Chapter 429 The Second Level

However, Qian Cheng only took a few steps away before falling heavily on the ground. He tried to get up, but it seemed as if all the strength in his body had been used up, and he couldn't support him to stand up again.

Seeing Qian Cheng's appearance, the smile on Lu Hehuan's face became more publicized. She just stood aside and watched quietly, neither going forward to help him, nor directly killing him , just stood there and watched him die slowly.

At this time, Qian Cheng's heart was full of hatred, but at this moment he could know that he was afraid that no one would come to help him again. Today, he was destined to die here.

After another period of time, Qian Cheng's consciousness gradually went blank, the scene in front of him began to blur, and it was difficult to feel the pain in his body anymore.

Lu Hehuan leisurely put the dagger in his hand back into the storage ring, and then slowly walked towards Qian Cheng's direction.

At this moment, Qian Cheng curled up into a ball on the ground, with his back to Lu Hehuan.

Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, and then he stretched out a hand to pull Qian Cheng's body over. Looking at his pale face, he confirmed again that he was completely out of breath. She bent slightly, then stood up and looked in the direction of the embroidered building.

Lu Hehuan first walked around the first floor, but found no one, so he walked towards the second floor.

After arriving on the second floor, she walked directly to the room with the most yin energy based on her feeling.

Not long after, she came to Miss Jun's door, and after pushing the door open, a woman in a red wedding dress appeared in front of her eyes.

"You're here." Miss Jun's lips curled up slightly, and she said calmly.

Lu Hehuan immediately recognized that the voice was the same as the one he had just reminded himself in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the expression on his face changed slightly, and he asked directly: "I don't know, how about leaving this formation?" The girl clearly said that she would only tell me one person, but unexpectedly, she planned to remind that idiot after she finished speaking."

Hearing this, Miss Jun frowned slightly, and then said slowly: "I am also treating everyone who comes here fairly. Since I have told you all, why do I favor one over another?"

"It's a pity that that person won't seize the opportunity, and his nature is too stupid, the girl still misjudged the person." Lu Hehuan had a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Miss Jun's eyes moved, and then she said in a low voice, "That's right, aren't you here?"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's complexion got better, and he said, "Then girl, send me out of here quickly."

"What's the hurry?" The corners of Miss Jun's lips curled up slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her eyes and brows. She then said, "Don't you want to know where this is?"

"I'm not interested. I just know that if I'm a moment too late, Fan Rongning will probably snatch what I want. If the girl really wants to say something, there will be another person in the yard. Although he is dead, but He can listen to whatever you want, as long as you want him to listen." Lu Hehuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Miss Jun's face darkened slightly, she stared at Lu Hehuan for a while, and then said, "You are really cruel."

"Life is forcing me." Lu Hehuan said flatly, then looked at Miss Jun again, and said, "Miss, send me out quickly."

"Okay." Miss Jun raised her eyebrows and continued, "I wish you good luck."

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan chuckled and replied, "I've always been lucky."

Miss Jun looked at Lu Hehuan in front of her, said nothing, then waved her hand, and the rice paper with the complete poem appeared in the air, and then a white light shrouded Lu Hehuan.

Soon, Lu Hehuan disappeared.

After Miss Jun put the rice paper away again, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, but was soon covered by a trace of interest. She got up slowly, walked out of the room, stood on the corridor on the second floor and looked down. go.

Qian Cheng's body was so conspicuously lying across the courtyard, with bright red blood covering the entire ground, her eyes moved slightly, and she murmured: "Tell him to listen..."

On this side, after Lu Hehuan left the illusion, a very long mechanism bridge appeared in front of him.

"Is this the second level?" Lu Hehuan murmured softly, then frowned slightly, and continued: "I don't know when Fan Rongning came out, I think she has already walked on this bridge .”

Therefore, Lu Hehuan hurriedly stepped onto the mechanism bridge.

Qingyun City

The antlers on the fawn's head were wrapped in three hundred pieces of cloth so that it would not attract the attention of others when walking on the street. It will be different if there is a handsome man with an iceberg face behind him who looks like a stranger.

Sensing the weird looks from the people around, Sanbai tugged on Xiaolu's sleeve.

Xiaolu can also feel these gazes naturally, she and Xiaolang have also lived in this Qingyun City for a period of time, and they have encountered such situations countless times, and their hearts are full of helplessness.

Little Lu bit his lip, then turned around to look at Ice Weeping Wolf who was following him, and said, "Little Wolf, you should go back, Sister Xue said that the law and order in Qingyun City is very good when she left. , there will be no danger at all, and there are three hundred sisters by my side."

After Xiaolu's words fell, Ice Weeping Wolf glanced at Sanbai lightly, as if he didn't take her seriously, and then said in a low voice: "No."

After hearing what the Ice Weeping Wolf said, Xiaolu's mouth pouted immediately.

Sanbai just wanted to say something, but was glared at by Bingcrying Wolf and swallowed back what he originally wanted to say.

Xiao Lu still muttered dissatisfiedly: "Sister Sanbai and I came to the street to buy things for sister Bi'an to assist in her cultivation. It's not like going to a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair. The little wolf is following too closely."

"Don't follow closely, what if you lose it and can't find me?" There was a hint of helplessness in the tone of Ice Crying Wolf.

Hearing this, Xiaolu pouted again, although she was still a little awkward, but there was still a trace of warmth, she didn't speak any more, and continued to walk on the street with Sanbai.

"Sister Bi'an seems to be practicing every day recently." Xiaolu said suddenly.

After her words fell, Sanbai thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect Xiaolu to observe so carefully. I didn't even notice it if you didn't tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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