Chapter 527
Seeing this, a sneer flashed across Shou Wujiang's face, and the next moment, a sharp baby's laughter appeared in the sky.

"Hahahahaha, interesting, interesting!"

After the baby's voice fell, the second elder and the head of the school, Jian Xing, frowned slightly.

And Qiao Youxue turned off her sense of hearing when she saw Shou Wujiang for the first time. Later, she judged all of this by watching other people's lip movements and feeling the aura fluctuations around her. Over the years, she has already Exercised very sensitively.

But the second elder and the head of Jian Xing are defenseless, but fortunately Shou Wujiang does not specialize in sound skills, so his attainments in this are not high, and the second elder and the head of Jian Xing have profound skills, right? Will be easily affected by his sound skills.

Shou Wujiang naturally knew this, and at this time he was just trying to test their reality.

Seeing that the second elder only frowned slightly, the complexion of head master Jian Xing quickly adjusted, and the smile on the corner of Shou Wujiang's lips froze for a moment, then his figure moved, and he flew up into the air, Confronted with the second elder and the head of the sword.

In fact, the head of Jian Xing originally thought the same as the other elders in the Xueyu Taoist hall. It was difficult for Qiao Youxue to deal with, but it was not necessarily the case for them. He chose to believe in Qiao Youxue because of the reason, but at this moment, he did not expect that the big devil in front of him had such profound skill, and the sonic skill just now made him almost fall into it.

"Are you two elders of this little girl?" Shou Wujiang asked first.

After Lu Hehuan saw the second elder and the head of Tianjianzong, his face changed slightly.

Hearing Shou Wujiang's words, the Second Elder frowned slightly, and then said coldly: "The daring devil dares to hurt the innocent people in my Xuecheng. Today, I, Qingyun Sect, will eradicate the devil for the righteous way!"

The head of Jian Xing also looked at Shou Wujiang, frowned slightly and said: "I advise you not to struggle."

"Hmm..." Hearing what the two of them said, Shou Wujiang was slightly stunned for a moment, and then continued with an innocent face: "But, the two of you...can you beat me?"

After Shou Wujiang's words fell, the hearts of everyone present thumped.

Hearing this, the head of Jian Xing frowned even tighter, and then gritted his teeth and said: "If you can't beat it, you have to beat it, devil, take your life!"

After the voice fell, I saw the figure of the head of Jian Xing suddenly disappeared in place, Qiao Youxue immediately looked in the direction of Shou Wujiang, and sure enough, the next moment saw the figure of the head of Jian Xing appearing In front of Shou Wujiang, the long sword pierced towards Shou Wujiang's face like a dragon going out to sea.

All of Tianjianzong are sword cultivators, that is, there is nothing else to learn besides practicing swordsmanship, and the head of Jianxing is the only direct disciple of the previous head of Tianjianzong, and he has received a lot of attention from the previous generation. All the experience of the powerful monks, even the blue is better than the blue, this is the reason for the unstoppable rise of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

And at the level of Jian Xing's master, he has already comprehended the secret of the unity of human and sword. Without a sword, there is a sword, and if there is a sword, it seems to be without a sword. There is no distraction. A human is both a sword and not a sword. Qiao Youxue knows that I clearly remember that the head of Jianxing didn't sacrifice any spiritual weapons just now. It can be seen that the sword in his hand at this time is not the real thing, but it has more indestructible power than the real thing.

As if a dragon in the sea suddenly jumped out of the water, Qiao Youxue could feel that the air around her had become drenched, and the phantom of the dragon in front of her gaze was biting towards Shou Wujiang with its mouth wide open.

And after seeing the imposing dragon phantom in front of him, Shou Wujiang's face remained unchanged, and his body did not hide or dodge, standing there straight.

Qiao Youxue would never think that Shou Wujiang was intimidated by Jian Xing's swordsmanship.

Sure enough, when the dragon was about to bite off Shou Wujiang's head, phantoms of a dozen babies suddenly appeared in front of him, and these babies rushed towards the dragon as if they were very happy. Jiaolong, in an instant the entire snow city sky was filled with the laughter of the babies.

I saw that some of these babies jumped on the dragon's head, grabbed its two horns, and some grabbed the tail of the dragon, and I don't know what kind of powerful force they were able to shake it at will, and some of them just grabbed it. He grabbed Jiaolong's body from below, and while smiling happily, beat Jiaolong's body again and again.

In just an instant, the flood dragon in the sky began to twist painfully.

Seeing this, the face of the head master Jian Xing who followed him changed slightly, because the dragon and himself were one, so all the pain it could feel bounced back to the head head Jian Xing , In just a breath of effort, a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth of the head master Jian Xing.

Almost at the same time, the phantoms of several babies came directly towards the head of Jian Xing.

The head of Jian Xing hadn't adjusted, the next moment the baby came in front of him, seeing this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Fortunately, the second elder suddenly appeared, and a wave of spiritual power drove away the baby phantoms that flew over, and then stood beside the head of Jian Xing, raised his hand, and sent out several spiritual powers, knocking out the phantom of the same sword. The baby phantoms on the dragon connected to Sect Master Xing also drove away, and as soon as Sect Master Jian Xing felt relieved, he immediately took the Jiaolong back.

The next moment, a rapidly spinning green lotus suddenly appeared in the second elder's hand. Every petal of this green lotus is made of very sharp blades. It is both beautiful and dangerous. The second elder will I poured my spiritual power into it, and I saw the green lotus blooming quickly, and the light blue light wrapped it like a tulle, elegant and graceful.

Although Qiao Youxue has not seen the second elder use her natal spirit treasure for so many years, she has seen it in the original book that Qing Yunzong's natal spirit treasure that does not meet the elder is a natural spiritual treasure, and, It is still a real green lotus personally brought back from the mortal world.

This is indeed a very common blue lotus, but it has survived in the mortal world for tens of thousands of years and has not been discovered by anyone. Originally, the time of tens of thousands of years is enough for it to transform into a great demon Yes, but in the mortal world, where the spiritual energy is weak, Qinglian just cultivated into a human form. After experiencing the six sufferings of reincarnation, she voluntarily re-formed into Qinglian's real body, and was enlightened by the true Buddha. It became a spirit treasure, and its spirit was turned into the incarnation of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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