The daily life of the villain

Chapter 488 Beauty Pass

Chapter 488 Beauty Pass

Hearing what Qiao Youxue said about Dan Pavilion, Shen Qianqiu's eyes lit up, she nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, that's right, since Junior Sister Qiao has already seen it, then I'll tell you straight. "

Shen Qianqiu's eyes changed, and then he continued: "The Qiao family occupies half of the alchemy masters in the entire cultivation world. Although the alchemy pavilion is not officially recognized by the seven immortal sects, it is among the alchemists. But it is very appealing, that is, the alchemist's exams are all organized by Dange. It can be said that the Qiao family has also invested a lot of resources. Since I was a child, I have always been looking forward to the place of Dange. It's just that Dange only recruits people every five years. The last time I recruited was two years ago. At that time, I was still practicing outside with Master. Encountered some troubles, got stumbling, and later missed the Dan Pavilion exam, so I had to wait for the next one... In the past two years, I have always felt regretful because of this matter. In five years, if I After entering the Pill Pavilion, there must be a lot of things that can be done."

"What do you want to do?" Qiao Youxue blinked her eyes, and then said lightly: "The system of the Pill Pavilion has long been its own school, and so far, the atmosphere among alchemists is also very positive, and there is no need for any changes. .”

"No, that's not the case," Shen Qianqiu hurriedly continued: "I mean that there may be better ways to make up for the few medicinal pills released in the Pill Pavilion!"

"I believe in Senior Brother Shen's ability." Qiao Youxue nodded lightly, and then continued: "Dan Pavilion is also a place where people are thirsty for talent. If Senior Brother Shen thinks of it, you might as well make it."

Seeing the expression on Qiao Youxue's face, Shen Qianqiu thought for a moment.

He knew the meaning of Qiao Youxue's words. If he was really capable, then it would be okay for her to try to help him in private so that he could enter the Pill Pavilion, but if she couldn't do it, then she would not care about it. People are allowed to enter Dan Pavilion at will due to private affairs.

But Shen Qianqiu thinks he can do it!

Thinking of this, Shen Qianqiu's eyes brightened slightly, then she nodded firmly towards Qiao Youxue, and said, "Okay, I will remember Junior Sister Qiao's words!"

Qiao Youxue blinked, seeing that Shen Qianqiu seemed to be turning around, she asked, "Where is Senior Brother Shen going?"

Shen Qianqiu quickly smiled and said: "The land of the extreme north! I heard that it has been opened there, I'm going to look for three Snow Ganoderma lucidum!"

With that said, Shen Qianqiu changed direction and flew towards the extreme north.

And after hearing what he said, Qiao Youxue suddenly thought of something, just when she wanted to remind Shen Qianqiu, she saw that he had already disappeared.

Qiao Youxue was slightly stunned, and then murmured in a low voice: "But there is no snow ganoderma in the extreme north."

After this catastrophe, things in the Far North seem to have undergone a major change of blood. Many spiritual grasses that originally grew in the Far North have completely disappeared, but many new ones have also grown. In the past, the spiritual herbs that did not exist in the cultivation world were rare. Before Qiao Youxue came out, she found a lot of new types of spiritual herbs. She thought that she could just throw them to the elders of Dange for them to study. , or launch some new pills.

However, she had definitely searched for Xue Lingzhi, and it had already disappeared in the extreme north.

It seems that Shen Qianqiu's trip was doomed to fail, but Qiao Youxue did not intend to tell him the news. Didn't he want to enter the Pill Pavilion? There are many elixir in the extreme north. If he has the heart , but you can also study it.

And here, in the inn, Lu Hehuan rudely packed the things in the room, making a lot of noise.

Through a wall, Wan Xingchi frowned when he heard the constant noise.

Lu Hehuan saw that he had made such a big commotion, but he still didn't attract the belated star who came to the next room, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

So she couldn't help but put her ears on the wall, wanting to listen carefully to what the people in that room were doing, because the room had a formation to isolate the prying of the spiritual sense, so she couldn't spy on Wan Xingchi with her spiritual sense. I was doing something, but there was no sound coming from that room.

Suddenly, the light in Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly.


Lu Hehuan suddenly stood up straight, looked at the messy room, then rearranged all the things in the room with magic, and then looked at the bathtub behind the screen.

With a flash of light in his hand, the tub was filled with steaming water.

The next moment, Lu Hehuan pinched a formula in his hand, and removed the formation in the room that isolated the outside world from prying eyes.

On this side, he suddenly felt that the formation in that room was withdrawn, and the noise from the room next to him also stopped, Wan Xingchi was slightly puzzled for a moment, and then his consciousness went in that direction.

Amidst the beauty of the water mist, a woman wearing a veil slowly untied her belt, and removed her clothes one by one, revealing her graceful body.

Wan Xingchi frowned slightly, then moved his hand, and a black long sword appeared.

He originally wanted to find out the purpose of this woman's actions, but now it seems that killing her is fine.

Just when Wan Xingchi raised the long sword and wanted to go out, Qiao Youxue appeared in his mind.

No... Fat Xue said that from now on, he will not be able to kill people at will...

But the woman in the next room is really troublesome...

In the room, Lu Hehuan untied his last piece of clothing, and then buried it in the tub, showing coquettish gestures.

Lu Hehuan's eyes were full of brilliance, seeing such a lively scene, she couldn't believe that Wan Xingchi could really be as single-minded as a stone!
Thinking in this way, Lu Hehuan took the water in the tub and gently poured it on her snow-white shoulders.

Otherwise... it's better to kill him, and deal with the corpses before Fat Xue returns, absolutely leaving no trace, which just happens to solve this trouble.

Wan Xingchi's eyes brightened slightly, then he picked up his steps and pushed the door out.

Feeling that the door of the next room opened, the corners of Lu Hehuan's lips could not help but slightly raised.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Hehuan smiled lightly, sure enough, no matter how amazing and talented he Wan Xingchi is, he is just an ordinary man, and a man can't pass this beauty test!
(End of this chapter)

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