The daily life of the villain

Chapter 603 Goodbye Yuli

Chapter 603 Goodbye Yu Shili

And the embarrassment in the northern border has lasted for a long time, and it is ridiculous to say that many powerful monks who are over a thousand years old in the cultivation world are helpless against this big devil who turned out to be born out of nowhere.

Already in March of Yangchun, the entire northern border is still covered with snowstorms year after year without stopping.The Qiao family's parents settled everything from Qingyun City, and when they came to the northern border, just as Shou Wujiang recovered from his injuries, he took the initiative to launch an attack on the strictly guarded Xueyu Taoist sect. The couple's worried daughter put on armor and went to the battlefield.

At this time, Qiao Youxue was not idle either. Ever since she came back from the mortal world, she had been recovering from her wounds in the Snowy Taoism. A lot of time had passed. In this quiet day of recuperating while studying martial arts, The whole person has also made a lot of progress. Because Qiao Yufeng and Shen Qianqiu were not able to go to the battlefield due to insufficient strength and cultivation, they started the task of comforting the common people together from the disciples of Xueyu Taoism. A demon cultivator in black under Wujiang has repeatedly harassed the people and snatched away the babies who were still in their infancy. The hearts of the people have already been agitated.

What is puzzling is that Lu Hehuan has not appeared in the eyes of everyone for a while, nor has he learned about other situations from Shou Wujiang and the black-clothed demon cultivator.

After all, it is March in Yangchun, most places in the Central Plains are already in bloom, the wind and the sun are warm, even though the northern border is far away, it will always be affected, Qiao Youxue sat on the ice lotus platform and stretched comfortably After that, feeling some warmth mixed in the snow, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

It really was the coldest winter, and when spring came, even the snowy northern region was much warmer than usual.

Now that the conditions are no longer bad, the war that has dragged on for a long time should stop early.

Qiao Youxue knew that after her parents visited the Second Elder, she hurriedly changed her armor and went to the battlefield. I heard that Shou Wujiang was frequently appearing in the northern part of Syracuse at this moment, which was very close to the extreme north. The original battlefield was originally in the central part of Syracuse. Yes, the entire northern border is so big, but there is only one city, Xuecheng, and the rest are just some inconspicuous border towns. The place is big, and there are few people, so it can't be managed. Therefore, Syracuse is divided into east and south. , west, north, and middle five parts, because Xueyu Taoism is located in the center of the city, so it directly manages the people in the middle, and the other four parts set up a city lord. It is managed by four city lords and Xueyu Taoism, the most important of which is the famous and decent Xueyu Taoism.

Because with the beginning of the war, the entire snow city has entered a state of strict security, but it is impossible to get in and out. Countless cultivation powers have poured in, but only a few people can go out. As time goes by, the entire snow city They stopped letting people out completely, like a square iron cage, as if they were going to trap Shou Wujiang to death in it.

Although Shou Wujiang's injuries are recovering, it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with these Taoist cultivators. One reason is that his practice requires constantly plundering babies and using their brains to improve his skills. But the babies in Xuecheng have been strictly guarded by Xueyu Taoist. He didn't dare to waste his skills easily, and he might fall into the hands of those Taoists if he was not careful, so he sent Guan Biao to rob the babies , gained very little, and practiced very hard.The second reason is that there are more and more monks from outside, and his own strength has not increased, but the number of enemies is increasing. It is really like entering a cage. At this time, he has also realized that if he continues to consume like this, Sooner or later, I will fall into their hands.

Shou Wujiang wanted to retire a long time ago, but Lu Hehuan didn't come back for a long time, and in his heart he still believed in Xuanwu, who had [-]% of the blood of the gods and beasts in his body, so the delay dragged on until March.

After Qiao Youxue Yujian came to the main hall, seeing the situation of no one around, her eyes were tainted with helplessness again.

The main battlefield moved from the central part to the north, and most of the elders also lived in the north city lord's mansion in Syracuse. Even the second elder also passed by. The person earnestly persuaded them to stay, saying that after the war in the central region, the losses were extremely serious. She stayed here and watched, and it would also help the people in central Syracuse to recover as soon as possible.

But Qiao Youxue knew that the two of them did not want her to go with the large army because the northern part of Xuecheng was close to the extreme north, and the environment was very harsh, and her injuries were just right.

She didn't take it seriously in her heart, even if the environment in the extreme northern land was so harsh and cold, she had stayed there for two full years, and now she was only on the periphery of the extreme northern land, so it was naturally considered a place for her. Not to mention anything, and there are injuries on her body, she thinks that when the injuries on her body are healed, she will be healed, and everything will be as usual.

But the real reason why Qiao Youxue stayed was because of Qiao Yufeng's words, "Stay here to appease the people in the middle of the country who have gone through this training." These days, she has been recuperating behind closed doors in the Xueyu Taoism. She didn't have a chance to go out to take a look, and she was concerned about what was going on outside.

After recovering from the injury, he habitually came to this hall. As soon as he walked in, he remembered that the battlefield had been transferred. He glanced at the empty hall, smiled helplessly, and was about to turn around and leave. But at this moment, a A voice came from a corner in the hall, calling her.

"Miss Joe."

This voice was clear and cold, but there was an indelible youthful air in the coldness.

Qiao Youxue was stunned, she didn't expect that there was another person in the hall, she didn't see it just now, so she turned around and looked in that direction.

I saw Yu Shili, who was dressed in plain clothes, holding a few jade slips in his hand, and walked out of the corner that was not easy to be seen, and the sunlight that came in from outside the hall hit him. His eyebrows are still as handsome as before.

Qiao Youxue recalled that she hadn't seen him for a long time, but she didn't expect that after all this time, there was a bit of vicissitudes on his body, but his clothes were still neat and clean as usual. a feeling of.

She still remembered that when she first met this young master, she was still in a small town on the border. At that time, she was full of vigor, and Yu Shili now is also different from that time.

(End of this chapter)

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