Chapter 551

Hearing this, Xiaoshan pondered for a while, then his eyes lit up, and he said: "The person that the young lady is looking at must be Mr. Lingzhu from the bamboo forest outside the fairyland. Mr. Lingzhu is gentle and elegant, and he is also very talented. In the future, if Miss wants to find the right person for poetry, Mr. Lingzhu must be the most suitable person!"

Su Yun shook her head again, and after a moment of silence, she said lightly: "Although Mr. Lingzhu is full of poems and books, it is inevitable that he is less human. He looks like a gentle and modest gentleman, but judging from his eyes , can always see a little bit of alienation, as if no one can get into his heart, rather than describing this man with gentleness, it is more appropriate to describe this man as pure-hearted, such a pure-hearted person, It can only be used for respect, not for the harmony of the harp and the harmony of the instrument."

Seeing that Su Yun directly denied these two people, Xiaoshan's face was full of doubts, and he continued: "But among the heroes who came to the competition to recruit relatives, only Young Master Zhu and Young Master Lingzhu have the strength The strongest, the one who won the championship in the end must be one of the two of them, if the lady doesn't like both of them, it will be difficult."

After Xiaoshan's voice fell, Su Yun's face was once again full of loneliness. She looked down at the guzheng under her hand, then sighed a long time, and said: "If it's just like this, it's okay. Fortunately, but the final result is always so unsatisfactory."

"Is there anything worse than this? Miss, which hero do you have your eyes on?" Xiaoshan asked curiously looking at Su Yun like this.

Su Yun shook her head lightly, and then said: "Not all the men in this world walk in the rivers and lakes. I believe that fate has its own destiny, and it would be a pity if we just passed each other by fate. gone."

Hearing the loneliness in Su Yun's words, Xiaoshan couldn't help becoming more puzzled, and quickly recalled the man she saw on the day of the martial arts competition, and suddenly remembered that the lady paid special attention to a man outside the window that day. She has an extraordinary temperament and is extraordinary, different from the people around her, and the woman in a goose yellow dress next to the man is even more like a fairy. She still remembers that when the two appeared in the crowd, they were very excited Stand out.

Thinking of this, Xiaoshan quickly said: "Miss is not looking at the man who appeared like a fairy that day, right? There is a woman in a goose yellow dress standing next to the man, as if she came down from the sky. I don’t know how the two are related.”

Hearing this, a gleam of light appeared in the bottom of Su Yun's eyes, but when she heard the following sentence "I don't know how these two are related", the light in the bottom of the eyes dimmed again.

Su Yun didn't speak, just acquiesced to what Xiaoshan just said. At this time, Xiaoshan fell into thinking again, and said: "The appearance of that woman is really unprecedented, I'm afraid the lady in the palace None of them are as good-looking as hers, and that son is walking with her. If the relationship between the two is husband and wife, I always feel that the two of them are not that close. I always feel that this man seems a bit unworthy of this girl, if you want me to say, these two are more like brother and sister."

"Brothers and sisters..." Su Yun murmured, her thoughts flickering slightly.

Xiaoshan said again affirmatively: "It looks like this to the servant girl, but didn't the lady ask the master later, and the master said that he had never seen these two young people in the Jianghu, so he probably wasn't from the Jianghu. , and will not participate in the Martial Arts Competition."

Su Yun's brightened eyes dimmed again, she slightly pursed the corners of her lips, and then said: "Yeah, the two of them can't be from the Jianghu at first glance, so why did they come to this martial arts competition to recruit relatives?" , We are destined to miss it too."

Hearing what Su Yun said, Xiaoshan was slightly stunned at first, and then surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Miss, did you really fall in love with that young master, but miss, you just saw him. That young man's side!"

After Xiaoshan's words fell, Su Yun's cheeks suddenly turned red, she turned her head and glanced at Xiaoshan, and then replied: "I... I just think that this young master doesn't look like Young Master Zhu. Such a rough and illiterate person is not as widowed as Mr. Lingzhu, and I believe that such a perfect person must be extraordinary."

Xiaoshan was stunned for a moment when he saw the way Su Yun's whole face was shining when he talked about the young master who had only met once.

It seems that my lady has really moved her heart this time.

Thinking of this, Xiaoshan rolled his eyes, and then said: "Then let that young master come to this martial arts competition?"

Hearing this, Su Yun's face turned red suddenly, she glanced at Xiaoshan again and said: "You silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about, whether to participate in the martial arts competition or not is a matter for the young master himself, if others don't care, it's hard to Can you still force it?"

"But the young lady never asked that young master if he was interested." Xiaoshan said with an aggrieved face.

Hearing her words, Su Yun's eyes moved slightly.

That's right, even if the two of them just passed each other by fate, as long as she can take the initiative, maybe the fate between them can last longer, but now it's time for the finals of the contest to recruit relatives. At this time, there is no chance to compete again, not to mention that there is a vast sea of ​​people, she is just a woman, if you want to find that young master again from so many people, wouldn't it be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack?

Thinking of this, Su Yun's eyes slowly lowered, then she sighed long, did not speak again, her white fingers caressed the guzheng again, and within a short while, a melancholy sound of the zither Then it spread from her hands again.

In a room in the largest inn in Panyang Town, Zhu Tingfeng sat quietly in front of the table. On the table was his long sword, and in the center of the table was a lighted sword. At this time, Zhu Tingfeng was holding his face with his hands, staring at the direction of the candle flame in a daze.

Suddenly there was a sound from the other side of the door, and Zhu Tingfeng, who was keen, immediately came back to his senses, then hurriedly stood up from the front of the table, and hurriedly walked towards the direction of the door.

"Well, have you found out where the girl lives?"

(End of this chapter)

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