The daily life of the villain

Chapter 632 My Arsenic

Chapter 632 My Arsenic
"Everyone thinks that those who practice the devil's way are sinful and cannot ascend once they enter the devil's way, but this is not the case. You know that whether you are a Taoist or a demon, the chances of being able to ascend are the same." Qi Ye continued.

Hearing what Qi Ye said, the light in Wan Xingchi's eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "No matter what, the road Moxiu wants to take is a road full of killings, which is not tolerated by the heavens, the killings are too heavy After that, they will definitely be condemned by the heavens, and those who can ascend are definitely not those demon cultivators who have killed too few evils, but those who can compete with the heavens, which is really... even more difficult."

After his words fell, Qi Ye suddenly stopped, staring at him with a pair of eyes, but the emotions in those eyes were very complicated.

"You are so lucky." He stared at Wan Xing for a long while, and then slowly said this sentence.

Wan Xingchi was stunned for a moment, then walked straight around Qi Ye and walked forward without saying a word.

"He's honey, I'm arsenic."

The four of you, Qiao Youxue, were drinking tea in front of a small stall. Although talking and laughing was very relaxed, Qiao Youxue's eyes fell on a person wearing a black cloak among the crowd in the market from time to time.

"After searching for so many days, I finally found him. This person is too calm, he hid for so long before he came out." Shen Qianqiu said in a low voice.

Qiao Youxue glanced at Shen Qianqiu indifferently, and then said: "He has lingered in Yanzhou for many days without leaving, it is very different from the usual situation, we have to be careful."

"Why?" Bi An blinked her big eyes and looked at Qiao Youxue. Before that, she had been admiring her new shoes with great joy. After hearing Qiao Youxue's words, she also asked curiously.

Qiao Youxue went on to say: "This Yanzhou is close to the border of the northern border. If you want to go to the western border of the Demon Cultivator, you must pass through this place. Therefore, there are more elders stationed in Yanzhou. He alone It is impossible to leave here with human strength, so the possible situation is that he will temporarily come to Yanzhou to wait, and Shou Wujiang is coming soon."

Hearing Shou Wujiang's name, Shen Qianqiu's mood became heavier. Sanbai looked at Shen Qianqiu's appearance and felt something was wrong, so he looked at Qiao Youxue and asked, "Master, who is Shou Wujiang?" ?”

"A big devil..." Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly. At this moment, she didn't know how to explain the origin of Shou Wujiang to them. She couldn't just say that Shou Wujiang was the owner of Wujiang Mountain among the seven uninhabited lands. After all, She only talked about this matter with a few respected elders including the Second Elder, and it was through the name of Elder Li, but now that Elder Li has appeared, if he finds out, then she will go out of her way Yet……

Just as Qiao Youxue was thinking about what to say, Shen Qianqiu took her words.

"You don't even know who Shou Wujiang is? It's this Shou Wujiang who is causing panic in the entire cultivation world. Look at the devastation everywhere in the northern border. This is Shou Wujiang..."

Before Shen Qianqiu finished speaking, Bi'an interrupted him and said: "Remember, I heard it from the disciples of Qingyun Sect before, I didn't expect Shou Wujiang to be the big devil, and he said that he would die in a flash. It can change the color of the world, I want to see how powerful this Shou Wujiang is."

Seeing Bi An's proud look, Qiao Youxue couldn't help reminding: "If you meet Shou Wujiang in the future, you must not act rashly, do you hear me?"

When the other side saw that the master was admonishing him, he didn't dare not listen, so he let out a weary "oh".

Seeing the current state of the other side, Qiao Youxue felt a little emotional in her heart.

Thinking back to when I just subdued the other side, this little girl was still a rampant and rampant female devil, who didn't take her seriously at all, but now she is docile and obedient, more like a little girl.

After just being absent-minded for a while, the figure of the black-clothed demon cultivator disappeared from the sight of several people.

Shen Qianqiu suddenly noticed it, quickly put down the teacup in his hand, and said anxiously: "No, I lost it."

After saying that, Shen Qianqiu stood up, and wanted to run to the place where the black-clothed demon cultivator appeared just now to search around, Qiao Youxue said quickly: "Don't panic."

Shen Qianqiu turned his eyes to look at Qiao Youxue and said: "We waited so hard for him to come out this once. If we lose our follower, we don't know when we will have to wait for the next time."

"Things are not that simple." Qiao Youxue's eyes moved slightly, and she continued, "Sit down first."

Shen Qianqiu listened to what Qiao Youxue said, and sat down again, but she was still a little anxious.

Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "After a monk reaches the golden core, he has already reached the realm of bigu, and he will not die if he does not eat or drink. If this black-clothed demon finds a safe place Afterwards, you just need to wait there for Shou Wujiang to arrive, but why did he venture out today knowing that there are still many Taoist cultivators in Yanzhou?"

"Could it be...that place is not safe for him to stay?" Shen Qianqiu was guided by Qiao Youxue, and soon thought of an idea.

Qiao Youxue raised her eyes, nodded slightly, and continued: "Someone may have found him, and before us, as for who this person is..."

Shen Qianqiu's eyes lit up: "Could it be the elders stationed in Yanzhou?"

Qiao Youxue frowned slightly and shook her head: "I have the token of the Second Elder in my hand, and I have already contacted the Taoists in Yanzhou. If there is any news, they will definitely notify me as soon as possible."

"That's strange, who else is looking for this black-clothed demon cultivator?" Shen Qianqiu frowned.

Qiao Youxue became more cautious, and then raised her eyes to look in the direction where the black-clothed demon cultivator had appeared just now, and saw two men with similar clothes appeared in the crowd and walked towards a certain direction.

Seeing Qiao Youxue's gaze looking in that direction, Shen Qianqiu followed her gaze, and was slightly startled when she saw it.

"Those two people walked at the same pace, and the posture of holding the knife was also very similar. Although they didn't walk all the way, it could be seen that they belonged to the same organization... and they were both watching the black-clothed demon cultivator leave intentionally or unintentionally. The direction must be the group of people who were watching him, but fortunately I didn’t go there just now, otherwise I would become a praying mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole was behind..."

(End of this chapter)

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