The daily life of the villain

Chapter 725 Extra Story 2: Moondust Chapter

Chapter 725 Extra Story 18: Moondust ([-])

"Let's go, let's go and see what the captured Daoxiu looks like!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Yizhou has returned to our hands, and there will be Daoist cultivators who are not afraid of death. The warriors who participated in the battle have already remembered the faces of those Daoist cultivators in their hearts. They will come again at this time , wouldn’t that be throwing yourself into a trap?”

Pedestrians on the street were discussing this matter. In the inn, Wan Mengyue stood in front of the window and looked at the scene below. Because of the five senses of the monk, she could clearly hear what the people below were saying. , my heart sank suddenly.

Back then she left Gyeongju alone, and even though there was only one jade slip left behind when she came here, Yunxi would definitely be able to see that jade slip when she went looking for her. Since she has already come to Yizhou, why? Brother Huo still wants to send someone over?
The more she thought about it, the more confused Wan Mengyue became. However, the current situation is that the person who was sent later has been caught by the demon cultivators at this time, and for some reason, she always feels a little uneasy.

Thinking of this, Wan Mengyue hurried back to her room to get the cloak, and then walked out of the inn.

She was going to see who the person who was caught was.

For some reason, the people on the street were talking about this matter everywhere, so Wan Mengyue easily knew where Daoxiu was being held.

At this time, Yunxi was being bound by Xihua with his hands bound, his body's meridians sealed, and he was leading the fairy rope to parade in the street. More and more demon cultivators who saw this scene surrounded him, All of them looked at Yunxi with great interest, and occasionally commented. It was rare for them to see such a thing.

In the scorching sun, I saw that Yunxi had been tortured by these demon cultivators for a long time, and the clothes on her body were still soaked with wet blood. Every time she took a step forward, a puddle would be left under her feet. Scarlet blood.

Xihua led Yunxi to walk in front, and Moxiu behind her saw that her pace gradually slowed down, so he waved the whip in his hand without any explanation, and slammed Yunxi's body hard, this resounding The sound immediately overwhelmed the noisy noise in the street.

"Pfft——" Yunxi suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, because he couldn't bear the force of the whip, his whole body shook twice, and he fell to his knees on the ground involuntarily.

"Ouch, it's down!" The demon cultivators watching the excitement suddenly became excited, pointing fingers at Yunxi.

"You should get up quickly. Aren't you dignified Taoist cultivators the most virtuous? How could you just kneel down casually? Oh, get up!"

"Hahaha, I think you should stop yelling. Seeing her like this, she can't stand up anymore. After all, she is a woman, but her body is not as strong as men's. She can't even stand this kind of torture!"

When Xihua heard the voice from this side, he turned around, lowered his head to look at Yunxi who was kneeling in front of him, who was exhausted at this time, the corners of his lips were raised, and he said with a chuckle: " What's wrong with Vice Team Yun, it's only a short distance away, so it's unbearable?"

Hearing Xihua's voice, Yunxi endured the pain and raised her head. A pair of bloodshot eyes fixed on Xihua. Her lips moved slightly, as if she had a lot to say. , but finally said coldly: "I can bear it..."

Yunxi pulled the corners of her lips upwards, a chilling smile appeared in her eyes, and then said in a low voice, "Why can't you take it anymore?"

"Deputy Captain Yun really has a good backbone." To be honest, Xihua was really frightened by the smile in Yunxi's eyes just now, but he soon came back to his senses and pretended to sigh angrily , Said: "Of course I know that Vice-Captain Yun can bear it, but I just don't know that Vice-Captain Yun, your companion, can bear it."

As he said that, the corners of Xihua's lips hooked up again, and then he suddenly pulled the rope in his hand, and Yunxi was pulled by this, and his whole body fell to the ground involuntarily.

Seeing that she had completely lost the strength to stand up, Xihua snorted coldly, then turned around, regardless of whether she stood up or not, he dragged her by the rope and continued walking. The demon cultivators in the crowd saw this scene Laughed again.

Yunxi turned over with the little strength left, looked up at the sky dully, and let Xihua drag her forward slowly, and Xihua seemed to be intentional, deliberately choosing those rough and uneven ground There were even some good-natured demon cultivators throwing stones on the road. Yunxi's body was already injured, and when his body was scratched by those stones, there was a terrifying bloodstain after the journey. Her brows were always tightly locked, as if she was holding back something, her eyes were empty and lifeless, looking like a dead person from a distance...

She spent almost all of her life in Qingyunzong. When she was a child, she was brought to Qingyunzong by her father to test her spiritual roots. When she found out that she had spiritual roots and could cultivate, she and her father were overjoyed. Everyone admires the immortal master, so she and her father don't have to be bullied.

After entering the Zongmen, she cultivated like crazy. Although her spiritual roots were mediocre, she still practiced all the way to the current state with her own efforts. She was able to persevere until now because of her father's silent persistence behind her. But that day when she received the news that she could become an inner sect disciple, she excitedly applied to become a sect immediately, and wanted to tell her father the news immediately, but found that his father was lying on the bed, already dead.

There is no sun and moon in the practice, she has been searching hard for decades, her appearance has not changed, and her body has become stronger, but her father is old and unable to move. At that time, she did not grasp the filial piety When I looked back, my father had already left.

There were many letters on her father's desk, and she opened them one by one to read, and they were all addressed to her.

To 50-year-old Xiao Yunxi, to 60-year-old Xiao Yunxi, to 70-year-old Xiao Yunxi...

Haven't had time to send it yet.

But now, she is 120 years old, and she is in the mid-stage of Jindan, and she is about to die in this place of magic cultivation. I am afraid that the body will not be able to return to her homeland.

Thinking back to her own words, she has already left many regrets, but since it is the path she chose, no matter how hard it is, no matter how painful it is, she has to grit her teeth and walk through it.

I just hope that Mengyue will not see my appearance, even if she does, she will leave quickly. In such a case, saving one's life is already the best result.

So Daddy, are you still waiting for your daughter? The daughter has come to fulfill her filial piety...

(End of this chapter)

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