The daily life of the villain

Chapter 477 Elder Dan 1

Chapter 477 Elder Dan Yi

After Shen Qianqiu's words fell, Gu Qingshui stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at him, and frowned slightly.

"Rival in love?" Gu Qingshui didn't know why this fellow suddenly gave him a rival in love, and he was very puzzled.

"Of course, that matter has spread throughout the cultivation world. At the Sword Discussion Conference of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Wan Xingchi made one move to defeat the enemy, and he was invincible. He attacked all enemies quickly and ruthlessly. To be willing to bow down to Junior Sister Qiao, this water can't be more obvious. In other people's words, Wan Xingchi met Qiao Youxue without making a move at all, and the whole person was defeated. Isn't this because he likes Junior Sister Qiao? ?” Shen Qianqiu spoke logically, and then continued: “And the rumors about the two of them went crazy, but it’s so interesting!”

Naturally, Gu Qingshui knew what happened at that time. After he heard about it at that time, he didn't know what it was like, so he went to Qiao Youxue directly to ask the reason.

Thinking about it now, my behavior at that time was really ridiculous.

He will never forget that two years ago, the head master took him to Fu Nian Valley to find the second elder and Qiao Youxue, and wanted to propose marriage to her. At that time, he was directly rejected by Qiao Youxue. The head master actually wanted to match the two of them, he was surprised but also had a little expectation, thinking that if he could really marry Qiao Youxue, he might be able to accept his thoughts in the future, but he didn't. Thinking that she refused so simply and neatly, I couldn't help feeling a little bit more disappointed in my heart.

But this is all in the past after all, he doesn't want to worry about Qiao Youxue anymore, because that person is gone.

Since Lu Hehuan became a sect, he seemed to have completely disappeared in the realm of comprehension. Since the Seventh Layer Mystery Tower, he could no longer trace her whereabouts. He even thought about going out to find Lu Hehuan, but Head Ji kept stopping him all the time, telling him to concentrate on his cultivation and stop thinking about things he shouldn't think about, but how could he not think about it...

Seeing that Gu Qingshui still didn't answer, Shen Qianqiu became more confused, and asked directly: "Then why did you change so much?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingshui's eyes moved, and then he said, "It's better that you don't know about some things."

Gu Qingshui knew in his heart that Shen Qianqiu had always had the best relationship with him. If he knew about the turmoil that Lu Hehuan had caused in Qingyun Sect over the years, he would definitely persuade him not to like this woman anymore. At that time, he really didn't want to look at her The friend who used to talk to him all the time has become a person like his master.

But upon hearing Gu Qingshui's words, Shen Qianqiu's face immediately changed, and he stopped in his tracks and asked: "Why, I haven't seen you for three years, you will stop treating me as a friend, won't you?"

Seeing this, Gu Qingshui's footsteps also paused and turned around to look at Shen Qianqiu behind him, frowning slightly, and then said: "I just don't want you to become like others. Things, brother Shen, you may have never felt what it feels like to want to protect a woman all the time in your heart."

"Do you have a lover in your heart?" Shen Qianqiu raised her eyebrows slightly.

Hearing this, Gu Qingshui nodded frankly.

A trace of doubt appeared in Shen Qianqiu's eyes, and then asked: "Isn't it Junior Sister Qiao?"

"No." Gu Qingshui replied lightly.

The next moment, Shen Qianqiu's face was full of surprise.

Seeing this, Gu Qingshui turned around again and continued walking forward.

And Shen Qianqiu, who was behind him, suddenly shouted loudly: "I must know about you, if you don't want me to know, then I will ask someone else!"

Gu Qingshui didn't speak any more, but frowned slightly, because he knew that if Shen Qianqiu really wanted to know something, no one would be able to stop him.

"Tsk tsk, look at them, even Xiao Qingshui has someone he likes, when will you find a couple who are dual cultivators!" Zhu Yunfeng, elder Danyi, the highest attained eighth-rank alchemist in the alchemy room, in the entire Qingyun sect Looking at Shen Qianqiu, she pouted and said.

Hearing this, Shen Qianqiu looked distressed, and yelled at Elder Dan Yi: "You know how to praise Gu Qingshui, look at what he has done for that woman, it's all like this! Still praising him and talking about me, who is your direct disciple!"

"I was telling the truth!" Elder Danyi raised his two gray beards, stared at Shen Qianqiu and said, "Look at you, you know how to study alchemy all day long, and you often don't look clean. On the way, can you see if there is a nun watching you?"

Shen Qianqiu burned a fire in the alchemy furnace fiercely, and then shouted dissatisfied: "It's not that you have been talking to me all the time, let me quickly become a sixth-rank alchemist, and this will make you look good again!" Forget it, I've been practicing day and night, if you say that, I'll tidy myself up in the future, and when you see me grooming or something, don't say I'm lazy!"

"You kid still talk back, don't you?!" Elder Dan Yi blew his beard and stared at Shen Qianqiu instantly.

Shen Qianqiu looked aggrieved, and said: "Look, it's not right for me to clean up myself, and it's not good for me not to clean up myself. It's really aggrieved to be your disciple!"

"When my disciple is wronged, your master respects me, but I am the most respected alchemist in the entire Qingyun sect. Even in the entire cultivation world, you can find a few eighth-rank alchemists. To be my disciple, you can't dream Do you all have to wake up laughing?" Elder Dan Yi shouted immediately.


"Laugh!" Shen Qianqiu was about to continue to refute something, but Elder Dan Yi interrupted him and shouted.

Faced with Elder Dan Yi's tough attitude, Shen Qianqiu didn't dare to say anything, so he grinned and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Seeing this, Elder Danyi stroked his beard contentedly.

Shen Qianqiu looked at Elder Dan Yi's old urchin-like appearance, and his heart was full of helplessness. He turned his head to look at the pill furnace, and then said: "You don't hurry to look at your stove, this furnace of pills The medicine must be handed over to the Zongmen."

Hearing this, Elder Dan Yi glared at Shen Qianqiu, and said in a low voice: "You have taught Master a lesson!"

However, having said so, Elder Danyi still listened to Shen Qianqiu's words, glanced at the alchemy furnace beside him, and sighed helplessly: "Oh, the greater the ability, the more you have to practice the elixir for the sect." So many, ruthless, ruthless..."

(End of this chapter)

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