opened, and everyone rushed to get in.

Qiao Youxue and the three were immediately squeezed out.

"This..." Qiao Youxue said in surprise.

The people rushed in very anxiously.

Just when Qiao Youxue was wondering, the Second Elder sighed.

"These people should be the relatives and family members of the person who died in the sea." The second elder said slowly.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue also sighed softly, then looked at the Second Elder and said, "Then what shall we do?"

The second elder shook his head faintly, and then said: "Nanshan Temple will do a good job, we should go."

After speaking, the three left here.

Circle after circle of monks gathered under the Seven-layer Mystery Tower, their eyes were fixed on the direction of the Mystery Tower, for fear that they would miss the change of the Mystery Tower just by taking a look.

Suddenly, the seventh floor tower began to rotate violently.

"Turn around! Someone has entered the seventh floor!" The crowd immediately began to boil.

"It is said that the blood of Xuanwu, the divine beast, is hidden in the seventh floor of the Seven-layer Mystery of Mystery Tower, and only three people can enter at a time. The last time the Mystery of Mystery Tower was opened was two years ago, and no one could make it to the seventh floor that time. When we reached the sixth floor, there were only two people left in the end, and only three of them could activate the seventh floor of the Mystery Tower by standing in a corner of the formation. There was no way for two people, so the monks had no chance After seeing the legendary Xuanwu beast, I never thought that someone would enter the seventh floor this year!"

"Hey, if it weren't for my cultivation level not reaching the foundation building stage, I would definitely have to enter the Mystery Tower to try it out!"

"Don't say it's you, even I miss it!"

And inside the seven-layer mysterious tower, starting from the sixth floor, monks walked down one by one. The gate on the first floor of the tower opened, and people came out one after another. As soon as he came out, the people watching outside the Xuanji Tower also knew who the person who finally entered the seventh floor was.

(End of this chapter)

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