The daily life of the villain

Chapter 752 Compromise

Chapter 752 Compromise
After listening to her son's words, Wan Mengyue looked in Huo Qichen's direction in surprise. Seeing this, Huo Qichen explained helplessly: "In recent years, Qi Chen's reputation has been too strong, and now it has aroused dissatisfaction among the Daoist League." ,so……"

When Huo Qichen said this, he paused, and Wan Mengyue's face changed drastically. She stood up involuntarily, stared at Huo Qichen nervously, and asked, "So what, the Taoist League wants to treat him?" Is it disadvantageous?"

Over the years, Wan Mengyue had never worried that the Taoist League would take action against Qi Chen. After all, with his strength, no one could touch him, but when she heard this, she still inevitably became nervous.

"Don't be in a hurry," Huo Qichen said hastily, "The current Daoist League is waiting for Elder Li's decision, and Elder Li hasn't decided whether to agree to this action yet."

After meeting Huo Qichen, and after Wan Mengyue brought Qi Ye back to the Xinghan Peak, she has always been in a state of dismay. Seeing her mother's state, Qi Ye felt very uncomfortable, and sent her to After returning to the house, he did not leave immediately, but poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

"Mother, let's have some tea first." Qi Ye said.

"Aye, I'm so worried about your father. In my heart, I always feel that something bad is going to happen." Wan Mengyue couldn't help but said.

Qi Ye looked at the sweat that appeared on Wan Mengyue's forehead without knowing when, so he raised his sleeve, wiped it gently for her, and said: "Mother, don't be afraid, I believe in Master, he will protect you." with us."

"No, no, no," Wan Mengyue shook her head, her eyes full of helplessness: "After all, you have only practiced with Elder Li for four years, and your father has always been used to being unrestrained and arrogant. I don't know how many people have made enemies over the years. , how can Elder Li protect our mother and son?"

Hearing Wan Mengyue's words, Qi Ye didn't take it seriously, and then said: "Mother, you have underestimated our master and apprentice, I believe in Master."

"Let's leave Qingyun Sect quickly, go back and find your father, we need to tell him about this." Wan Mengyue couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Qi Ye's eyes moved slightly.

That's right, Daomeng wants to harm Daddy, now they should leave here immediately and tell Daddy about it.

Thinking of this, Qi Ye hurriedly said, "Then I'll go back and pack my things now."

Speaking of which, Qi Ye was about to leave the room, but just as he walked to the door, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then two disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall poured in, directly knocking the people in the room. The two were taken aback.

Bai Yi slowly walked in from the outside.

"Hallmaster Bai." Qi Ye called out.

Bai Yi's eyes flicked over Qi Ye's body, then looked at Wan Mengyue, and said slowly: "As ordered by the head, please move Miss Wan to the Law Enforcement Hall for the time being."

After Bai Yi's voice fell, the two law enforcement hall disciples stepped forward and wanted to take Wan Mengyue away. Seeing this, Qi Ye hurriedly ran over to stand in front of Wan Mengyue, looked at Bai Yi and said: " Why did you take my mother away, Hall Master Bai, this is Xinghan Peak, if you want to take someone from Xinghan Peak, you should ask my master!"

Bai Yi looked at Qi Ye in front of him, frowned slightly, and then said: "No one dares to disrespect the order of the head, and in the real sense, there are only Elder Li and you in Xinghan Peak. He was originally an inner sect disciple of Qingyun Sect, not on Xinghan Peak."

As he said that, Bai Yi waved his hand, and the two disciples of Law Enforcing Hall walked towards Wan Mengyue again.

Qi Ye's expression changed again, and he said hastily, "My master will never agree to you doing this!"

"You still don't want to stop the Law Enforcement Hall from handling the case. You should know what the Law Enforcement Hall represents in Qing Yunzong." Bai Yi frowned slightly.

Qi Ye realized that this incident might have something to do with what Huo Qichen said today, so he shook his heart and said, "If Hall Master Bai wants to take my mother away, then he can take me away as well." Right! If you think about it, this is also what the sect master has in mind, but because of my master's face, he only dared to take my mother away, but even if you take us away, as long as my master knows, he will definitely come I'm looking for you to blame!"

Bai Yi looked at Qi Ye in front of him at this time, and felt that he was stubborn, so he sighed helplessly, but he didn't stop him. The people from the Law Enforcement Hall took away Wan Mengyue, and Qi Ye followed him all the time, and followed suit. Then entered the Law Enforcement Hall.

In the Hall of Qingyun, Bai Yi reported the situation to the head of Ji, only to see the head of Ji sighed helplessly, and then said: "Even though the big brother has poured so much effort into this person, his biological father is after all No. 1 in the way of magic, how can you become a Taoist cultivator in the future?"

Standing on top of the main hall, Bai Yi also said worriedly: "This time we easily tied up Qi Ye and Wan Mengyue without the consent of Elder Li. I don't know what will happen when Elder Li finds out."

Sect Leader Ji frowned, and then continued: "In these days, many people must have gone to Xinghan Peak to persuade the elder brother. For the sake of Qing Yunzong, and for the cultivation world, these are also unavoidable things."

"It's a pity for that child." Bai Yi couldn't help sighing.

"It is estimated that the child now only knows that the ones who want to harm Qi Chen are only people in the Dao League. After all, the matter of the alliance between the Dao League and the Demon Sect must always be kept secret from all the monks, and what Qi Chen threatens? It's Daomeng and Momen." Headmaster Ji continued.

Bai Yi felt more and more helpless. Although he was known for being tough on weekdays, he rarely took people at will without asking the cause and effect. Regarding Qi Ye's matter, it could only be said that it was the cause and effect of the previous generation. A poor child.

On Xinghan Peak, even though Elder Li stayed behind closed doors all day long, the news that Bai Yi had captured Qi Ye and Wan Mengyue also reached his ears, and as soon as he stepped out of the room, he could see the news that Bai Yi had captured Qi Ye and Wan Mengyue. Elder Li spent the whole day in a state of distraction, and at first he planned to go to the Law Enforcement Hall himself, but under the pressure from the outside world, he had no choice but to stay on Xinghan Peak.

And Qi Ye was in the dungeon of the Law Enforcement Hall, looking forward to his master to rescue him all day and all night, he believed that the master would definitely come, Elder Li obviously loved him so much...

But as time passed day after day, Qi Yeku was guarding in this dungeon, and his confidence that was originally full was constantly being worn away.

And Wan Mengyue was concerned about Qi Chen's safety, and never slept peacefully at night.

In the end, what they didn't know was that Elder Li finally compromised with Daomeng and Momen.

(End of this chapter)

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