The daily life of the villain

Chapter 729 Extra Story 2: Moondust Chapter

Chapter 729 Extra Story 22: Moondust ([-])

The corners of his lips could not help but slightly curved upwards, and he said lightly, "Why don't you leave?"

Wan Mengyue came back to her senses, she looked at Qi Chen, as if a lot of words were blocked in her throat, she couldn't speak, and finally she had to speak out a few words slowly.

"Boss have to take care of yourself, I see you always drink, in fact, it's not good to drink too much...Also, I will never forget your kindness to me in my whole life, If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come back to repay you."

Qi Chen also stared blankly at her finishing these words, the light emitted by Ye Mingzhu today was extraordinarily soft, falling on Wan Mengyue's body, as if coated with a light halo, and those eyes, It's even more exciting.

"Then let's leave now, Boss Qi, we will meet later." After Wan Mengyue finished speaking, she followed Yunxi and left the room. After walking out of the room, she gently closed the door again.

But he didn't know that Qi Chen's gaze had been following her closely since she left, and when she walked out of the room, the scene of her going downstairs and leaving the inn with Yunxi appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Afterwards, Qi Chen's spiritual sense chased after them all the way, followed the two of them silently to the gate of the city, watched them try to avoid the patrolling demon cultivators, and left Yizhou without any danger, Only then did Qi Chen come back to his senses.

Looking down, he saw that the brush in his hand had already left a large area of ​​ink marks on the painting he had originally made. Only then did his eyebrows move slightly, and he put the brush aside again.

But this painting was also destroyed, it's a pity that the beauty in this painting, he just finished painting, and the person in this painting should have supported his senior sister to go to Qingzhou by now.

Qi Chen raised his eyes and looked out the window, it was almost dawn.

Everywhere is filled with smoke and dust. Because of the war, the air is intertwined with aura and demon energy. The people have already fled in all directions. Yin Hua led the team and the supporters brought by Tianjianzong at the city gate together. Everywhere is stubbornly resisting those demon cultivators. They have persisted for ten days, but the number of these demon cultivators is increasing. They seem to be useless in front of their eyes, and they don't know what they are. It took only a few days to overcome this formation and beat the Taoists defending the city. It was also that time that the Taoists in Gyeongju The strength is greatly reduced, and countless teammates have sacrificed in this battle.

But at this moment, Captain Yin Hua would never allow them to abandon the city and flee. He never wanted to be a villain like Huo Qichen who ran away, and was bound to live and die with Qingzhou. He also moved many teammates on the battlefield, but he didn't stop those teammates who wanted to escape, because the current situation is very clear, this battle, they can't win this battle.

Some people had their own beliefs and stayed in Qingzhou, while some people wanted to survive, so they fled the battlefield one after another. They didn't know where they went. The people of Tianjianzong also returned to the place they guarded and waited in full force. , and they didn't persuade Yin Hua, they wanted Yin Hua to take the rest of his teammates to go with them.

It has been persisted until now, and there are only a dozen or so Taoist cultivators left in Gyeongju, including Yin Hua.

But these dozen or so people have survived until now, but it took only a moment for the city gate to break open, and countless demon cultivators swarmed in. This Qingzhou already belongs to them, as long as these dozen or so Daoxiu was killed.

And the Taoist cultivators who are willing to stay with Yin Hua have already reported their determination to die at this time, and rushed towards those demon cultivators with red eyes, killing one is not a loss, killing two is profitable, they After being protected by the sect for so many years, this time, he was finally able to make some contributions to the sect.

These dozen or so Taoist cultivators have long been surrounded by the army of demon cultivators. At the end, among the many demon cultivators, a man stood proudly in the muddy blood, and his body and face were also stained. Covered with blood, some of it belonged to the enemy, and some of it belonged to him. With a pair of indifferent eyes, the man scanned the surrounding demon cultivators, and then clenched the long sword in his hand.

This person was Yin Hua, the only one who survived to the end.

Under the general's order, many demon cultivators rushed towards Yin Hua. In an instant, Yin Hua's body was pierced like a sieve by the demon cultivators' weapons.

But it's not over yet.

Yin Hua didn't say a word, he looked up at the sky, even though he could clearly feel the pain coming from his limbs and bones, but he just frowned slightly, and suddenly, a trace of pain appeared on the corner of his lips. Weird smile.

The demon master general was able to see the smile that suddenly appeared on Yin Hua's face clearly from a long distance, and was a little puzzled for a while.

But in an instant, a huge spiritual violence suddenly appeared at the place where Yin Hua was originally standing. It was the power formed by the self-explosion of a Jindan stage monk, and it took away the nearest one in an instant. The lives of dozens of demon cultivators, they never expected that Yin Hua would come out like this, and they didn't hesitate to use their bodies to kill a few more demon cultivators.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the master demon cultivator also had a flash of shock in his eyes, and then said lightly: "I didn't expect there to be such a bloody man among Taoist cultivators. What a pity."

The overall situation has been decided, and Gyeongju has completely fallen.

It took Yunxi and Wan Mengyue two days to arrive at the border of Gyeongju. Just as they were about to enter the city, Yunxi stopped suddenly.

When Wan Mengyue saw that she was not leaving, she couldn't help asking: "Yunxi, what's wrong with you?"

Yunxi didn't seem to hear what she said at all, but first looked up at the sky.

The sky was gloomy, and the air was full of turbidity.

She looked in the direction of the city gate from a distance, stared there for a long time, and then said in a low voice: "Gyeongju has fallen."

"What?!" Wan Mengyue paled in shock, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the city gate.

I saw that the clothes of the monks defending the city had changed to those of the demon cultivators. The city gate was not what it used to be, but it was wide open at this time, and people came and went in from time to time.

Now it seems that these people who come and go should be demon cultivators.

Thinking of this, Wan Mengyue's eyes turned red.

"It's all my fault... If... If it wasn't for me, the mistake of thinking back then would not cause such a mess now... The formation will not be broken, the left state will not fall, and Qingzhou will not..."

(End of this chapter)

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