The daily life of the villain

Chapter 456 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 456 Memories
Her body was already frozen stiff, and half of her body was buried in the wind and snow. At this moment, Sanbai, who felt the cold outside, slowly woke up, opened her eyes, looked at Qiao Youxue and asked, "Master." ,This is where?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and then Sanbai turned back into the girl in the purple-gray dress, sitting in the bowl and poking her head out to look at Qiao Youxue, but when she saw this When the surrounding environment was familiar, his face changed slightly.

Seeing her appearance, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she said, "Has your body recovered?"

She knew that Sanbai must have recognized this place by now.

Sanbai froze for a moment, then looked at the lifeless body in the wind and snow, a light flashed in his eyes, and his thoughts returned to three days ago.

Ci Xueyi looked up at the towering snow-capped mountains in front of him, his eyes moved slightly, and then he shook the three hundred tightly held in his arms, and asked, "Don't go to sleep, the spirit you said Is the object on this snow mountain?"

Even though it was tightly covered by Ci Xueyi, the cold outside still made Sanbai's body curl up into a ball and shiver, Sanbai gritted his teeth and said, "How can I sleep in this kind of place!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll stew you if I can't find any spiritual objects!" Ci Xueyi frowned and said.

Hearing this, Sanbai's attitude was not much better, and he said, "What I can feel is on the top of this snow-capped mountain, and the grade may be above the top grade."

After hearing what Sanbai said, a smile finally appeared on Ci Xueyi's face.

But at this time, her complexion was pale, her eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with wind and snow, and she completely lost her previous appearance.

After Ci Xueyi took out her long sword, she took the three hundred swords and headed towards the peak of the snow mountain, because she had consumed a lot of physical strength a few days ago, so it was even more difficult for her at this time , the oncoming wind and snow blew her body precariously several times, but Ci Xueyi cautiously and slowly walked upwards, and it took a long time before she reached the peak of the snow mountain.

As soon as he came here, the chill stabbed into his body like a knife, and Sanbai couldn't help shouting: "My God! This is not a place for people to stay here, let's go!"

Ci Xueyi could also feel the discomfort brought to her by this place, and her face turned even paler, but at this time, she didn't have the slightest intention to back down, but asked Sanbai calmly, "In what direction?"

"We can't go any further, otherwise both of us will die!" Sensing Ci Xueyi's intention to move forward, Sanbai suddenly struggled from her arms, and her heart was suddenly attacked by fear, Then he said: "Even if you want to save another person, why would you risk your own life!"

Ci Xueyi trapped Sanbai forcefully, and then shouted: "What do you know!"

Sanbai still couldn't break free from Ci Xueyi, even so, she was still struggling.

Ci Xueyi went on to say, "I want to save him, even at the cost of my own life. Tell me where it is!"

"You're crazy! People will freeze to death here!" Sanbai still refused to speak.

"Then I will fight to the death!" Ci Xueyi shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

Hearing this, Sanbai finally stopped struggling. At this time, she was full of helplessness and continued: "I am not your beast pet, and I have no obligation to die with you. Anyway, I will not go any further. , if you kill me, Xueyu Taoist will wait to bear the wrath of my master!"

"I know, I know Qiao Youxue is very strong..." Ci Xueyi gave a wry smile, and then continued: "She was very strong back then, and she should be even stronger now, and there are people from the first family and the first sect behind her." Support, although Xueyu Taoism is one of the seven great immortal sects like Qingyun Sect, but to be honest, all the power is probably not as strong as half of the inner sect of Qingyun Sect. I know that Qiao Youxue will definitely not let me go if I tie you here this time , I am willing to bear all her anger, I just ask you to tell me, where is the spirit?"

Sanbai raised her head, seeing Ci Xueyi's sudden seriousness, she blinked slightly.

The firmness in her eyes was something Sanbai had never seen before. It was as solid as a rock. After seeing this look, Sanbai knew that this time, she might not be able to back down.

After being silent for a long time, Sanbai finally said: "Go forward a hundred steps, and then turn left. The place where this secret treasure is located is extremely hidden, and I can't detect it. If I want to find it, I'm afraid it will take a while gone."

Hearing this, the corners of Ci Xueyi's lips slightly raised, and then she looked to follow Sanbai's instructions and walked forward, but as soon as she moved, a biting cold wind rushed towards her face.

"Ah!" Ci Xueyi screamed, her body was directly forced back to the edge of the mountain by the strong cold wind, and she was about to fall, but fortunately she reacted quickly and quickly stabilized her body, Then walk forward again.

Seeing all this, Sanbai's heart skipped a beat, and then he shouted: "It's over, you must have triggered something!"

Ci Xueyi frowned slightly, calmed down and said, "It's okay, since it's a top-quality spiritual object, it must not be easy to get."

After finishing speaking, Ci Xueyi continued to walk forward, and after walking a few steps, her whole body was photographed back by the oncoming wind again, and the cycle went on and on more than ten times, Ci Xueyi There was blood on the corner of his mouth.

Almost falling down the mountain again, Sanbai gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't go, it's too difficult here, or let's go to another place and have a look!"

Ci Xueyi smiled helplessly, and then said, "It's not so easy to find the best spiritual things."

After the voice fell, she walked forward again.

"Ah—" This time the gust was stronger than the previous ones, and it hit Ci Xueyi's heart fiercely. Suddenly, she sprayed bright red blood all over the place, and her whole body fell to the ground.

Sanbai's heart skipped a beat again.

"What's wrong with you, let's leave quickly!" Sanbai shouted.

Ci Xueyi's mind felt dizzy for a while, Sanbai's voice was right next to her ears, but it seemed very far away, and the blood in her mouth was still flowing continuously.

Seeing Ci Xueyi's current situation, Sanbai's heart became even more anxious, and hurriedly shouted again: "Ci Xueyi! Ci Xueyi, get up quickly, don't you want to save your brother?!"

"Master...Senior brother..." Ci Xueyi's eyes moved slightly, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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