The daily life of the villain

Chapter 561 Using Reiki

Chapter 561 Using Reiki
After Qiao Youxue finished drinking a cup of tea, she turned her eyebrows and eyes, and then said, "I want you to help me. There is no problem with your posture. Although the poison on your body is fierce, I do have a solution." .”

As soon as her words fell, Mr. Ling Zhu, who was originally in a state of anxiety, felt like he was riding a roller coaster. He just sank to the bottom of the valley, and now he looked at Qiao Youxue, and his beautiful eyes lit up.

However, the corners of Qiao Youxue's lips rose slightly. The fetal poison, which caused headaches for everyone in the mortal world, was nothing more than something unspeakable in the realm of comprehension. That is something that can cure all diseases, but ordinary people's physique can't bear things that contain spiritual energy, and a Qingxin Dan can only be crushed, and a little bit of it can be taken in water, and Mr. Lingzhu's situation is even more serious. To put it simply, he is a martial artist, his physique must be stronger than ordinary mortals, and he can bear more strength. Qiao Youxue turned Qingxin Pill into water and gave him to take it. Not only can he clean up the residual poison in his body, He can also strengthen his body. I am afraid that he will be the one who can dominate the world in the future.

Alas, helpless, helpless, who made Mr. Lingzhu so discerning, but why did he find her.

Thinking of this, the smile on Qiao Youxue's face became brighter and brighter.

"Miss, do you really have a solution?!" Mr. Ling Zhu's face was filled with surprise.

Seeing Mr. Lingzhu like this, Qiao Youxue frowned slightly. Could it be that this young man has been suppressed for too long over the years, so after learning the news that he can detoxify, his image will not be the same as before. Is it that big?

However, before Qiao Youxue could think about it carefully, Mr. Lingzhu's voice sounded again.

"Then ask Ms. Qiao for help. As long as she can relieve the fetal poison on my body, within my power, she can do whatever she wants." Mr. Lingzhu said slowly.

Qiao Youxue thought about it carefully, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "There is really one thing that needs your help."

Mr. Lingzhu said quickly and straightforwardly: "Miss Qiao, just tell me."

"Since Mr. Shen and I have been in Panyang Town these days, I have asked Mr. Lingzhu to help take care of Ms. Su Yun in Moya Villa, and don't let her do anything to destroy the marriage between Mr. Shen and the Cheng family." Qiao Youxue said lightly.

As soon as her voice fell, Mr. Ling Zhu had a rare look of surprise on his face.


He has already thought that maybe she wants gold and silver treasures, or maybe she wants to use the power of the bamboo forest outside the fairyland to help her and Mr. Shen get through the difficulties, so that he can get in touch with the marriage between Mr. Shen and the fifth miss of the Cheng family. Well, after all, the Fifth Miss of the Cheng family is still so young now, and it will take at least ten years to wait until Jiji, Mr. Shen is about to start a family and start a business, how could he wait ten years for a child?
So Mr. Lingzhu never thought that Qiao Youxue's request was actually this.

Qiao Youxue naturally also guessed what he should be thinking at this time, so she went on to say: "I know Mr. Lingzhu must have many doubts in his heart, but this matter is really just a matter between the two of us and the Cheng family. The intervention of others, this Miss Su Yun is also, when I saw her at the banquet, I found that she had other thoughts about Shen Qianqiu, and I am afraid it will disturb what we are about to do, so I also ask Mr. Lingzhu to use the bamboo forest outside the fairy Strength, be optimistic about Miss Su Yun, and at the same time, don't let other people meddle in our affairs with the Cheng family, because these are beyond your control."

Hearing Qiao Youxue's voice calmed down more and more, and this calmness was mixed with more coercion, Mr. Lingzhu was shocked again.

Although he became more and more curious about the identities of Miss Qiao and Mr. Shen, over the years, what he has been able to control the most is his own curiosity, so he didn't say anything else, just nodded and said: "I promise you .”

"Okay." Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and then she looked at the bowl of tea in front of Young Master Ling Zhu, and saw that Young Master Ling Zhu didn't drink too much because of his absent-minded appearance, so Qiao You Xue continued He opened his mouth and said, "Young Master, please wait outside for a while, the antidote will be ready soon."

Looking at Qiao Youxue's eyes when he was speaking, Mr. Lingzhu couldn't help but look in the direction of his teacup. At this time, he still politely agreed with Qiao Youxue's words, and then walked out of the room.

After Qiao Youxue was left alone in the room, the light in her eyes moved slightly.

Shen Qianqiu is a fifth-rank alchemist, and he would never carry low-level elixir like Qingxin Dan on his body, and the lowest-grade elixir on his body is also second-rank, even if it is diluted ten thousand times with water, Just give a mortal to drink a drop, and he will explode and die.

There is this Qingxin Dan in her storage ring, but her ring can only be opened by herself, and she must use spiritual power... just use a little spiritual power to open the storage ring and take the Qingxin Pill, it should be nothing problem.

The demon energy in her body has been discharged a lot...

Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue raised her hand slightly, looked at the ring on her finger, paused for a moment, and began to recite the formula silently.

The next moment, she saw a little spiritual light emanating from her storage ring, and the next moment, a small white jade bottle appeared in her hand.

After taking out the Qingxin Pill, Qiao Youxue hastily stopped the aura she had used just now, and only when she felt that there was nothing abnormal in her body, Qiao Youxue breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when she was about to stand up, it was as if a beast sprang out of her body, and it began to rampage around her meridians, and a strong pain came out of her body instantly.

Qiao Youxue lost her footing and fell down, even the teacup in front of her was knocked to the ground.

"Hahaha——" A baby's laughter suddenly appeared from her sea of ​​consciousness, and then, this voice began to echo continuously in her sea of ​​consciousness, constantly impacting her psychological defense.

The corner of Qiao Youxue's mouth suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. The next moment, those apricot eyes suddenly turned red, and then quickly turned back to black, but the next moment they turned red again. Switching constantly.

"No... no..." Qiao Youxue frowned, and got up from the ground. She looked in front of her, and saw that the world in front of her seemed to have turned into a phantom.

(End of this chapter)

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