The daily life of the villain

Chapter 418 Is it Color Embroidery?

Chapter 418 Is it Color Embroidery?
Her actions made Qian Cheng more affirmed what Lu Hehuan said, and quickly said: "Didn't you say that, you are looking for your team leader, and I will continue to look for Hehuan, the two of us Nothing to do with each other!"

"It's very dangerous to walk alone in this place." Fan Rongning looked helpless. She had emphasized this matter countless times, but Qian Cheng never listened.

However, Qian Cheng over there sneered, and then said: "Dangerous? You are the one with the highest cultivation level among the three of us. I am not afraid of danger, but you are."

"Fellow Daoist Qian, if you say that, you're going too far." Fan Rongning couldn't help but frown.

Qian Cheng snorted coldly, and then said: "Are we already familiar? Fan Daoyou, I have already said that I don't want to go all the way with you, right? Are you looking for Zhen Yan Po Zhen, then you go, what are you doing here with me?"

Hearing this, Fan Rongning's expression immediately turned down, and she said immediately, "I'm so shameless? If I wasn't afraid of something wrong with you, why would I follow in here! Fellow Daoist Qian, we all came up from the second floor together, how did we get here? This seventh floor, you have become like this?"

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Qian Cheng's eyes, and he continued, "What I become has nothing to do with you, Fan Daoyou, right?"

When the words fell, Fan Rongning's face completely darkened, she gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, okay, I don't care about Lu Hehuan's affairs, and I don't care about your affairs either. It's really a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people. Just look for my eyes, do whatever you like!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Rongning walked out of the room angrily.

Qian Cheng was still standing where he was, his fists under his sleeves clenched tightly.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Hehuan walked out slowly, looked around the room, then looked at Qian Cheng and said lightly, "She's gone?"

"Yes." Qian Cheng replied silently.

Hearing this, a smile flashed across Lu Hehuan's eyes, but when he raised his head to look at Qian Cheng, he quickly changed back to his original frightened appearance, and slowly said, "Let's go Well, I originally thought that Sister Fan was a very good person, senior brother Qian, it seems that the next road requires the two of us to work together and walk together."

Qian Cheng's eyes moved slightly, then he looked at Lu Hehuan, rubbed her hair lightly and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Senior Brother Qian is so kind." A look of coquettishness flashed across Lu Hehuan's eyes, any man could not help trembling when he saw this look.

Qian Cheng's heart also felt a little itchy, and then he took Lu Hehuan's hand and said, "Of course I want to be nice to you, but now we are the only ones who depend on each other."

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan couldn't help covering his lips and laughed, and then continued: "It's not too late, let's find a way to get out of here now."

"Okay, senior brother, I will listen to Hehuan." Qian Cheng looked at her with a smile and said.

"If you're looking for an opening, it's likely to be in the most dangerous room, but when I was thrown in by Fan Rongning before, I didn't go in because I was afraid, but now that we have separated from Fan Rongning I think that if she wants to leave, she will definitely go to the main room. In order to avoid running into her, we waited in this room for two hours. I think this time is enough for her to explore. If she If we can directly find the eye of the needle, wouldn't it be cheaper for both of us?" Lu Hehuan couldn't help but wink at Qian Cheng as he said.

Seeing this, Qian Cheng felt even more itchy in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't listen to what Lu Hehuan had to say, and could only stare at Lu Hehuan tightly.

Sensing his change, Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, and then said softly, "Senior Brother Qian, what are you thinking about?"

"Acacia." Qian Cheng said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan glared at him coquettishly, and then said: "Not serious..."

Seeing this made Qian Cheng's heart itch, and the next moment he suddenly grabbed Lu Hehuan's waist and hugged her horizontally, then hurriedly walked towards the back room, and said as he walked, "Didn't Hehuan mean that we Do we have to wait for two hours, the two hours are so long, should we do something?"

"I hate it..." Lu Hehuan blushed and cursed softly.

On this side, after Fan Rongning walked out of the house angrily, she looked at the remaining three houses in a blink of an eye.

She thought for a moment, and instead of walking towards the house in the middle, she entered the room on the left of that house.

As soon as he pushed the door and entered, the candle lighted up again in the room. The light of the candle was darker than that of Ali's maid's room before, but there were more red silk inside, and there were many A red candle that has not yet been lit.

The interior decoration is much more gorgeous than Ali's room, but at first glance, it doesn't look like a woman's room, but more like a man's room.

Fan Rongning didn't take a few steps when she clearly heard the sound of an iron chain colliding from the direction of the back room.

" it Caixiu?" A hoarse male voice came from the back room.

Fan Rongning's eyes moved slightly, listening to the voice, it should be an old man.

She continued to walk forward, and suddenly her eyes moved, and she saw that the floor below the door on the side wall was covered with dark brown marks, which she could tell were traces of dried blood.

She was startled, but she quickly stabilized her mind and continued to walk inside, but the further she walked, the deeper the dried blood on the floor became.

Fan Rongning walked into the back room, and saw that the room was empty, with almost nothing in it. She looked in another direction, and she couldn't help being surprised when she saw it.

I saw a miserable ghost cultivator whose limbs were bound by four very strong thick iron chains at this time, and his lute bone was also penetrated by two chains. It looked like it made people feel anxious for a while, and fresh blood was slowly flowing around him.

Sensing Fan Rongning walking in, the man slowly raised his head to look at her.

Fan Rongning didn't expect that the old man she thought was actually a young and handsome man. Even though his face was covered with blood, he still couldn't hide his beauty.

That ghost stared at her for a long time, and then continued in a hoarse voice: "You are not Caixiu, who are you?"

Hearing this, Fan Rongning was slightly taken aback, not knowing what to answer for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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