Chapter 583 Clean Up
Cheng Yunyun's eyes looking at the corpse on the ground gradually turned cold, she straightened up, put her arms around her chest and said coldly, "Don't even look at who you are if you dare to point in front of me."

The voice fell, and a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Miss Su, Miss Su, wait for the servants to report..."

After hearing this voice, Cheng Yunyun's eyes suddenly changed again, the cruelty in his eyes suddenly faded away like a tide, leaving Cheng Yunyun with a dazed face.

At this time, Su Yun was rushing over, she remembered what Xiaoshan had said to herself a few days ago, and now that another person came to Cheng's residence, she was really worried that this ignorant girl would be in the Cheng's house. Mrs. Fan and Miss Wu said something that they didn't know the severity of, and it also hurt the harmony of the Cheng family and Moya Villa.

However, before she took a few steps, she saw the scene in front of her from a distance. A woman was lying on the ground covered in blood, and beside her stood a little girl whose hands were covered in blood.

After seeing this scene, Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and then an ominous premonition welled up in her heart, and then she quickened her pace and walked in that direction.

Cheng Yunyun still had a puzzled look on her face. After she looked down and saw the bloody shirt on the ground, her expression changed suddenly, and she fell to the ground.

At this time, Su Yun had also walked over, first glanced at Cheng Yunyun, then at Xiaoshan's corpse lying on the ground, her pupils suddenly dilated.

"Xiaoshan!" Su Yun was frightened by the scene in front of her and couldn't help screaming, then squatted down, put her index finger under Xiaoshan's nose tremblingly, and after staying for a while, she didn't feel her breath. His face turned pale.

"Ah—" After seeing the scene in front of them, the maids and women chasing after them were all startled.

But at this time, Mr. Ling Zhu who followed Su Yun closely saw the scene in front of him, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Cheng Yunyun suddenly cried out with a "wow", but when she wiped the tears on her cheeks with her own hands, there were more blood stains on her face, which was terrifying.

In the inn, Qiao Youxue calmly adjusted her internal energy. Her mind was full of every move Zhu Tingfeng used the Heavenly Sword Technique just now. She disassembled every detail of the Heavenly Sword Technique, and then Putting it together again, the thin light reappeared around the body.

In the middle of an empty sea of ​​consciousness, Qiao Youxue was in it, holding the burial sword in her hand, and began to dance with Zhu Tingfeng in the sword technique of heaven.

The edge was hidden, and the snow under his feet was flying in the air with the long sword. Suddenly, more than a dozen black spots appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was particularly eye-catching in this white place.

Qiao Youxue's eyes lit up suddenly, and then a sword wind swept across, directly hitting one of the black dots, and the next moment, the black dot disappeared, and then Qiao Youxue did the same thing again, and I don't know how long it took , the black spots in the sea of ​​consciousness are getting fewer and fewer, but they are becoming more and more stubborn. She doesn't know how many times she has practiced the Tianzhong swordsmanship before she can barely wipe out these black spots until there are only two left.

However, the last two clusters of devilish energy are the most difficult to get rid of.

Feeling that her body was exhausted, Qiao Youxue also stopped, no longer dealing with the last two balls of demon energy, and slowly retreated from the state of harmony between man and nature.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was already drenched in sweat. He sighed helplessly, then put on a cloak and went outside.

If her spiritual power can still be used, she can clean her body with a clean water spell at this time, but now it seems that she has to go down and order the waiter downstairs to prepare hot water for bathing and changing clothes.

Zhu Tingfeng returned to his inn, and it took him a while to calm down. Li Xiao looked at his young master, quietly waiting for him to react.

For a whole afternoon, Zhu Tingfeng didn't say a word, until Li Xiao's stomach growled, Zhu Tingfeng came back to his senses, looked up at him and asked: "Are you hungry? ?"

Looking at the young master who had never looked like this before, Li Xiao quickly shook his head, and then said: "No, I'm fine, young master, you continue to think about your affairs."

Zhu Tingfeng's ears were slightly red, and he hurriedly covered it up with an embarrassing laugh, waved his hand and said, "I have something to think about, it's time to eat at this time, eat and eat..."

Hearing this, Li Xiao quickly stood up from the stool, and was about to turn around and go downstairs, but he only walked a few steps, and he didn't hear the sound coming from behind, so he couldn't help but turned his head and looked in Zhu Tingfeng's direction, I saw Zhu Tingfeng still sitting there in a daze, thinking about something.

Li Xiao's heart was full of helplessness, he folded back, looked at Zhu Tingfeng and said, "Young master, why don't you serve the rice to me later?"

The light in Zhu Tingfeng's eyes was slightly bright, and he was silent for a moment before he said: "Tell me...does the little fairy think I'm a little frivolous?"

"Ah?" Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment, obviously he was still talking about eating just now, but now the Young Master is talking about that Snow Maiden again? !

Zhu Tingfeng continued: "But this time the little fairy didn't say those unfeeling words to me again, could it be that she was attracted by my sword dancing demeanor?"

"Then it can only be like this. In fact, I think, the young master's swordsmanship dance is really sassy today. It would be great if the city master could see it." Li Xiao couldn't help saying.

After hearing his words, Zhu Tingfeng's eyes lit up suddenly, he looked up at Li Xiao and asked, "Really?"

"Of course it is true. I have rarely seen the young master dance sword so seriously." Li Xiao continued.

His voice fell, and the smile on Zhu Tingfeng's face grew wider, he couldn't help grinning, and suddenly his eyebrows frowned slightly, and then asked hesitantly: "But... I actually went up to wipe the little fairy's sweat so frivolously, it was too reckless, too reckless..."

"Yeah, I think so too." Li Xiao remembered the scene he saw earlier, and nodded in agreement with him.

Seeing Li Xiao's appearance, Zhu Tingfeng was silent for a while, and then suddenly stood up and ran outside.

Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly chased after him: "Hey, young master, where are you going?!"

"Apologize to the little fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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