Chapter 498
"Hmm~" Shou Wujiang couldn't help but let out a sound of enjoyment, and then handed the piece of meat directly in front of Lu Hehuan, and said, "Come and taste it, how does the grilled meat taste?"

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan directly took the piece of meat from his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing for a while, a light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Compared to the previous , more taste."

"Really?" Shou Wujiang's eyes moved slightly, as if looking forward to it, and then he took out another piece of meat and put it on the stone slab.

After hearing what Lu Hehuan said just now, the hearts of all the people present were about to jump out.

Lu Hehuan didn't know their previous bet, and now he didn't know why they all looked at him so nervously. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he still lowered his head and continued to cut the meat seriously.

After the sizzling sound, the piece of roasted meat appeared in Shou Wujiang's hands. He first put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then nodded with satisfaction, and put the piece of meat on the table. Into his mouth and chewed.

Ninety percent of the demon cultivators lying on the ground were betting that grilled meat would taste better. Now seeing Shou Wujiang eating this piece of meat, they all felt even more worried.

Shou Wujiang was chewing meat with his eyes closed, suddenly his face changed, and the next moment he spit out the meat in his mouth, and angrily slapped the stone slab on the fire, and then he was so angry Stamped his feet and shouted: "It's unpalatable, extremely unpalatable!"

As soon as his voice fell, everyone seemed to be able to see that he had become the appetizer in Shou Wujiang's hand.

And Lu Hehuan, who was squatting beside him, was also shocked suddenly.

She just said that the roasted meat is more delicious, and she really thinks that the roasted meat is obviously delicious, not that it is delicious, but that it can be eaten. Eating human flesh raw, that feeling...

But she forgot just now, what kind of person is Shou Wujiang, who usually feeds on the brains of babies and likes to eat raw human flesh, so he must like raw things more!

Thinking of this, Lu Hehuan's subordinates slowed down.

"Hmph," Shou Wujiang snorted coldly, then quietly looked at the demon cultivators lying on the ground in front of him, and then said, "A bunch of ignorant things, it won't taste good if you treat it as a snack!"

After the words fell, Shou Wujiang's hand moved, and in an instant, the baby's screams began to frantically echo in the space.


For a moment, all the demon cultivators hugged their heads, their faces were full of painful expressions, the blood on the ground was flowing more and more, but Shou Wujiang's eyes did not blink.

The baby's voice was harsh.

But Lu Hehuan didn't feel the painful feeling before. Originally, she thought that she and those people also chose grilled meat, which would be more delicious, which would definitely make Shou Wujiang unhappy, so she also did it to her, but she didn't. Thinking that Shou Wujiang didn't do anything.

But at this time, seeing that the group of people on the ground were suffering from the baby's voice no matter whether they chose to eat raw or not, Lu Hehuan suddenly understood from the bottom of his heart.

When Shou Wujiang wanted to kill someone, he didn't care about anything.

And some of the demon cultivators also howled.

"No! I chose to eat raw, I chose to eat raw, you promised that as long as you choose the right one, you can let us go!"

"Yeah, I also choose to eat it raw. They are the ones who choose to roast it. Please let us go!"

Those demon cultivators shouted loudly with all their strength, but Shou Wujiang's face remained unchanged, he just said lightly: "Oh? Did you choose to eat raw? Who will prove it to you? ?”

After Shou Wujiang's words fell, the eyes of those demon cultivators were full of despair.

It turned out that from the very beginning, they were doomed not to escape the fate of death!
On this side, Lu Hehuan stared blankly at the group of struggling people on the ground, the blood pooled into a river, and the bodies of those people were torn apart one by one, as if something was inside their bodies. Inflate continuously until the body bursts.

Lu Hehuan's hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

At this time, Shou Wujiang looked over indifferently, and then said quietly: "Cut it well, don't add any seasoning, raw human flesh is the most delicious."

After finishing speaking, an excited smile flashed across Shou Wujiang's eyes, and he turned around and walked upstairs to the tavern.

After Shou Wujiang's figure completely disappeared from sight, the baby's voice gradually stopped. Most of the demon cultivators on the ground were dead, but there were still a few who were still struggling. Have some breath.

A few of them watched Shou Wujiang leave, so they looked at Lu Hehuan expectantly, and one of them said with difficulty: "Please, help me, please help me... Please. "

Lu Hehuan's gaze was attracted by him, and he saw that the demon cultivator's body was on the verge of bursting, his body was covered in blood, and he was facing him with a blood-stained face, his eyes were full of tears. hope.

"Please... please..."

Seeing that person slowly stretch out his hand towards Lu Hehuan, but Lu Hehuan's eyes turned, and he directly lowered his head to cut the flesh in his hand seriously.

Seeing this, those demon cultivators who still had this aura were completely desperate.

But in a short time, all the people in the tavern, except those who escaped, Shou Wujiang and Lu Hehuan, were all dead.

This night, Lu Hehuan was carefully cutting the meat. After finishing all these, he used his own magic energy to keep the cut meat fresh in the wooden basin. I just rested and went downstairs.

Lu Hehuan didn't sleep all night. At this time, he was sitting quietly on a bench. On the table next to him was the human flesh that had been kept fresh for a whole night with his own magic energy. At this time, he heard the movement from the other side of the stairs, and hurriedly He raised his head and looked in the direction of Shou Wujiang.

Shou Wujiang seemed to be resting well, looked at her with a relaxed face, and then said, "How is it, little girl, how did you rest last night?"

As he spoke, Shou Wujiang glanced lightly at the corpses on the ground whose blood had drained dry.

Hearing this, Lu Hehuan's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't answer anything, but directly held the wooden basin on the table and handed it in the direction of Shou Wujiang.

(End of this chapter)

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