The daily life of the villain

Chapter 592 The New Lady

Chapter 592 The New Lady

It's just that ghost cultivators generally don't live in the territory of Taoist cultivators. They were all Taoist cultivators, demon cultivators, or mortals who have never practiced before, but they all go to the same place after death, that is Underground, the most filthy place, is also the place of ghost cultivators.

There is no distinction between good and evil among ghost cultivators, everyone acts according to their own temper and personality, but because they retain the memories of their lives, most ghost cultivators die unexpectedly, so generally speaking, their personalities are very different. eccentric.And as far as she knew in her previous life, ghost cultivators who usually live on the ground are either very powerful and not afraid of being targeted by monks or demon cultivators, or they have unfulfilled wishes, or they are unfulfilled. Killed the enemy.

But regardless of whether the person living in the crucified wooden house is a ghost cultivator or what kind of ghost cultivator it is, she has her own purpose when she comes here, and it's better to avoid it directly, so I don't bother to explain so much to Guan Biao , I am also afraid that the person inside will hear that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Thinking of this, Lu Hehuan looked at Guan Biao and said, "Let's move on."

Hearing this, Guan Biao also nodded, and then followed in Lu Hehuan's footsteps.

After Lu Hehuan and Guan Biao left, they didn't notice that a dark figure came out of the wooden house and followed them directly.

Tianhuo Cult

The new wife, Du Ting, who was selected in the end, came to the door of the leader's room. Seeing this, Nie Changkong, who had been guarding outside Ji He's door, hurried forward, bowed respectfully and said, "I've seen you, madam."

Seeing this, Du Ting nodded politely, and then said with a smile: "The leader has been busy with official duties for a day, I made some snacks, so that the leader can relax."

After hearing Du Ting's words, Nie Changkong looked at the food box in the hands of the servant behind Du Ting, smiled and said, "Madam is interested, I will send it to the leader."

"That's unnecessary," Du Ting smiled slightly: "I'll send it in to the leader myself."

Hearing this, Nie Changkong showed a hint of hesitation on his face, and then said, "Madam, the leader is dealing with official business right now, so I'd better come down and send it off."

"The leader has been busy all day today, how can he not rest?" Du Ting frowned slightly and said, "If this continues, I will be exhausted."

"Ma'am, don't worry, the teacher has a strong skill, nothing will happen." Nie Changkong said with a smile.

But Du Ting gave him a light look, and then said: "What do you guys know? When you really burn your body, you won't say that. I'd better go in and see him, let him He takes a break."

As soon as Du Ting's voice fell, she stepped forward to walk into the house. Seeing this, Nie Changkong moved quickly, stopped in front of Du Ting, smiled awkwardly and said, "How many people are there in this room?" Elder, Madam, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to go now."

"Why didn't you say that there are still elders discussing matters here?" Du Ting frowned slightly, and looked at Nie Changkong with more irritability in her eyes: "I think you are blocking me on purpose, but I The wife of the leader of the Tianhuo Sect, as a wife, when will I not be allowed to see my husband?"

After finishing speaking, Du Ting walked towards the house again.

In the room, the noise outside had already affected Ji He who was flipping through the records in the room. Impatientness flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand to rub his brow.

"But ma'am, ma'am!" Nie Changkong, who was outside, finally did not stop Du Ting, and could only see her barging in like this, secretly screaming in his heart.

As soon as Du Ting broke into the room, she walked directly towards Ji He's direction. When she saw him sitting alone in front of the table reading the records, a trace of depression appeared on her face.

"I just said, if there is really an elder discussing matters with my husband, why didn't Nie Changkong tell me earlier." Du Ting said angrily.

Hearing this, Ji He slowly raised his head, a gentle smile appeared in his eyes, and then asked lightly, "Why is Madam here?"

"If I don't come, you will be dizzy here." Du Ting gave Ji He a coquettish look, then took the food box from the hand of the maid behind her, walked towards him, and continued Said: "My husband handles official duties so hard every day, so I made some snacks with my own hands and gave them to my husband to taste. It just so happens that my husband should also take a rest."

Ji He smiled lightly: "If you have a wife like this, what more can you ask for from a husband? Let my wife put it here."

"That can't be done, I have to watch my husband eat something." Du Ting blushed, and placed all the snacks in the food box on Ji He's table.

Seeing this, a hint of disgust flashed across Ji He's eyes calmly, and then he said lightly: "I am a practitioner, and I have already lost my appetite. I have already understood Madam's intentions, but I still have to do it next." There are a lot of official duties to be dealt with, I will ask Chang Kong to take you back."

As soon as Ji He's voice fell, Du Ting's subordinates paused slightly, the light in her eyes moved slightly, then she raised her head to look at Ji He and said with a smile: "No matter how many official duties you have, my husband will still Don't be too hasty, you are the pillar of the entire Tianhuo Cult, and your body is the top priority of the Tianhuo Cult."

"For my husband's health, Ma'am, don't worry." Ji He said with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

But when he met his gaze, Du Ting's heart suddenly ached.

She could clearly feel the care and love in his words, but she couldn't see the sincerity in his eyes. She and this man had already performed all the rituals of husband and wife, but it was as if they were in a stove, even more like being in a In the ice water, she obviously got everything she wanted, but she couldn't feel any happiness at all...

Ji He's brows moved slightly, then he patted the back of Du Ting's hand lightly, and then said: "Madam, rest well, I'll ask Chang Kong to take you back."

After finishing speaking, Nie Changkong came in from the outside, stood aside respectfully and looked at Du Ting and said, "Madam, I will take you home."

Du Ting was stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered twice, then she stood up and said, "Oh...oh, my husband, don't bother your mind and body. If you are tired, use some snacks."

Ji He looked at her and nodded lightly.

Du Ting hesitated for a moment, then left the room followed by Nie Changkong.

After she left, Ji He glanced lightly at the snacks on the table, and with a wave of his hand, those things disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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