The daily life of the villain

Chapter 525 Blue Flame

Chapter 525 Blue Flame

"Indeed, we meet again." The corners of Qiao Youxue's lips moved slightly, and she slowly said these words.

She knew that she was definitely not Shou Wujiang's opponent, and at this time, Shou Wujiang was obviously targeting her. No matter how much she resisted, she would not survive a move under Shou Wujiang's hands. Use your own spiritual power to tell the people in Syracuse behind, to run away quickly.

The rest is up to her.

After seeing Qiao Youxue say this calmly in front of him, Shou Wujiang's eyes moved slightly, and then he smiled and said, "Little girl, you don't seem to be afraid of me?"

"Where did you find out that I have suffered under your hands, but I am afraid that you will be scared to death." These words came out of Qiao Youxue's mouth very calmly, and the smile on Zhijiao Shou Wujiang's face became even brighter. big.

"Interesting and interesting, you little doll, and the boy doll when we met last time, both of you are very interesting!" Shou Wujiang couldn't help clapping his hands and shouted.

On the silent long street, only the voices of Qiao Youxue and Shou Wujiang could be heard talking. The dense fog that filled the sky disappeared, and even the murderous aura on Shou Wujiang's body changed from the initial publicity to restrained.

Suddenly, a woman's displeased voice interrupted the silence.

"Qiao Youxue has a deep and secretive mind, senior, please don't delay with her, lest something will happen in vain!" Lu Hehuan rushed up from behind and walked to Shou Wujiang's side and said.

After hearing this familiar voice, Qiao Youxue looked in her direction, and after staying for a while on her pale face and the devilish energy emanating from her body, she looked lightly at Shou Wujiang again.

At this time, Shou Wujiang obviously didn't take Lu Hehuan's words seriously, and still looked at Qiao Youxue with a smile on his face.

At this time, Tao Que, who was hiding behind the wall, saw Lu Hehuan's face that he would see in his nightmares every night, and the waves in his heart surged instantly.

Seeing that Shou Wujiang beside him didn't make any moves, Lu Hehuan's heart suddenly became anxious, and he said: "Senior, don't miss the opportunity to make a move!"

Shou Wujiang still didn't speak, just stared at Qiao Youxue quietly, and Qiao Youxue looked at Shou Wujiang without the slightest fear on the surface, seeing this, Lu Hehuan's heart was as if on fire, and she turned her head to look at Looking at Shou Wujiang, he didn't move at all, and then turned his head to look at Qiao Youxue's face, the hatred in his heart suddenly grew, and after an unknown period of time, she clenched her teeth tightly, and the next moment her figure With a sudden movement, she rushed towards Qiao Youxue's direction.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's figure moved suddenly, avoiding Lu Hehuan's punch.

Seeing that Lu Hehuan made a move, Shou Wujiang still stood quietly watching, but the interest in his eyes became more intense.

It is best to repay my hatred by myself. If Qiao Youxue was still at full strength, Lu Hehuan would not be able to defeat her, but now Qiao Youxue has consumed [-]% of her spiritual power. What kind of ending?
It's really... wonderful.

This way, Qiao Youxue frowned slightly when she saw Lu Hehuan rushing towards her again, then with a movement of her hand, the funeral turned into a long whip and appeared in her hand.

Qiao Youxue swung the whip in the direction of Lu Hehuan. This long whip had the power to flog the soul. As soon as it touched the corner of Lu Hehuan's clothes, it intersected with the devil's energy and made a "squeaky" sound.

Seeing this, Lu Hehuan's expression changed slightly, the next moment he even grabbed the long whip in Qiao Youxue's hand with one hand, but his face did not change at all.

Surprise flashed in Qiao Youxue's eyes, and then she looked at Lu Hehuan's hand, and saw a black glove appeared on her hand holding Qiao Youxue's long whip.

Lu Hehuan raised his chin slightly, then looked at Qiao Youxue and said, "Do you really think that your long whip that can whip the soul can always suppress me?"

"Empty capture gloves." Qiao Youxue said in a low voice, the light in her eyes moved slightly.

She had forgotten that in the original book, one of the chances Lu Hehuan got was the high-grade spiritual weapon, the empty capture glove, which could insulate everything. Back then, Lu Hehuan used this spiritual weapon to take out the strange flame Youlanyan with his bare hands. With this, many monks were defeated...

By the way, You Lanyan!

Qiao Youxue's face changed slightly, and she quickly took a step back. Sure enough, at the same time, two dark blue flames suddenly shot out from Lu Hehuan's direction towards Qiao Youxue, and Qiao Youxue quickly flew back. But those two strange flames seemed to have eyes and chased after Qiao Youxue, and the hot feeling kept chasing after her.

That's right, the treasure troves of the Empty Capture Gloves and You Lanyan are not far from the Extreme North. In this short period of time, it doesn't take much time for Lu Hehuan to get these two opportunities. But Qiao Youxue can clearly feel that Lu Hehuan's refining level of these two treasures is not high, and she can't control them perfectly. A rush of madness, obviously the flame has not been completely tamed.

The aura in Qiao Youxue's body was consumed like flowing water, and as the aura was consumed, her movements became slower and slower.

At this time, Lu Hehuan could also feel Qiao Youxue's effort, the corners of her lips slowly rose upwards, and then her body rose into the air, chasing after Qiao Youxue's direction.

If she could kill Qiao Youxue with her hands today, it would not be in vain that she has worked tirelessly to subdue this spiritual weapon and the strange flame Youlanyan all these days!
Qiao Youxue frowned. If this continues, the spiritual power in her body will be wiped out by Lu Hehuan sooner or later. In the current situation, if you don't fight back, you will die!
Suddenly, a light flashed in Qiao Youxue's eyes.

By the way, this Youlanyan Lu Hehuan has not been completely tamed, so has she ever thought that she might be backlashed by this Youlanyan?
How about directing this flame to Lu Hehuan himself?
Thinking this way, Qiao Youxue wanted to turn around and head towards Lu Hehuan, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from nowhere and directly blocked Qiao Youxue.

You Lanyan instantly pierced her body.

Qiao Youxue's eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at the figure in front of her in shock.

After Lu Hehuan's figure chased him up, his figure suspended in mid-air trembled suddenly after seeing the man's face.

The faint blue flames consciously penetrated into the person's body, rapidly eroding her meridians and internal organs, and in a short while, burn marks appeared on her skin.

(End of this chapter)

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