Chapter 696 Sunny
"Elder, should we inform the people of Tianyin Sect to treat the guarding disciples quickly? I think they are still breathing. It seems that the demon girl did not kill her..." A disciple said at the door of Elder Wu Su. Said in the ear.

At this moment, Elder Wu Su was leading a group of people to search for Qiao Youxue's whereabouts. After hearing the disciple's voice, he frowned, looked at him and said coldly, "What did you say?"

"Then Qiao Youxue didn't kill them, the senior brothers still have breath..."


Before the disciple finished speaking, he was interrupted by Elder Wu Su in a cold voice, and the disciple looked at Elder Wu Su with a puzzled expression.

"The witch Qiao Youxue did a lot of evil. She killed all the guarding disciples in the night and escaped from the formation. Let alone whether she attracted the black rain, just a cruel Daoist monk is enough to make her die. It's gone!" Elder Wu Su continued coldly.

After the disciple heard Elder Wu Su's words, he fell silent immediately, looking at the scheming eyes in front of him, he felt only a moment of fear.

In the courtyard, blood was everywhere, and the funeral in Qiao Youxue's hands slowly turned into a bracelet and she wore it on her wrist. She slightly lowered her eyes and looked in the direction of the gate.

Not a single person can be seen.

"It seems that they don't intend to save you anymore." Qiao Youxue lowered her eyes and looked at the unconscious monks on the ground.

She didn't expect that these people would suddenly attack her at night. After hastily dealt with these monks, she had no time to leave here, so she could only find an invisibility talisman. It is impossible for them not to see the flaws in front of people. Fortunately, relying on the financial resources of the Qiao family, Qiao Youxue also carries a lot of ninth-grade talismans. I was not discovered by these people for a while.

And just when those people came, Qiao Youxue still thought that some of these people must stay to treat these monks, so that her aura would be discovered sooner or later. They all withdrew from the yard, and she waited for a while, but still no one came.

At this moment, she felt chills for herself and for the unconscious disciples on the ground.

But she absolutely can't stay here now, even if those people don't plan to treat these disciples, they should be able to survive until tomorrow morning, when they will definitely be discovered by the Qingyun sect, there is still a glimmer of hope for them to live, But now, all her hopes must be earned by herself.

Thinking of this, Qiao Youxue clenched the invisibility talisman again in her hand, and with a thought, she disappeared again and walked out of the courtyard.

She has never been to the Tianyin Sect, but fortunately this sect is much smaller than the Qingyun Sect, equivalent to one-tenth the size of the Qingyun Sect, but despite this, it is very difficult for her to find a way to become a sect. Thinking about it now, the sect of Tianyinzong has been sealed.

Qiao Youxue's escape shocked everyone in an instant. At this time, members of Qingyun Sect and Tianyin Sect also rose in the middle of the night.

After hearing the disciple's report, the Elder Bufeng's expression sank immediately, he turned his eyes to look at the head of Jianxing, and said coldly: "I don't know when the disciples who are guarding are replaced by Tian A member of Jianzong, that Elder Wusu of Guizong really knows how to make up his mind."

After hearing the sarcasm of Elder Bufeng, the head of Jian Xing also showed a look of shame on his face, sighed helplessly and said: "Elder Wu Su's temper is too stubborn, I miscalculated, He shouldn't have been brought here this time."

"Hmph," Elder Bufeng's face was very ugly, which shows that he is in an extremely bad mood at this time: "Designing my disciples as evildoers without investigation, and not following the agreement, instigating the Daomeng and those people from the Demon Sect Let's go together to assassinate our sect's disciple, the head of Jianxing, you know the child Youxue, don't you think she caused the black rain?"

"This..." The head of Jian Xing fell silent. Indeed, during the catastrophe in the northern border, he also had a lot of contact with Qiao Youxue. He also admired this young junior very much, which made him even more happy. Yes, Qiao Youxue has a very good relationship with her lover, Wan Xingchi. If Qiao Youxue can marry into the Heavenly Sword Sect in the future, wouldn't it further promote the relationship between the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Qingyun Sect?

But now, a black rain has made people panic, and people are eager to find a psychological sustenance, and the changes that happened to Qiao Youxue at the right time made her the target of public criticism.

If it wasn't for this black rain, the changes in this child wouldn't be so noticeable.

Looking at the appearance of the head of Jian Xing, the elder Bufeng snorted coldly and said: "It's raining less outside here."

Hearing the words, the head of Jian Xing couldn't help looking at the sky outside.

I saw that the black rain at this time has changed from pouring down to pattering, and the originally gloomy sky has become brighter at this time, and the thick dark clouds in the sky are also about to disperse at this time Potential.

Elder Bufeng closed his eyes, and couldn't help recalling what Qiao Youxue had said to him in his mind, and couldn't help but forced a smile and said: "I believe in this child, but this incident will eventually chill that child's heart." ah."

In front of the mountain gate, Elder Wu Su's subordinates guarded the place tightly, and all the disciples were strictly prohibited from entering and leaving at this time.

Qiao Youxue looked up at the sky, it was almost dawn.

At the same time, the black rain in the sky became smaller and smaller. Suddenly, a ray of light pierced through the dark clouds and fell on the ground, shining on every citizen in this land.

When seeing this scene, Qiao Youxue's heart couldn't help but beat excitedly.

That's great, you don't have to wait until the evening, as long as she stays up until dawn, the black rain should be able to stop!
As long as the black rain stops, she will be able to prove her innocence at that time. Since Tianyinzong is inseparable now, let's find a place to hide first.

Once the black rain stops, everything will be revealed.

Qiao Youxue glanced at the mountain gate again, and saw Elder Wu Su came to inquire about the situation in person with a group of people. Seeing this, Qiao Youxue hurriedly hid behind the wall, then turned her head and walked towards the inside of Tianyin Sect.

"Is there any news about that demon girl?" Elder Wu Su looked at the leading disciple and asked.

The disciple shook his head.

Elder Wu Su frowned, and then said: "Stay here carefully, and if you see that witch, take it down immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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