The daily life of the villain

Chapter 639 Finding the Woods

Chapter 639 Finding the Woods
Hearing Shen Qianqiu's funny look when he said this, Sanbai couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then burst into laughter from the other side, making Shen Qianqiu's old face flush with shame.

Qiao Youxue followed the direction described in the original book to find the forest where the rain thunder beast might exist, and it was already three days later when she arrived.

In Xueyu Taoism, facing Murong Yu's drawn face, Qiao Yufeng didn't know what to say for a while.

"She's been away for a while, and you still hide it from her. She's your real sister." Murong Yu frowned and said to Qiao Yufeng.

Hearing this, Qiao Yufeng's face was full of helplessness and said: "This...Mother, you should try to let go. Both of us, siblings, have grown up and can take responsibility. Just rest assured, this time, sister will definitely be able to come back safely."

"You have only experienced so many things, and you say that you can take responsibility. Do you know how your parents came here..."

Murong Yu was about to say more, but Qiao Mingyan interrupted her and said, "Okay, okay, we are us, the juniors are the juniors, the times are different, let's let them go out and roam around!"

"You know my heart, and you help them speak." Murong Yu glared at Qiao Mingyan, and Qiao Mingyan didn't dare to speak anymore.

Fortunately, Qiao Youxue will still leave, and Murong Yu has already guessed it, so he just complained for a while and calmed down, then looked at Qiao Yufeng and said: "Yufeng, you are going to take over in the future." Our whole Qiao family's family business, if you take risks and try hard to earn yourself a name or something, your parents will naturally not stop you, but your sister is different, she can rely on our Qiao family to live a good life in the future , This is something that many people in the world can't ask for, but she just wants to take risks, and her life may be in danger at any time, so how can I feel at ease."

When Qiao Yu heard Murong Yu's words, she was stunned for a while, and then lowered her eyes again.

If possible, he really doesn't want to inherit the huge Qiao family business in the future. He hates the hustle and bustle, and doesn't like the intrigues and intrigues in the sect family. Between their siblings, perhaps the elder sister is the one who is most suitable to bear the burden. She is a person with such a heavy responsibility, but she is a little different. What my sister is pursuing seems to be not these.

Murong Yu looked at Qiao Yufeng's silence, and sighed for a long time, and said: "Forget it, the child is grown up, so just do whatever you want, mother can certainly protect your body, but I can't keep your heart."

Qiao Yufeng never raised his eyes. After an unknown period of time, he heard the sound of two footsteps. It wasn't until it was dark that he slowly raised his head. He was the only one left in the room. , He actually sat here until dark.

The moonlight was as silent as water. In the northern border, Nie Changkong searched for a long time before he found Ji He near the entrance and exit of Yanzhou.

Seeing Ji He quietly staring at the heavy city gate, as if lost in thought, Nie Changkong stepped forward, and then respectfully saluted: "Master, what should we do now?"

Hearing Nie Changkong's voice, Ji He came back to his senses, turned his head and glanced at him lightly, and then said, "Stay still, right here in Yanzhou."

Hearing this, Nie Changkong was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Stand still? Are we not going back to the Skyfire Sect?"

Ji He suddenly remembered the elder who was at the transformation stage he saw today, and his eyes drooped slightly.

Right now, it's not like they can leave if they want to. There may be more than one elder in Yanzhou who has guarded the door so tightly. It seems that Shou Wujiang will come soon.

What shocked him even more was what he saw this morning. The elders at the transformation stage were actually polite to Qiao Youxue. Although he didn't know what they said in the enchantment, but Qiao Youxue was able to leave the northern border. Increased curiosity about her mission.

But curiosity is nothing but curiosity. At this moment, Qiao Youxue has already gone outside the northern border, and he is still inside the northern border and cannot go out. He can neither investigate nor help her when she is in danger.

Thinking of this, a nameless anger suddenly arose in Ji He's heart. He glanced at Nie Changkong and said angrily, "Can I go back?"

After the words fell, Ji He turned around and walked towards the city.

Nie Changkong was still confused here, but seeing Ji He's angry look, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

Even though he knew that the leader's real age was not very old, but after following him for so many years, he always felt that he was scheming, as if he was already very old, and only at this time, he could see something from the leader. The shadow of a young man.

"If my guess is correct, then this is the place." Qiao Youxue looked at the deep and dark forest in front of her, and said slowly.

Sanbai couldn't help but said, "'s so dark in here, or we can wait until tomorrow morning to go in."

Hearing this, Shen Qianqiu also hurriedly responded: "Yes, we are traveling faster, so we can just take a rest here."

Qiao Youxue said indifferently: "There is no need to rest, and there are some things in this world that happen to only be done at night."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Youxue took the lead to walk towards the deep forest, and Bi An hurriedly followed behind her, looked at the two people behind who hadn't moved, made a grimace and said, "Coward, a little—"

Sanbai pouted, and the next one followed the other side, and then muttered softly: "I'm not a coward!"

Seeing this, Shen Qianqiu had no choice but to follow behind.

Qian Cheng clenched his fist and slammed it on the wooden house beside him angrily.

"You let that bitch escape, hmph, if I catch you again, I'll definitely kill you immediately!" Qian Cheng said through gritted teeth.

But in fact, Lu Hehuan has been fleeing for a while. During this period of time, Qian Cheng almost searched the main forest and all the nearby villages and towns, but did not find Lu Hehuan, so he gave up. , and then came back here to practice again.

Suddenly thought of something, Qian Cheng frowned tightly.

"I have already killed all the monsters within ten miles, how could such a powerful monster suddenly appear that day?"

Just when Qian Cheng was puzzled, he suddenly saw Lu Hehuan's remaining blood at the door. Just at this moment, the cold light of the moon shone on the dried up blood, emitting a strange brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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