The daily life of the villain

Chapter 426 One Death

Chapter 426
"Your concubine is happy when you come, and you are sad when you go. When to wear the Xiapei, it is... the time when someone died."

The above poems finally formed a complete song. While watching, Fan Rongning couldn't help feeling a chill all over her body. She fell silent and thought for a while, and then said: "That is to say, if you want to break through this formation If it is not the law, only one of the three of us will die, right?"

Seeing that Fan Rongning understood so quickly, Miss Jun nodded appreciatively, and slowly replied: "Yes, only two people can go out here, and the remaining one must die in this place."

"It's impossible. You must be lying to me. This seven-level mystery tower guards the blood of the divine beast Xuanwu. It belongs to the righteous place. How can there be such inhuman rules!" Fan Rongning shook her head suspiciously. Looking at Miss Jun, she continued, "The real eye is on you, isn't it?"

"The road of cultivating the Tao is based on blood and other people's bones. What is the righteous way and what is the evil way? What do you think is really what you think?" Miss Jun's lips curled up slightly. Hook, continued: "Besides, who is to say whether this seven-layer mysterious tower belongs to the decent or the villain, and there can only be one person who finally gets the blood of Xuanwu, even if that person is a demon cultivator, Xuanwu will definitely recognize him as his master of."

Her voice hit her heart lightly, and Fan Rongning couldn't help being shocked again. She wanted to open her mouth to continue to refute, but after thinking about all the words she was about to say, even she herself could easily overthrow it. , I couldn't say anything.

"But you don't have to worry," Miss Jun slowly withdrew her gaze, embroidered the shoes in her hand again, and continued, "You are the first person to find this place, so naturally you don't have to die." Yes, but one of the remaining couple must die..."

When talking about this, Miss Jun's eyes flashed with interest, and she said, "It's very interesting."

Two figures suddenly flashed in Fan Rongning's mind.

One is Qian Cheng, who has been with him all this way, and the other is Lu Hehuan, who he met when he entered the seventh floor.

She couldn't help hesitating, no matter what kind of stalemate the previous few people had caused, she didn't want any of them to die now.

Thinking that the three of them opened the seventh-layer seal together, no matter who the Xuanwu bloodline chooses in the end, the three of them should also go out together.

Miss Jun could see what happened after the three of them entered the house. Thinking of the relationship between Lu Hehuan and Qian Cheng, she couldn't help feeling a little funny. I really don't know, if these two people meet suddenly How interesting it would be to turn against each other.

Miss Jun slowly raised her head again, looked in Fan Rongning's direction, and then said lightly: "Since this poem is in your hands now, I will send you out first."

After her words fell, Fan Rongning was startled and froze.

If she leaves now, what should Lu Hehuan and Qian Cheng do? Is there really only one person left alive?
But what can she do if she stays? Qian Cheng has already made it very clear, and she has made a very clear decision with him. If she stays and tells him what she has seen and heard, Not to mention whether Qian Cheng would believe her, even if he decided that Fan Rongning wanted to deliberately instigate the relationship between him and Lu Hehuan.

Thinking in this way, Fan Rongning didn't speak again. Seeing her like this, Miss Jun's hands didn't stop. With a slight lift of her hand, the rice paper in Fan Rongning's hand slowly floated up. Suddenly, the plain rice paper began to emit a soft white light, which directly shone towards Fan Rongning.

Fan Rongning quickly closed her eyes, but she could still feel it. The white light slowly enveloped her, and her body seemed to become light. The next moment she opened her eyes, there was a long organ in front of her. bridge.

"That poem is gone." In the back room, Qian Cheng pointed to the direction of the table, and then said: "When I first came in, there was an unfinished poem on the table, I still remember it clearly , that poem was still in this room until we left here, why did it suddenly disappear now?"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "When you say that, I really think I have some impressions, Senior Brother Qian, do you still remember what was written in that poem?"

"The concubine is happy when you come, and you are sad when you go. When will you wear the Xiapei..." Qian Cheng paused, and then continued: "There is nothing left here. There is only the last line left in this poem, and I don't know the original author. What is the last thing you want to write?"

"This poem can only be taken away by Fan Rongning." Lu Hehuan said, and then frowned slightly.

Why did Fan Rongning suddenly rush out of the main room, just to come to this room to take a poem?
This poem must have something to do with breaking the formation!

Lu Hehuan fell into deep thought, and during this time, Qian Cheng had searched the entire room again, and sure enough, there was no whereabouts of the rice paper.

Finally, Qian Cheng sighed helplessly.

"It's okay." At this time, Lu Hehuan suddenly said, "It's just a poem. What we want to think about now is how to get out of this illusion, but what is certain is that the eyes are definitely not in this room. Let's go out."

Hearing this, Qian Cheng nodded lightly, and the two left the room together.

Lu Hehuan was silently thinking about the poem Qian Cheng just said in her heart, but just as she was thinking about it, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Want to get out of here?"

After the woman's voice fell, Lu Hehuan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Qian Cheng also stopped, looked at Lu Hehuan and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that Qian Cheng still had a normal face, Lu Hehuan suddenly came back to his senses, then smiled at Qian Cheng and said, "It's nothing, let's continue walking."

After finishing speaking, he and Qian Cheng continued to walk.

But Lu Hehuan had a doubt in his heart.

She originally thought that the voice should be Fan Rongning transmitting to her or something. After all, as far as she knew, if there was a woman in the house, it could only be Fan Rongning, but when the voice fell, she But it can be clearly distinguished that this is not Fan Rongning.

Who is it that is transmitting the sound to her?
(End of this chapter)

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