Chapter 491

Is it too late to win the star? !
Sure enough, at the next moment, a powerful thunderbolt suddenly appeared from the side, and directly knocked Xuanwu who was blocking Lu Hehuan's face into the air.

The huge shield wall in front of her disappeared, and the white-clothed figure appeared in front of Lu Hehuan again, as well as that face that she wished to tear apart day and night!

However, now, she is still on the side that allows others to slaughter her.

She could feel that Qiao Youxue's cultivation had already reached the late stage of Golden Core, and she had just reached the early stage of Golden Core. No matter how hard she tried, there was no way to defeat her, so she could only pin her hopes on Xuanwu body, but now it seems—

I saw that Xuanwu's side was suppressed by Wan Xingchi, unable to move at all!
Lu Hehuan's expression suddenly became flustered.

And Qiao Youxue saw the expression on Lu Hehuan's face in front of her, and the corners of her lips could not help but curl up slightly, then she tilted her head slightly, her eyes slowly moved down, and stopped on the soft whip in Lu Hehuan's hand.

The next moment, the shape of the ice-blue long whip in Qiao Youxue's hand changed again, into the shape of a long sword. The next moment, Qiao Youxue swung a sword aura towards Lu Hehuan.

Lu Hehuan's expression changed slightly, and she quickly dodged to the side, but she had just avoided the sword energy, and the next moment Qiao Youxue's figure rushed up again.

"Ah——" Lu Hehuan suddenly called out. She never expected that Qiao Youxue was still a few meters away a second ago, but now she suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and the long sword in her hand fell down fiercely. , The speed is too fast to give her time to react.

Lu Hehuan hastily raised the soft whip to block his obliquely above, only heard a clear sound of breaking, the soft whip in Lu Hehuan's hand was cut off directly into two pieces by Burial's chopping. Suddenly, the lavender light flickered for a moment, and the next moment, the light of the two soft whips dimmed directly.

Lu Hehuan's eyes widened suddenly, and the remaining force of the sword that was buried just now caused her hand to lose consciousness, and the two whips fell to the ground.

Qiao Youxue quietly looked at Lu Hehuan in front of her, and said lightly, "Lu Hehuan, it's not yours, it's destined not to be yours."

At this moment, a trace of anger flashed across Lu Hehuan's eyes. Just as he was about to resist in installments, he would fight Qiao Youxue even if he tried his best. He attacked her unreservedly, crushing her until she couldn't breathe.

All of a sudden, a more powerful sword energy pierced directly towards her wrist...

"Ah—" Lu Hehuan watched the sword energy attacking her right wrist, but the coercion made her unable to move, and she couldn't help but screamed.

There was only a sound of "ding--", and the ice ring on Lu Hehuan's right wrist shattered.

"This!" Lu Hehuan looked at Qiao Youxue standing in front of her in disbelief.

This icing ring was also the opportunity she snatched from Qiao Youxue, but she never told her, how did she know? !

Qiao Youxue stared coldly at the person in front of her, and then continued to speak: "What I want to destroy today is not only the soft whip, the icing ring, but... your life!"

After the words fell, a cold light flashed across Qiao Youxue's eyes, and the next sword stabbed straight at Lu Hehuan.

"Boom—" A loud noise suddenly sounded in front of Qiao Youxue, followed by a thick black mist, which directly wrapped Lu Hehuan in front of her, and her sword energy just now seemed to have touched it. Something was normal, and it was bounced back intact...

Qiao Youxue's face changed slightly, and then the entire inn collapsed in an instant.

"Fat Xue!" Wan Xingchi's expression changed slightly, and he hurried to Qiao Youxue's side, picked her up and flew towards the sky.

He was still in the inn one second, but he was standing on top of a group of ruins the next moment, and the thick smoke had spread, and the feeling of demonic and bloody aura made people feel very uncomfortable.

The entire inn was shocked.

Suddenly there was a baby's voice in the sky. This voice was very strange, half a smile, but it sounded more like crying, very penetrating.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's face changed slightly, and when she looked at the spot again, Lu Hehuan and Xuanwu were no longer there.

After Wan Xingchi put Qiao Youxue in a safe place, he wanted to chase in that direction.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue hastily stopped Wan Xingchi.

"Don't chase me any more!"

Hearing this, Wan Xingchi's eyes moved, then he looked at Qiao Youxue and asked, "Is that woman you wanted to kill just now?"

"That's right." Qiao Youxue nodded seriously and said.

After hearing Qiao Youxue's words, Wan Xingchi continued, "I'll kill her."

"Not yet," Qiao Youxue frowned, and then continued, "The person who rescued her just now is Shou Wujiang."

After Qiao Youxue's words fell, Wan Xingchi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Shou Wujiang?" There was a hint of doubt in Wan Xingchi's tone.

Qiao Youxue continued to nod her head, then turned her head to look, and saw that the monks in the original inn had all reacted at this time, and they were all yelling and cursing non-stop. Someone had already noticed their side, so they agreed in a low voice. Wan Xingchi said: "I'll explain this matter to you at another time. In the next few days, we can't leave Xuecheng for the time being."

"En." Wan Xingchi looked at Qiao Youxue's appearance, and nodded without doubt.

"Now it seems that we can't stay in the inn." Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she continued: "Let's find a place with few people, and when we are ready, Shou Wujiang will come again."

"Okay." Wan Xing nodded his head late.

On this side, Lu Hehuan looked at the black mist around him, and finally looked at the hunchback figure in front of him, and was shocked in his heart.

Is it him?

Just when Lu Hehuan was wondering, the person in front slowly turned his face, an old wrinkled face looked at her, and said with a "giggle" smile, "Little girl, are you looking at me?"

When Lu Hehuan saw the man's face, his heart skipped a beat.

It's really him, life is boundless!

Shou Wujiang looked at Lu Hehuan only looking at him, as if he was very shocked, he couldn't help but smiled again, and said, "Why, have you seen me before?"

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan shook his head hastily, and then said: "The little girl is just grateful for the kindness of the senior who saved my life. If the senior didn't help me this time, I'm afraid I would die under the sword of that woman."

(End of this chapter)

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