The daily life of the villain

Chapter 521 Episode 1: Don't Meet Again

Chapter 521 Extra Story [-]: Never Meet Again (End)
elder brother……

Ye Feng's lips opened and closed slightly, and he said this word with a little smile on his face.

On this side, Ye Li seemed to be red-eyed, and ruthlessly cut off the neck of the last remaining demon cultivator. After that demon cultivator also fell, he quickly rushed towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart was bleeding continuously.

Seeing this, Ye Li frantically found all kinds of medicines from his storage ring, and hurriedly helped him stop the bleeding. He had never seen Ye Li so flustered, and it was because of himself that the corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly. She raised her hand upwards, and then said, "Brother, don't be too busy, I... I'm afraid I can't do it."

He knew his body, if he could still live, how could he say these things to Ye Li.

But Ye Li helped him apply the medicine and said, "Don't be downcast, you are my brother Ye Li, you can't die!"

Ye Feng's face was full of helpless smiles, he tried his best to raise his hand slightly, but he could only reach Ye Li's lapel.

He lightly touched the Qingyun Sect inner door logo embroidered on Ye Li's collar, his eyes seemed to be blocked by tears, and he said with a smile: "It's nothing bad to die, if you can find Father and mother kissed."

Ye Feng's words struck Ye Li's heart like a thunderbolt. He froze in place, staring at Ye Feng blankly and asked, " did you say?"

A bitter smile appeared on Ye Feng's face, and then he said: "Mother said, in our Ye family, Xiao Li and Xiao Feng are enough to live, but my qualifications are not good. In my opinion, our Ye family, It’s enough to have brother alive alone.”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ye Li frowned fiercely, then wanted to hug Ye Feng from the ground, and said, "I'll take you back to find Master, Master must have a way !"

However, Ye Feng interrupted him, with complicated lights flashing in his eyes, and he continued: "Brother, father and mother have died a long time ago, Xiaofeng... Xiaofeng also wants to find them..."

"What did you say?" Like another bolt from the blue, it hit Ye Li's heart heavily.

Ye Feng's eyes were already filled with tears, he looked at Ye Li and said, "Brother, you always hate daddy, you don't like daddy, every time I see you treat daddy like that, mother will always secretly Wipe away the tears, I don’t know, the reason why Daddy became the one who turned against the Demon Sect back then was because the Demon Cultivators had hijacked your mother who was pregnant in her stomach at that time, the elders of Qingyun Sect didn’t put this on In my heart, if I continue to attack, mother and you will definitely die under the hands of those demon cultivators. If only mother is alone, even if father dies with mother by himself, he will not betray the righteous way, but at that time mother I have you in my belly... Daddy wants you to survive, so he agreed to the request made by the demon cultivators. He may not be a good cultivator, but he is really a good father."

Hearing this, Ye Li was already stunned.

"Later, because of father's defection, an elder in the sect was killed. Fortunately, the head of Qingyun sect arrived in time, and Qingyun sect still won. After father escaped with his mother, the two went back together. After entering the Qingyun Sect, Dad said that he wanted to go back to make amends. At that time, my mother cried all day and night, and she also accompanied Dad back. Due to the various persecutions by the members of the elder's family, my mother finally couldn't survive in the Qingyun Sect, and she and her father fled overnight, but the father at that time had already been beaten to pieces." Ye Feng went on to say, and I frowned slightly: "In Xiaofeng's opinion, Dad has never been a fool, Dad is a great hero!"

Ye Li didn't know that his face was covered with tears at this time, he looked at Ye Feng in a panic, and then asked: "Why didn't you tell me, why didn't they tell me!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, and continued: "Because the person my parents love the most is always brother, they don't want you to live in guilt and pain in your next life... Xiaofeng is still jealous of brother... I'm jealous that my brother can get all the love from my father and mother, so I told my brother all these things..."

Although Ye Feng said so, Ye Li knew that he just wanted to speak for his father one more time before he died.

It's ridiculous that he has lived for almost 20 years, and he is not as good as his younger brother who is seven years younger...

Ye Feng opened his mouth again and continued: "Brother has such a good spiritual root, I think all day that I can enter the fairy gate to practice, but my parents don't say anything, but I still feel very sorry for my brother, but after so many years So you are not allowed to practice, because you are afraid of being chased to this place by the enemy. People in the elder family have never given up on tracking down the whereabouts of their parents. , will definitely attract the attention of others.”

"But my brother wanted to become a cultivator too much. My father and mother finally couldn't stand it anymore, so my mother found the senior brother she trusted the most in Qingyun Sect at that time, and wanted to send my brother to the Central Plains to practice. That day, my parents I stayed outside for a whole day before coming back, and I went to see that senior brother, but with my qualifications, my identity will definitely be traced by various people in the cultivation world, and they will always find out our true identity. At that time, people from that elder family will definitely not let us go, so father and mother, they...they went to find people from that family, and those people wanted my father to commit suicide in front of them, so they agreed to the two of us being together. After we came to the Central Plains, we won't pursue it any further. Dad agreed, and after sending us off that day, those people came to find us..."

"After father died, mother also died for love."

After Ye Feng's voice fell, Ye Li's heart was already in pieces.

Ye Feng still didn't survive in the end, and after knowing all these things, Ye Li's temperament changed drastically. He still practiced all day long, but he fell in love with drinking again, and he got drunk as soon as he drank.

Later, he really became a famous and powerful cultivator, but he was still a lonely person after all. Elder Li said that he would not have any more relatives, and he did not want to have any more. He once loved him sincerely. His people will never meet again in the future, he doesn't want to hurt them again...

It was night, Elder Li took out an infant baby from the sea of ​​blood that had been slaughtered by demon cultivators. The baby clenched its fists and cried loudly in his arms. For some reason, Elder Li A picture of the past appeared in my mind——

"Xiao Li, come here quickly, and come and see your little brother!"

Thoughts surged, Elder Li's eyes moved slightly, and in the middle of the night, there was a heavy sigh——

"From now on, you will be called Bufeng."


(End of this chapter)

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