540st charter home
According to what that person said, go forward along this street, turn left at the third intersection, and then walk two more intersections, in front of Qiao Youxue, there is a rather gorgeous family among the many houses. door.

Looking at the layout and various decorations of the Cheng family in front of him, it can be seen that this family is very rich in the mortal world. After Qiao Youxue waited for a while, Shen Qianqiu also followed from behind.

As for Shen Qianqiu's eyes, after seeing this mansion that really appeared in his dream, the expression on his face was wonderful.

Seeing Shen Qianqiu's expression, Qiao Youxue knew that this place was the same as the place in his dream. There is such a coincidence in this world. Could it be that there is indeed something at work in the dark?

Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, then she turned her eyes again, and then raised her head to look at the Cheng family's mansion. The sky above this mansion was not shrouded by any strange aura. Very peaceful, just like the countless houses in this troubled world, living the life he loves alone.

It just appeared in Shen Qianqiu's dream.

Just when the two were standing straight in front of the mansion without speaking, the gate of the mansion opened suddenly, and a man dressed as a maid walked out from inside, and said a few words to the guards inside. Then, with a smile on her face, she picked up her basket and walked towards the market. Because she was walking in the opposite direction to Qiao Youxue, she didn't find them.

Immediately afterwards, a young man dressed as a servant came out from the gate. He looked at the direction the woman was leaving quietly, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"That's all, all right, Ah Zhong, let's see, the master has given you both a marriage. In two years, Xiaodie will be your daughter-in-law. By then, the two of you will be able to see each other every day. It's not enough." Did you see it?" Another boy inside the door couldn't help jokingly said.

Hearing this, Ah Zhong couldn't help but blushed, and then said to the people inside: "What do you know, I just like to look at her, and I am happy to look at her!"


After hearing the conversation between these two people, Shen Qianqiu became even more puzzled.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue led Shen Qianqiu directly to the way she came.

After finding a restaurant, Qiao Youxue rented a private room, and then ordered a large table of dishes.

After all the dishes were served, Qiao Youxue looked at Shen Qianqiu, and then said, "Tell me, what is the nightmare that has been haunting you."

Hearing this, Shen Qianqiu's eyes moved slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Actually, this nightmare has been haunting me for a long time, probably the night after I came out of the extreme north, because I really I was tired, so I found an inn to rest for the night, and that night I dreamed of a mansion in the mortal world, which is the Cheng mansion I saw today, because Mr. Cheng went to sea to do business, and he has not been home for an unknown amount of time. , so only Master Cheng's second wife and five children were in the house. Among these five children, only the youngest, Miss Wu, who was only three years old, was the son of Master Cheng's current wife Fan, and the remaining three A son and a daughter, they are all from the deceased first wife... Since that day, every night after that, I always feel very tired, and I fall asleep without knowing it, and sometimes I have no dreams at night , but as long as you have a dream, it is what happened in this Cheng family. At first, it was the first child born to the wife of the original wife, and the young master of the Cheng family died..."

Qiao Youxue listened while eating, suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "Did you hear everything clearly just now, did the maids and servants of that family have the names that appeared in your dreams?"

"It's not just showing up, I even remember what each of them looks like." Shen Qianqiu's eyes moved slightly, and then continued: "This Xiaodie is the third lady Cheng Yuzhi's personal maid, often He will go out to buy some rouge and gouache for Cheng Yuzhi, and that Ah Zhong was originally a person next to Master Cheng, because Master Cheng did not bring him with him when he went to sea to do business, so he has nothing to do when he stays in Cheng's mansion, so When I am free, I will come here to chat with my friends who are guarding the gate, because the master betrothed Xiaodie, who is the right age, to him. When Cheng Yuzhi was buying rouge and gouache, Ah Zhong would come to the gate to wait, and then send Xiaodie out."

Hearing that Shen Qianqiu was able to name these characters so clearly, Qiao Youxue was surprised again.

Shen Qianqiu paused for a moment, and then continued: "The young master of the Cheng family, Cheng Yuyuan, is twenty years old. He has studied business with Master Cheng since he was a child. When Master Cheng is away, Cheng Yuyuan will take care of him in Panyang Town. But he... drowned and died on Fifth Miss Cheng Yunyun's fourth birthday."

"Cheng Yuche, the second young master of the Cheng family, is young and has been studying in outside schools all year round. He has been admitted as a scholar at a young age, but on the day of Cheng Yunyun's fifth birthday, Cheng Yuche was going up to the mountains with his classmates to collect scenery. There was an attack, and all the students were injured, only Cheng Yuche... died at the mouth of the beast."

"The third young lady of the Cheng family, Cheng Yuzhi, has just turned sixteen this year. Because of her good looks, her reputation of docileness has spread, so she has already made a marriage agreement. Her husband's family is the county magistrate of Panyang Town. This son With outstanding talent and unlimited future, Cheng Yuzhi has been preparing for marriage with peace of mind all these years, but on the day of Cheng Yunyun's sixth birthday, Cheng Yuzhi was picked out by a frightened horse on the street when she was out picking out jewelry. Hit it and died."

"Cheng Yu'an, the fourth young master of the Cheng family, who had just turned ten years old, also died on Cheng Yunyun's seventh birthday. After that, the seven-year-old Cheng Yunyun changed into a bright red wedding dress and sat in a sedan chair carrying eight loads. Became someone else's bride, and the dowry that followed was only four big boxes, each of which was engraved with the words 'far', 'che', 'zhi' and 'an'." Shen Qianqiu After finishing speaking, his eyes were still slightly confused.

And Qiao Youxue frowned while listening, and said after a long silence: "That is to say, the four brothers and sisters of the Cheng family died one after another just to prepare for the marriage of the fifth lady born by this stepmother? Who did you marry?"

After Qiao Youxue's voice fell, Shen Qianqiu's face turned pale, and after a moment of silence, she said——


(End of this chapter)

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