The daily life of the villain

Chapter 441 I am also responsible for this matter

Chapter 441 I am also responsible for this matter

Gu Qingshui realized that the headmaster Ji might be a little displeased with what he said to him at this time, so he hesitated even more in his heart.

Qiao Youxue glanced at Gu Qingshui, then placed it on the head of Ji, and then said: "Senior brother Gu is right, for monks, the two of us are really too young, and Cousin Murong It is a family marriage with Mr. Su, which is different from ordinary people."

Headmaster Ji turned his eyes, looked at Qiao Youxue and smiled, "Youxue, I know what you mean, indeed, getting married now is too young for you, but it's no problem to make a marriage. Yes, when the time is right, this deity will organize the double cultivation ceremony for you."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue frowned involuntarily.

Seeing that Qiao Youxue didn't speak any more, Head Master Ji looked at the second elder, and continued, "Second Senior Brother, you should know these two children very well, and Youxue's status is special, so she can be worthy in this world. She doesn't have many men, and among these men, Qing Shui is perfect."

Hearing Sect Master Ji's persuasion, the Second Elder really hesitated.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's brows frowned even tighter, and she glanced at Gu Qingshui again and said, "It's not that the head doesn't know that Senior Brother Gu has someone in his heart, and I won't marry a man who has someone else in his heart. If you came here to lobby this time, then you should go back."

Seeing Qiao Youxue's entire face pulled down, the expression on Master Ji's face was also slightly stiff. This was the first time Qiao Youxue spoke to him in such a strong tone.

On the other hand, Gu Qingshui fell into deep thought, and at some point came to his senses, he raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Youxue.

Maybe, it's time for him to calm down, maybe his fate with Lu Hehuan is only for a short moment, and now Lu Hehuan doesn't want to see him anymore, and I heard that he left the sect a few days ago.

If that's the case, it's better to let everything go back to the original point.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Gu Qingshui's eyes, while Qiao Youxue was still resolute at this moment.

Head Ji was slightly stunned, and then said: "Youxue, I know your concerns, but it's just Qing Shui's confusion for a while, don't worry, if you disagree, I will directly expel that woman named Lu Hehuan Qingyun Sect."

As soon as Master Ji's words fell, Gu Qingshui's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Master, He Huan did something wrong, but she also got the punishment she deserved, and now They've already been demoted back to the outer sect, so there's no need for you to do things so utterly."

"What did this deity do? With what the woman did, it is okay for this deity to execute her directly!" Sect Master Ji said, staring at Gu Qingshui coldly.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue gently rubbed her forehead, and then said lightly: "If the head of the sect comes today to cleanse Youxue and the second elder, Youxue will naturally be overjoyed, but if you come to discuss marriage, please come back Well, Youxue really has no plans to get married, and even if she does, Youxue will never consider Senior Brother Gu."

Qiao Youxue's voice was put down coldly, even if the person in front of her was the head of Qingyun Sect, her tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

And headmaster Ji saw Qiao Youxue's decisive attitude, and knew that he couldn't touch her any more, and felt helpless in his heart, so he turned his head and gave Gu Qingshui a look.

His disciple is really confused, he can't tell the difference between fish eyes and dragon balls, but he has a deep affection for that Lu Hehuan, which really disappoints him.

Headmaster Ji had no choice but to smile and said: "Since Youxue doesn't want to listen, let's talk about other things. Today is mainly for Second Senior Brother and Youxue to clean up the dust. This time, we can help Nanshan Temple through Such a big catastrophe, if it spreads out, it must be another good story."

With that said, Master Ji raised the wine glass in his hand.

Seeing this, the second elder also picked up the wine glass in his hand, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she also picked up the wine glass, Gu Qingshui was in a trance for a while, even when she picked up the wine glass, she seemed absent-minded.

After returning from Fu Nian Valley, Qiao Youxue's face was always very gloomy. After tidying up her residence on the Lunxin Peak, she went straight down the mountain, left the sect and headed towards Qingyun City. go.

Qiao Youxue really wanted to go back to her house to see how Bi An, Sanbai, and Xiao Lu and Ice Weeping Wolf were doing these days, but she didn't expect that she saw a red dress on the road, as if she was looking for someone the other side.

Seeing the anxious figure, Qiao Youxue frowned slightly, walked over and asked, "Bi'an, what are you looking for?"

After finally hearing the voice that he was all too familiar with, Bi An quickly turned his head to look at Qiao Youxue, his eyes were filled with surprise at first, and then covered with panic.

"Master, you are finally back, you don't know, three hundred...three hundred she..." Bi An said.

Looking at the expression on Bi An's face at this time, Qiao Youxue suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, her eyes sank, and she immediately asked, "What's wrong with the three hundred?"

The other side finally gritted his teeth, and then said: "Sanbai disappeared when he went out to buy spirit grass for me..."

"Missing?!" After hearing these words, Qiao Youxue's expression changed slightly.

Speaking of missing, she didn't quite believe it, because Sanbai was different from other people, she was the cloud-seeking mouse who was said to be able to be fought over by monks. Ever since Sanbai appeared, Qiao Youxue almost rarely let her alone. When people go out, they will basically not let her look for treasures, so that she is well hidden. Except for her and the people around her who must be trustworthy, almost no one knows that Sanbai is Miyunshu's identity, but it is impossible I fully guarantee that now that the three hundred have suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that a large part of them may have been taken away by someone.

Qiao Youxue immediately became serious, looked at the other side and said: "What is going on, let's go back to the house and talk about it."

After returning to Qiao Youxue's independent mansion in Qingyun City, Bi'an also called Xiaolu and Ice Weeping Wolf who were looking for Sanbai outside, and then Xiaolu began to tell Qiao Youxue what happened on the day Sanbai disappeared.

During the listening process, Qiao Youxue's brows were always furrowed, until Xiao Lu finished speaking, she had no thoughts at all.

Qiao Youxue didn't speak any more, while Bi'an and Xiaolu stood aside, watching the expression on her face, they didn't dare to say a word.

But the Ice Weeping Wolf frowned slightly uncharacteristically, broke the silence in the air and said: "I am also responsible for this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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