Chapter 424 Search
From this point of view, the story became more and more complicated. Fan Rongning frowned tightly, and opened the door the next moment and rushed out.

When she came to the yard, she didn't see anyone else in the yard, she didn't know where Qian Cheng went, and she didn't know the whereabouts of Lu Hehuan. The side house on the right ran past.

That was the room where I had just parted ways with Qian Cheng. At that time, I was really anxious, so I didn't enter that room at all. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid that very important information is hidden in that room.

On this side, after Fan Rongning entered the room, the two of them showed up.

"What is she going to do?" Lu Hehuan frowned slightly.

"Yes," Qian Cheng also said, "She has already entered that room, why is she in such a hurry now?"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the room in the middle calmly.

Fan Rongning had nothing to do before entering. After entering, she rushed directly to the room covered with rice paper. Could it be that there is really something in the main room?

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Lu Hehuan's eyes, and he let out a low cry.

"What's wrong?" Qian Cheng quickly looked over with concern and asked her.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan frowned slightly, looked at Qian Cheng with a weak face and said, "Senior Brother Qian, I...I suddenly found that an important thing on my body was left in the middle room. In or not."

"Really, then let's go in and look for it quickly, so don't lose it." Qian Cheng said, then dragged Lu Hehuan to the middle room.

Lu Hehuan saw that her scheme had succeeded, and Qian Cheng really had no doubts, so she wanted to go to the main room with her. She wanted to see what happened there to make Fan Rongning change so much. .

After pushing open the door and walking in, the door of the room closed by itself. Qian Cheng kept holding Lu Hehuan's hand. He looked at the entire empty room and asked with some doubts: "Hehuan, didn't you say that you came in by yourself? At that time, was there a monster in here, why can't I see anything now?"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's face changed slightly. This was a lie he made up to deceive Qian Cheng when he and Fan Rongning separated. Unexpectedly, Qian Cheng still remembered, so Lu Hehuan quickly thought about it, and then said: "The monster Although it is very powerful to me, its ability is still inferior to that of Fan Rongning, presumably it must have been cleaned up by Fan Rongning just now."

Qian Cheng's eyes moved slightly, thinking that what Lu Hehuan said was reasonable, he nodded, and did not continue to ask this question.

But he looked at the extremely empty environment around him, except for a few burning red candles, there was nothing inside, so he couldn't help asking: "Hehuan, what is the important thing you lost?"

At this time, Lu Hehuan naturally noticed this, his eyes flickered twice, and then quietly took off one of his earrings behind Qian Cheng's back, put it in the storage ring and said: "Senior Brother Qian, I lost it What I got was an earring, although it is not worth much, but it is the only thing my mother left me, and I absolutely cannot lose it."

"Earring?" Hearing this, Qian Cheng turned around involuntarily, looked at Lu Hehuan's ear, and saw a very small earring hanging on her left ear, while her right ear was empty. He couldn't help frowning and said: "No, when I was in that room just now, I clearly remembered that you had earrings on both ears. If you lost them, you should have lost them in that room. It's impossible. It's this room."

"Senior Brother Qian probably remembered it wrong." Lu Hehuan continued: "I also noticed that my earring was lost in that room, so I searched that room all over, but couldn't find it. It can only be left here."

Seeing Lu Hehuan's determined face, Qian Cheng began to hesitate.

"Did I really remember wrong?"

Lu Hehuan's eyes flickered, and he continued: "The situation here is really too complicated, Senior Brother Qian may have really misremembered."

"If that's the case, let's look for it quickly." After Qian Cheng finished speaking, he began to look for earrings for Lu Hehuan seriously.

Seeing that he finally convinced himself, Lu Hehuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked towards the other side.

Lu Hehuan carefully observed the surrounding scenery while walking, but this place is really just an ordinary room, and the Yin energy inside is also the same as when observing outside.

She stayed here for a full quarter of an hour, but nothing happened, Lu Hehuan couldn't help being puzzled.

On this side, Fan Rongning passed through the hanging rice paper as before, and then walked into the inner room.

A mess appeared in front of her.

The whole room looks like daytime, but the windows are always tightly closed. The facilities in the house are very simple, but these simple facilities are also placed in a mess at this time, as if they were deliberately messed up same.

Fan Rongning instinctively thought of Qian Cheng's appearance when she was talking to him earlier. At that time, she felt that Qian Cheng was a little strange, and he had already entered this back room, but he said nothing important. In this unknown space, How can he be so sure?

However, Fan Rongning didn't think about it any more, she walked straight to the low rosewood table, the ink on the table had been spilled, and there were still some ink stains that hadn't been wiped off, as if someone had spilled it. Not long ago.

If this room was originally like this, the ink stain would not look so wet.

Fan Rongning frowned slightly, then looked at the ground again.

There are not many things on the ground, a bamboo mat, a brush that fell off and was stained with ink, and a piece of rice paper stained by ink.

Fan Rongning's eyebrows moved slightly, and then she picked up the rice paper from the ground.

The ink stains stained most of the paper, but she could still vaguely read the words on it, and her expression changed suddenly.

Isn't this the acrostic that the scholar hadn't finished yet!

This room really belonged to that scholar, and this acrostic directly connected the fates of the three most important people in the whole story!
Thinking of this, Fan Rongning put this piece of rice paper in her storage ring, then looked at the things on the ground, picked up the writing brush, and put away the remaining ink on the table. Just walked out of the room.

She thought that she should know where the last eye was hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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