The daily life of the villain

Chapter 459 The Beautiful Man Takes a Bath

Chapter 459 The Beautiful Man Takes a Bath
Qiao Youxue's eyes blinked lightly, Yu Shili also came back to his senses suddenly, looked at Qiao Youxue and asked lightly: "Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue shook her head blankly.

Not to mention not a single wound on her body, even a single strand of hair was not missing, and even though the gust of wind had penetrated her body just now, she only felt a bit of coolness passing over her dantian, and then It was pushed down by this impact, and there was nothing else beside it.

The Ice Weeping Wolf looked at Qiao Youxue's situation at the side, and said silently: "If I guess correctly, the strong wind here can't attack the person with the mutated ice spirit root. , and people with Binglinggen, their bodies are inherently cold."

After hearing what Ice Weeping Wolf said, Qiao Youxue also suddenly understood.

At this time, Yu Shili saw that Qiao Youxue really didn't seem to be hurt in the slightest, and suddenly thought of how he had rushed towards her recklessly just now, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly let go of Qiao Youxue's hug. hand, and stood up.

"Ouch!" Qiao Youxue suddenly lost the strength to support her body, and fell into the snow, she couldn't help but screamed.

After standing up from the snow, Qiao Youxue patted off the snowflakes on her body, frowned slightly, looked at Yu Shili beside her and said, "Can't Mr. Yu give a signal before letting go?"

Yu Shili's face turned red, and he skipped the topic directly, and asked, "It should be the same situation as Junior Sister, but why is Miss Qiao okay?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue glanced lightly at Ci Xueyi who was placed directly on the snow by Yu Shili, and then said: "If you stay in a cold place for a long time, cold poison will accumulate in your body. If the poison penetrates to the bone, there is really no way to recover, but the body of a person with mutated ice spirit roots is already cold, so how can these cold poisons affect them?"

Yu Shili suddenly understood that the disciples of Xueyu Taoism all contained water spirit roots in their bodies, and Ci Xueyi did the same, but the water spirit roots were water spirit roots after all. Still can never keep up with the real ice system.

Seeing that Yu Shili understood, Qiao Youxue went on to say, "Master Yu, please wait here for a while, and I will help Ci Xueyi get rid of my animal pet."

Hearing this, Sanbai's gaze at Qiao Youxue moved slightly.

Yu Shili's expression also changed, and he said almost without hesitation: "Don't bother Miss Qiao."

Qiao Youxue glanced at him indifferently, without saying a word, then looked at Sanbai, Futu Sanyi appeared in her hand, and said, "Come in."

Sanbai understood, and then turned into a purple-gray light and rushed back into Futu Sanyi.

After finishing all this, Qiao Youxue turned around and walked in that direction again, but before she could move her footsteps, her body moved, and then she said lightly: "Young Master Yu, please take good care of your junior sister here, of course I don't I will like Ci Xueyi very much. I blame her for bringing Sanbai to this place, but I also thank her for being able to protect my Sanbai all the way. The account that was paid will still have to be settled when we go back."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue walked forward again.

It was the same as the first time, every time Qiao Youxue took a step forward, there would be a gust of wind and a wind blade turned from flying snow coming towards her, at first Qiao Youxue was still shaking under the impact of the wind blade She swayed, but the further she got to the back, the more steady her steps became, as if there was nothing.

Yu Shili quietly watched the white-clothed figure in front of him slowly disappear from sight, and then came back to his senses, his eyes moved slightly, then turned around, and looked at Ci Xue in the snow Clothes.

Qiao Youxue had been walking for a long time, when suddenly three hundred voices rang out from the floating map in her hand: "Master, you can stop now, the treasure is nearby."

After hearing Sanbai's words, Qiao Youxue stopped in her tracks, looking at Merlin who appeared in front of her at some unknown time, her thoughts faltered slightly.

"Melin..." Qiao Youxue murmured in a low voice.

The red plums in the plum grove in front of me were exquisite and gorgeous, and the fragrance of plums wafted in the air, and the sweet smell instantly surrounded Qiao Youxue.

On such a high snow-capped mountain, in such a harsh environment, there is such a beautiful red plum forest.

It seems that the treasure in the three hundred mouths should be in the red plum forest.

Thinking in this way, Qiao Youxue calmed down slightly, then picked up her steps and walked forward.

Unknowingly, she walked into the depths of the Merlin, but Qiao Youxue also felt a little puzzled in her heart. If there really was a top-quality spiritual creature, she should be able to feel it too, but she hasn't felt it after walking for so long.

Just when she was wondering, the corner of her eye suddenly saw a hazy white mist.

Looking at the curling white mist, Qiao Youxue narrowed her eyes slightly.

That's it!

After she made up her mind, Qiao Youxue walked towards that direction with great strides.

Before, she wondered why there was a white mist there, but when she saw it clearly, her face flushed instantly, and she quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

Wrapped in the white mist, there is a cold spring that is still constantly blowing cold air, and in this cold spring, a boy with a bare upper body is sitting in the cold spring with his back facing Qiao Youxue and closing his eyes.

Before she knew it, Qiao Youxue slowly opened a gap between her fingers covering her eyes, and she couldn't help looking into the cold spring.

The boy's skin was as white as jade, his back was strong and firm, and half of his long black hair was tied up. Although the scattered black hair covered most of his body, just looking at it from a distance made Qiao Youxue feel confident in his heart. This person's appearance will definitely not be ugly!

But at this time, the young man Xu felt that there was someone else's presence here, and the cold spring water in front of Qiao Youxue erupted suddenly, forming a water curtain out of thin air to block her, covering all her sight.

Qiao Youxue immediately put her hands down, looking at the water curtain in front of her, she was slightly startled.

It seems that this was discovered by someone. She is the No.1 disciple of cultivation, the eldest daughter of the Qiao family of the first family...

Slightly embarrassing.

Just when Qiao Youxue's mood was slightly flustered, the water curtain in front of her seemed to lose the power to support them in an instant, and the icy cold spring water quickly fell back down. Without the barrier of this water curtain, in Qiao Youxue's sight, a whole body The boy in black held a cold sword, floated above the cold spring, and suddenly stabbed in her direction...

(End of this chapter)

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