The daily life of the villain

Chapter 643 Reveal the truth

Chapter 643 Reveal the truth
Just as Qian Cheng gave up on the idea of ​​believing Qiao Youxue just now, Qiao Youxue closed her jade fan, then nodded slightly in the direction of the row of torture instruments, and said, "These torture instruments are all covered with stains. Human blood, I think the person who can make you resent to torture in this way is Lu Hehuan."

Seeing Qiao Youxue point it out, Qian Cheng felt uncomfortable for a while, and still didn't dare to look into Qiao Youxue's eyes, turned his head aside and said, "How can you make wild guesses."

Qiao Youxue's eyes flicked across his face, and she continued, "Am I just guessing? Since you have been refusing to reveal her whereabouts, are you afraid that we are with her? Will he take revenge on you after learning what you did to her? You don't have to worry about this, if you want to crush you, it's as easy as crushing an ant."

Her words hit Qian Cheng's heart like a heavy hammer. He turned his head and met Qiao Youxue's smiling eyes. He could only feel a burst of cold air entering his body. .

That's right, the person who claimed to be Xue Qiao had guessed all about him long ago. If he was really Lu Hehuan's friend, why would he not do something to him now? Once they did, he wouldn't There is no chance of escape.

This time he had to believe what Qiao Youxue said earlier, she was really Lu Hehuan's enemy, and it was not impossible for a treacherous and despicable woman like Lu Hehuan to make many enemies.

Thinking of this, Qian Cheng finally let go and said: "That's right, I saw Lu Hehuan and a black-clothed demon cultivator next to her in the woods who wanted to capture the rain-thunder beast, so I tried to kill the black-clothed demon cultivator." Trapped, and then kidnapped Lu Hehuan, she is the person I want to kill day and night, given this opportunity, how could I not seize it?"

"After robbing Lu Hehuan back, I vented all the hatred accumulated over the years on her, but it was not enough. She made me have to live as a ghost cultivator in this cultivation world. And what I want is for her to die, but her luck is too good, no matter how careful I am, I still let her escape." Qian Cheng continued, with annoyance appearing on his face, looking closely at the situation Annoyed with a bit of anger.

Qiao Youxue's expression froze, and she said, "Are you running away?"

She originally thought that Lu Hehuan might have been hidden by Qian Cheng, but she didn't expect that they all ended up in this kind of place, and after suffering so many punishments, she was able to escape.

Qian Cheng nodded under Qiao Youxue's gaze, and continued: "It was the night of the full moon, and I sat outside to meditate and practice as usual, absorbing the essence of the moon. The blood on my body combined to attract a very powerful monster. At that time, I didn't realize why this monster appeared, but Lu Hehuan ran away while I was fighting with the monster. I later Go after him, and apart from finding a woman's body that has been drained of blood in a house outside the forest, there is no trace of Lu Hehuan."

"The corpse of a woman whose blood has been sucked dry?" Qiao Youxue frowned slightly, and then said with a straight face: "Where is it, take me to see it."

That Qian Cheng didn't dare to disobey Qiao Youxue's order, and immediately led a group of people to go out of the forest.

"Ah... ah..." The scarlet blood slid down the woman's white neck, and she was tightly bound around her waist, unable to move at all. She wanted to cry out, but a slender hand was holding tightly Covering her mouth tightly, she couldn't make any sound, only low whimpers could be heard from her throat, the loss of blood in her body, the pain from her neck, and the fear in her heart made this beautiful face The good woman was already in tears.

And Lu Hehuan, who caused all this, was behind the woman, tightly covering the young and beautiful woman's mouth with one hand, and tightly wrapped her hands and waist with the other hand, preventing her from moving. But he bit open the main artery on the woman's neck, and sucked the blood flowing out heartily.

After she finishes drinking the fresh blood, her complexion will become rosy, her appearance will return to her previous appearance, and she will even become even more beautiful. Perhaps when she regains her strength, she can try to break through the seal of the meridians in her body ...

Lu Hehuan's mind was full of these thoughts, and the woman she was hugging had died at this moment, and I don't know how long it took, even the temperature of her body was about to dissipate slowly.

Lu Hehuan suddenly thought of something.

Now that she has become a demon cultivator and is free, why not go to the realm of the demon cultivator?Even though there is no support from Shen Linan among the current demon cultivators, when she traveled to the realm of demon cultivators in the last life, she disguised herself as a demon cultivator, and gained the favor of many demon cultivator men. If you go to the realm of magic cultivation and meet those people again, maybe you will be able to gradually stabilize your foundation in the realm of magic cultivation.

As for that longevity...

Lu Hehuan could only sigh in her heart. Originally, she thought that she had finally found a very powerful backer this time, but she never expected that Shou Wujiang's actions were too high-profile. Knowing some inside information, she actually notified Qing Yunzong directly. She also did not expect that the people of Qing Yunzong believed in Qiao Youxue's words. The Northern Territory is closed, and all capable people and strangers in the cultivation world are here to strangle Shou Wujiang. It is really hard to get out.

Now she has been reduced to a demon cultivator, and if she enters the northern border again, she will be caught in a wolf's mouth. Whether Shou Wujiang can survive in the end depends on his own good fortune.

I can only sigh that I have worked so hard for one game, and finally came to nothing.

Thinking of this, Lu Hehuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and looked towards the direction of the sky.

God, am I still the daughter of destiny that you think I am? I know you have always protected me, but why did you let me die under the lightning disaster in the last life, and why did you let me fall to this point in this life?Have you started not to recognize me? Once you become a demon cultivator, how can you be qualified to bear the title of "Daughter of Destiny"? Could it be that my luck in the last life was against the sky, and I am destined to use this life to repay it? ?

Lu Hehuan looked up at the bright and boundless sky, and fell into deep thought again.

(End of this chapter)

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