Chapter 692
Even though her eyes had turned purple and two mysterious patterns appeared on her cheeks, the aura around her hadn't changed at all. She was still the little girl in his memory, and for some reason, her eyes had turned into In this way, he became a monster among the people.

Actually Ji He wanted to meet Qiao Youxue alone this time, but the second elder was afraid that Ji He would do something to hurt her life behind the scenes, but it was inconvenient for him to see Qiao Youxue right now, so he sent Bai Yi to go with Ji He Come in, with the head of Qing Yunzong Law Enforcement Hall, Ji He will not mess around.

Qiao Youxue's eyes moved away from Bai Yi's body, and looked at another person standing beside him, dressed in a red robe, with a terrifying grimace mask on his face, his aura seemed familiar.

Suddenly a person came to mind, and my heart moved slightly.

"The leader of Tianhuo Sect..." Qiao Youxue looked at Ji He. The last time she was in a hurry in the alleys of Yanzhou, she still owed half her life to him.

Ji He didn't speak, but just looked at Qiao Youxue quietly, wondering what he was thinking.

A doubt rose in Qiao Youxue's heart, and a bad premonition surged up again. Qiao Youxue turned her head to look in Bai Yi's direction, and then asked, "Master Bai, why is Ji Jiaozhu of the Tianhuo Sect here?" here……"

Daoism and demons have always been at odds, but now that Ji He is able to walk among the Taoist cultivators so swaggeringly, something must have happened.

"Miss Qiao." Before Bai Yi had time to speak, Ji He said in a low voice, he took two steps in Qiao Youxue's direction, and then stopped again.

Qiao Youxue looked at Ji He, and blinked her eyes lightly: "Long time no see, Master Ji."

Ji He's eyes lowered slightly, and he looked at Qiao Youxue's white and slender hands, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He, Ji He, has been enduring all his life, and finally waited until the present time to get back the Tianhuo Cult that should have belonged to him. No woman can protect her.

Watching the person he loves die, what right does he have to stand in front of her now?

His thoughts suddenly returned to that day in Yuliang City, when he casually knocked on Qiao Youxue's door. It's nothing more than a boy in his 20s, but Ji He is still shouldering the mission of taking back the Tianhuo Cult.

Qiao Youxue saw that the person standing in front of her was only looking down at her hand, but she didn't say a word, so she couldn't help but ask, "Does Master Ji have anything to say?"

Presumably, all the demon cultivators and Taoist cultivators knew her current identity, so why did Ji He find her?
"It's all right." Ji He raised his eyes, took one last look at Qiao Youxue, and after a moment of silence, he turned around and was about to leave.

Bai Yi was also confused by Ji He's actions, Ji He himself proposed to see Qiao Youxue, but after the meeting, he left without saying a word, why is this?

"Wait!" Qiao Youxue said suddenly, after her words fell, Ji He paused slightly.

Qiao Youxue looked at Ji He's back and frowned slightly.

Why, there is a strange sense of familiarity?

This familiar feeling is not like the leader of the Tianhuo Sect that I saw in the northern border before.

Qiao Youxue's thoughts moved, and she immediately asked, "Could Master Ji turn around?"

After her voice fell, Ji He hesitated for a moment, then turned around and met Qiao Youxue's eyes.

Qiao Youxue stared into his eyes for a moment, then chuckled lightly and said, "Master Ji changed his mask, the old one looks better..."

Ji He raised his hand and touched the mask on his face, a white light flashed, and the hideous and terrifying mask turned into the simple and plain appearance when they met last time, which brought out the heroic spirit of his appearance.

The man in the red robe seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant. He was a young man who was so old-fashioned just now that he couldn't tell his age.

Looking at Ji He at this moment, Bai Yi was secretly surprised.

Qiao Youxue looked at Ji He in front of her, was slightly stunned for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "Master Ji, he is very similar to an old friend of mine."

Ji He's lips pursed slightly, but he didn't speak.

"I don't know... Master Ji has ever met a Taoist disciple named Xuanyuan Zhuo, he is very similar to you." Qiao Youxue said slowly again.

A ray of light flashed across Ji He's eyes, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth and said lightly: "I have always been active in the realm of demon cultivators, and I have never met a few disciples of Taoist cultivators. The only person I have met is Miss Qiao. You're all alone."

Hearing this, the corners of Qiao Youxue's lips twitched twice, and then she said, "I was negligent, but you, Master Ji, are too similar to my old friend."

"...Mmm." Ji He was silent for a moment, then said, his gaze once again passed Qiao Youxue's face, then turned and walked out the door.

After Ji He left, Bai Yi also turned around to leave, but at this moment, Qiao Youxue quickly stopped him.

"Hall Master Bai wait a minute!" Qiao Youxue took a few steps in Bai Yi's direction, fixed her gaze on his face, and asked, "What happened outside?"

For a while, Bai Yi didn't know how to tell Qiao Youxue about the current situation outside. If she directly said that all the people from the Nine Great Demon Sects had come and forced the people of the Dao League to execute her immediately, would it be too cruel? The little girl he knew just had a different pair of eyes... But if he didn't say anything, with this child's intelligence, he would be able to guess it soon...

Bai Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally patted Qiao Youxue's shoulder lightly, and said slowly: "Mr. of."

"Hall Master Bai." Qiao Youxue's eyes turned red at some point, she quietly looked at Bai Yilai who was deliberately pretending to be calm and breezy, and frowned slightly: "The person who came, There must be more than one Ji He."

In today's comprehension world, everyone thinks that the black rain was provoked by her, and that it is only a matter of time to attract those demon cultivators, but Qiao Youxue never thought that they would come so quickly.

But now she only has one day tomorrow.

Qiao Youxue looked outside through the open door, the rain was much lighter than before.

(End of this chapter)

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