Chapter 450 Arrival
After walking for a while, Ci Xueyi stopped. She was not a mutated ice spirit root. Although her own water spirit root and ice spirit energy were very similar, as we all know, water is softer, and ice spirit energy attacks Sex is very powerful, so at this time, she also had to use spiritual energy to resist the invasion of the cold outside.

After brushing off the thick layer of snow that had piled up on his body, Ci Xueyi released the three hundred.

As soon as the three hundred hit the ground, she turned into a girl in a purple-gray dress. At this time, she was also shivering from the cold. When she was in the animal imperial bag, she curled up her body, and now she is directly exposed to the In this wind and snow, he was quickly frozen back to his original form, so that he could still be warmer.

Ci Xueyi looked at this scene without any expression on his face. He just lifted Sanbai lightly from the ground, then hugged him into his arms, and said: "This is the land of the extreme north, the only place where you can find the best Where the ice-type spirits are, look quickly, where are the treasures!"

The purple-gray mouse shrank in Ci Xueyi's arms, and said, "I can indeed feel the existence of many spiritual creatures here, but none of the top-quality ones you are looking for."

Hearing this, Ci Xueyi's eyes moved, and then he took another step forward and said, "If that's the case, let's go ahead and have a look."

As Ci Xueyi gradually moved forward, Sanbai could feel that the surrounding temperature was getting lower and there was a blizzard in front of him. Seeing this, Sanbai hurriedly said: "Don't go any further! If we continue like this, we will be killed Frozen to death!"

There was no expression on Ci Xueyi's face, and he opened his mouth to answer: "The farther you go to the extreme north, the more top-quality treasures can appear. I must find someone to detoxify my brother."

"That iceberg face, what is worth doing for him? Don't go any further, it's too dangerous!" Sanbai couldn't help but shouted, and now she had used most of her aura. Resisting the cold temperature, seeing Ci Xueyi walking forward step by step, his heart was full of anxiety.

However, Ci Xueyi did not speak, and continued to walk forward.

In mid-air, Qiao Youxue could see a layer of whiteness below from a distance, and the oncoming ice aura made her body very comfortable, as if all her meridians were opened, and she quickly absorbed this very pure energy. Ice Reiki.

To ordinary people, she should already be shivering from the cold at this time, but to Qiao Youxue, she is like a fish in water, and she has never been in such a good state.

Of course, she naturally knew that the spirit root in Yu Shili's body was water spirit root, and although she was close to the ice spirit energy, it should be very uncomfortable at this time.

So he turned his head to look at him and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay." Yu Shili answered her lightly. Although the expression on his face was the same, it could be seen that he had activated his spiritual power to resist the cold outside.

Qiao Youxue didn't say anything more, but turned her head to look at Ice Weeping Wolf.

Ice Weeping Wolf's personality is also very cold, just like Yu Shili, no emotion can be seen on his face, but Qiao Youxue can feel that Ice Weeping Wolf's body is naturally very happy at this time.

"Here we are." Yu Shili said lightly.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue flew down together with him.

Landing on the ground, the two of them stepped on the snow and made a crisp creaking sound. Yu Shili's figure was in front of Qiao Youxue, dressed in clean blue, which was particularly beautiful against the snow-white background.

As soon as he landed on the ground, the head-on cold invaded, Yu Shili's face turned slightly pale, but soon stabilized again.

But Qiao Youxue didn't feel anything.

Yu Shili didn't say anything, and walked straight ahead, while Qiao Youxue quietly followed behind, a purple-gold light flashed in his hand, and Futu Sanyi appeared in his hand.

Qiao Youxue wanted to feel Sanbai's location through Futu Sanyi, but it may be because the distance is still very far away, and she still can't feel Sanbai's location.

The light in Qiao Youxue's eyes dimmed slightly again, then she raised her eyes to look at Yu Shili's back.

Ice Weeping Wolf walked forward with the two of them. He hadn't seen such heavy snow for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel better.

As the two continued to move forward, the temperature around them became colder and colder, and Qiao Youxue could also feel the changes in Yu Shili around her.

"How are you?" At dusk, Qiao Youxue looked at Yu Shili and asked.

Yu Shili's eyes moved slightly, and then he said, "I'm fine. At night, the extreme north will be even more dangerous. We need to find a place to rest before dark."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue released her consciousness, and all the scenery in a radius of several miles was in her sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly, she found an ice cave and said, "There is an ice cave not far from here. Other than that, there is nothing else, although it looks crude, but it can block the wind and snow."

If it was in other places, Qiao Youxue would have directly taken out the magic weapon in the house, but this is the extreme north, as long as she took out the magic weapon, she would be destroyed by the wind and snow in just a moment.

Yu Shili nodded lightly when he heard Qiao Youxue's words, and then said, "Okay."

So Qiao Youxue led the way, and the two walked towards the ice cave.

After arriving in front of the ice cave, Yu Shili looked it over, and then said: "This should be something left when a certain great power came to explore the extreme north, and it can exist in this extreme north." Things are not made by ordinary people.”

"I've heard it before, saying that people who have not cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage should not enter the extreme north rashly. There are always dangers lurking here, but we have come this way, what is it?" I haven't seen any of them." Qiao Youxue frowned slightly and said.

Hearing this, Yu Shili's eyes moved, and he immediately replied: "Because we haven't really entered the extreme north yet, if we want to really enter, without the cultivation of the out-of-body state, it will be difficult to move an inch."

After his words fell, a light flashed in Qiao Youxue's eyes, and he said, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be very dangerous for Ci Xueyi to find top-quality spiritual objects?"

Yu Shili was slightly taken aback, and after a moment of silence, he said in a low voice: "Indeed."

(End of this chapter)

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