The daily life of the villain

Chapter 495 Want to escape

Chapter 495 Want to escape

"Tsk, dirty!" Shou Wujiang brushed off the man's blood on his face in disgust, then raised his eyes to look at the man again, the corners of his mouth slowly raised up, and there seemed to be something in those dark eyes. Like a knife, just looking at him like this made the man feel as if he was executed by Ling Chi.

"No...don't kill me, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will give you my left leg, I will give you my left leg, please let me live!" the man shouted quickly, and at this time he did not Knowing that I have offended such a terrible person, I originally saw that this stinky beggar was indifferent, and his cultivation base was not much, so I thought it would be okay even if I lost the bet, but I didn't expect him to be so Terrible, the man's heart was filled with fear, he just wanted to save his life quickly.

"Oh?" Shou Wujiang raised his brows slightly, and then said with a smile: "I'm short of a snack, do you think a left leg is enough?"

After his voice fell, the man's face became even paler.

On this side, Lu Hehuan and other people in the tavern fell to the ground and struggled in pain, and the seven orifices also began to bleed slowly.

The man's eyes were full of despair.

Shou Wujiang sneered again, and the next moment, the air turned into countless blades, instantly chopping the man's body into many pieces.

There was a pool of fresh blood on the ground.

However, Shou Wujiang's body was not stained with a trace of blood, and the cries of the babies in the space were still ringing. As the man's body was broken into pieces and all fell to the ground, the cries of the babies Only then did it slowly stop.

And the people in the tavern seemed to be relieved, and hurriedly gasped for breath. At this time, the demon cultivators who still had some strength slipped away like rabbits one by one, and Shou Wujiang didn't chase after them. Turning around slowly, he looked at the people who had fallen to the ground with a smile on his face.

Seeing that someone had successfully escaped, those who had no strength and could only lie on the ground became more anxious in an instant.

Lu Hehuan lay on the ground panting heavily, the tavern was completely silent at this moment, only the sound of Shou Wujiang turning around, after hearing that, Lu Hehuan's heart trembled, but he still boldly raised his head. He turned his head to look at Shou Wujiang.

However, when she raised her head, she found that Shou Wujiang was staring at her at the same time, his eyes slightly narrowed with a half-smile.

Lu Hehuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Shou Wujiang didn't say anything. After looking at Lu Hehuan for a moment, he slowly moved his eyes away, then looked at the other demon cultivators lying on the ground, and said with a smile, "Would you bet?"

"Bet?" After Shou Wujiang's voice fell, there was another shrill voice of a baby in the air, repeating the three words Shou Wujiang just said, and the baby's voice was like the one called before. The sound was ordinary, and as soon as the sound came out, everyone felt another pain in their minds.

Some people couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood from their mouths.

Seeing this, Shou Wujiang's eyes slowly moved over, and then a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, he shook his head and said: "Too weak, too weak, throw it away!"

"It's too weak, too weak, throw it away!" The baby's voice came again in the air.

The baby's voice was still stimulating everyone in the tavern, but the next moment, those people who couldn't help spitting blood just now were shot out by a very powerful breath. Seeing this, Lu Hehuan quickly held back The mouthful of old blood that I just wanted to spurt out, although leaving here is equivalent to escaping from Shou Wujiang's claws, but who can withstand Shou Wujiang's palm!
I'm afraid it's unknown if he died on the way!

Lu Hehuan knew that she was different from others, no matter what, she was on Shou Wujiang's side just now.

At this time, Shou Wujiang's eyes slowly looked over again, and placed on Lu Hehuan.

As if being targeted by hundreds of poisonous snakes, Lu Hehuan's heart trembled.

However, Shou Wujiang didn't say anything, but slowly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile.

He didn't speak, and the sharp voice of the baby came out from the space.

"Interesting and interesting, you little Taoist priest is really interesting!" The baby said as if mocking.

After the words fell, Shou Wujiang's eyes moved, and his dry and hoarse voice reprimanded: "Nonsense, this is obviously a demon cultivator!"

"It's a good time to serve the food, the meat of the demon cultivator is the most delicious when eaten raw!" The baby's voice echoed in the air.

After the voice fell, a gleam of excitement flashed in Shou Wujiang's eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's face immediately turned pale.

Could it be... Could it be that this person really wants to be eaten raw by this person as an appetizer... No, she can't die yet, she doesn't want to die yet!
Shou Wujiang looked into her eyes with more and more excitement.

Lu Hehuan was very painful to be stared at by this stare, but her heart had been turned a thousand times, and at this moment, she finally gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"If you can become senior's appetizer, it will also be an honor for this junior!" As soon as Lu Hehuan opened his mouth, blood gushed out of his mouth.

After Lu Hehuan's voice fell, Shou Wujiang narrowed his eyes slightly again.

At this time, I don't know what he was thinking in his heart, but Lu Hehuan's heart was very tormented, whether life or death was at the moment of this person's thought...

The next moment, the corner of Shou Wujiang's mouth twitched, and he slowly raised his hand.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's heart rose again, but her body did not move at all, because she knew that even if she wanted to escape, she would never be able to escape!
So she could only slowly close her eyes, as if quietly waiting for death.

The time of three breaths passed, and the expected pain did not appear on his body. Lu Hehuan opened his eyes in doubt, and saw that Shou Wujiang was still standing in the original position without moving, his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling The eyes were still staring at her quietly, but the raised hand pointed to the pile of meat on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Go and clean up the meat for me, the man's meat is too It's dirty, but it needs to be washed before serving food and drinks."

After Shou Wujiang's words fell, Lu Hehuan's tightly raised heart finally relaxed, but then, her eyes turned to the broken corpse on the ground, and the piece of meat was soaked in a puddle. Among the stinky blood, the bloody head was also facing her, and the eyes seemed to be full of fear, staring straight at her...

(End of this chapter)

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