The daily life of the villain

Chapter 658 She succeeded

Chapter 658 She succeeded
Qi Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and then murmured in a low voice: "Suicide? I never thought that such a thing would happen to you."

After finishing speaking, Qi Ye's eyes turned to Qiao Youxue, who happened to be looking at him at this moment.

Qi Ye's gaze was directly on Qiao Youxue's wrist, and after he didn't notice the funeral, he slowly retracted his gaze, as if he didn't intend to say anything to Qiao Youxue.

But even if he didn't say it, Qiao Youxue could still guess it.

This time, Qi Ye came to repair Samsara Ferry. It seems that he already knew what the two kinds of Qi are. Now he has the fragments of Samsara Ferry in his hand, as well as Yangming and Yin Demon. Lu Hehuan is not dead yet. , Wan Xingchi and Mo Yi were sealed under the lotus pond by him, this time, no one can really stop him.

The praying mantis is catching the cicada, the oriole is behind, Qi Ye appears at this time, it is really despicable.

Lu Hehuan couldn't last much longer, and her aura would dissipate completely soon, so Qi Ye walked up directly, found the fragments of Samsara Ferry from his storage ring, and after luck, a white One black and two light clusters floated on both sides of the Samsara ferry fragment.

Qiao Youxue's brows furrowed tightly, she looked up at Qi Ye, and said coldly, "What exactly do you want to do to repair this reincarnation ferry?"

Qi Ye raised his hand and opened his palm in the direction of Lu Hehuan, and he directly drew the last breath in Lu Hehuan's body.

This is the breath of death in the mouth of the living.

After the last breath was taken away by Qi Ye, Lu Hehuan was completely lifeless. This reborn daughter of destiny, no one could have imagined that her final ending was ended by herself.

"I want to use it to save a very important person." Qi Ye said lightly, after taking the breath out of Lu Hehuan's body, he looked at Qiao Youxue again, and continued: "You know What should I do now, I don't want to do anything, otherwise...I'm afraid I will be hated by someone."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue stood up from the ground, looked in the direction of Lianchi, and said in a low voice, "Is that person he wants to save as well?"

"Yeah." Qi Ye nodded lightly.

Qiao Youxue's eyes closed slowly, and when she opened her eyes again, there was determination in her eyes, she exhaled a breath, wrapped it with spiritual power, and passed it in the direction of Qi Ye.

The anger in the mouth of the deceased had already floated in front of him, but Qi Ye never took the next step, looking at Qiao Youxue with a pair of probing eyes.

After finishing all this, Qiao Youxue glanced lightly at the direction of the lotus pond, squeezed the fist under her sleeve lightly, then turned around, picked up Lu Hehuan's body lying on the ground, and turned towards the way she came. fly away.

Seeing Qiao Youxue's departure, Qi Ye did not stop him. He promised Wan Xingchi that he would not hurt Qiao Youxue's life, and so far, he had already obtained everything he wanted from her, and the rest would be It doesn't matter anymore.

Come to think of it, she has already thought it through clearly, Wang and Wan Xingchi finally stood together with her, she should know that the distance between the two of them is not the distance between Qingyunzong and Tianjianzong.

Qi Ye came back to his senses, counted the things in front of him, and the next moment he practiced his skills, a dazzling red light shot straight into the sky.

Qiao Youxue took Lu Hehuan's body and flew towards the distance at high speed. The road in front of her was illuminated by the red light behind her. She didn't know what she was feeling in her heart, she just wanted to speed up and escape.

And what she wanted to escape was not Qi Ye, but Wan Xingchi.

With Lu Hehuan's fall, Xuanwu Huaiqing, who signed a master-servant agreement with her, could not live alone in the world. With Xuanwu Huaiqing's fall, Shou Wujiang's indestructible shield also completely disappeared. , for a while, his body was exposed to the eyes of many elder monks, and the previous wind, sword and fire feathers rushed towards him again. This time, Shou Wujiang had no choice but to use his own demonic energy Supported, but with the passage of time, he was constantly consuming his own strength, and the strength of the Taoist monks who went on and on will never be exhausted. Soon, Shou Wujiang, who had exhausted all his strength, fell to the ground. in front of everyone.

The big man who once covered the sky with one hand was finally defeated.

Looking at the figure that finally fell in front of him, a dark light flashed across the bottom of the second elder's eyes.

Qiao Youxue, it succeeded.

There was a hint of joy in my heart, and besides that, there was an inexplicable sense of pride.

The sun and the moon rotate, and all kinds of things are happening all over the world. The disturbing things in this world are always emerging one after another.

For Qiao Youxue, Lu Hehuan's death symbolized the end of a certain stage in her life, and her life entered the next stage accordingly.

In the inn, Shen Qianqiu looked at Qiao Youxue who came back in plain clothes. She was exhausted, and she suffered from various injuries. She was carrying Lu Hehuan's body on her back. Besides, her biggest change was that The exhausted look, and the exhausted look.

He hurriedly took over Lu Hehuan's body, and seeing Qiao Youxue's appearance, he quickly suppressed his curiosity, and said to Bi'an beside him, "Hurry up, help your master back to rest."

The other shore wanted to ask Qiao Youxue what happened with concern, but was stopped by Shen Qianqiu. At this time, she must be under the greatest pressure. Let her calm down first and wait a few days Let's talk about these things.

So Bi An hurriedly supported Qiao Youxue back to rest. Not long after Qiao Youxue came back, Sanbai returned to the inn with a package in her arms. The package was full of things that Qiao Youxue had left on the road. The storage ring, the burial sword, the talisman...

Don't look at Shen Qianqiu who is usually out of tune, but at this time, he can really take things up. Qiao Youxue has been shutting herself in the house these days, so Shen Qianqiu first found a coffin and put it in the coffin. Lu Hehuan was settled, and then took care of everything inside and outside the inn. Lu Hehuan was dead, and they were going back to report soon.

On this day, when it was time to leave, Shen Qianqiu knocked on Qiao Youxue's door with Bi An and Sanbai.

"Junior Sister Qiao, it's time, we should leave now." After knocking on the door, Shen Qianqiu tentatively said.

As early as a few days ago, Shen Qianqiu came to Qiao Youxue's door and told her about her plan to leave, and asked her to pack her things.

(End of this chapter)

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