The daily life of the villain

Chapter 758 My Aye Has Suffered

Chapter 758 My Aye Has Suffered

When he heard this, he saw that Qi Chi didn't have too much emotion in his eyes, as if he didn't care about this matter at all, but only he knew whether he cared or didn't care.

Seeing that he still didn't speak, Du Beiya guessed that the child must have experienced a very miserable torture. He has practiced medicine for so many years, but he knew that the illness on his body could be cured, but the illness in his heart was difficult to cure, so Then he continued: "Son, you are still young now, and you still have a long time to live in the future. Even if you can't cultivate, you still have many ways out. Now you are almost better. Where are your parents? It just so happens that I have to go out for a long trip, and I will also send you home."

Hearing Du Beiya mention his parents, Qi Chi lowered his eyes slightly, and said, "My parents are no longer here."

Hearing this, Du Beiya was slightly stunned for a moment, then asked: "Then do you have any other relatives in this world?"

Qi Chi's eyes moved slightly, his parents are dead, and Uncle Cat doesn't know whether to live or die now, his brother should still be in the hands of those people, I don't know what they will do to him, and in this world, there is no one with him. He's an acquaintance.

In front of Du Beiya, Qi Chi shook his head silently, feeling the pressure this child was under at such a young age, Du Beiya felt compassion again, so he said, "If that's the case, then you will follow Learn medical skills by my side, although you can't practice, and you can't become a medical practitioner, but if you have medical skills, you will have the ability to settle down in this world, child, are you willing?"

At this time, a trace of confusion appeared in Qi Chi's eyes, a trace of confusion about his own future.

"Is there a way to heal my meridians and dantian?" Qi Chi said slowly.

Hearing this, Du Beiya was slightly taken aback again, he was starting to be a little unpredictable about this young boy, he was only seven years old, but he was able to act like he had no feelings for anything, and in his heart, he was still thinking about him. Whether you can practice yourself.

It's just that what he experienced was the severance of the meridians and the destruction of the dantian. From ancient times to the present, no one can cure this disease.

When Du Beiya was about to tell Qi Chi about this regret, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Although it is difficult, it is not impossible!"

After hearing Du Beiya's voice, a light flashed across Qi Chi's eyes, then he stared closely at his face and asked, "What method?"

"As long as you find the sacred book of medical practice - "Pharmacopia", that is what all medical practitioners want to obtain. It records the healing methods of all difficult and miscellaneous diseases in this world. Maybe there is a way to reshape the meridians and dantian. , but this material has been in the world for thousands of years, no one knows where it has fallen, but in this cultivation world, no one has found it yet." When Du Beiya said this, he couldn't help but grow sighed.

Qi Chi was silent for a moment, and then said: "Since you can't find it in this realm of comprehension, maybe it's transferred to the mortal realm?"

He also has some considerations for saying this, now in this cultivation world, he can see his enemies everywhere, how can he grow up here with peace of mind?I'm afraid that if he is a little careless, it will fall into the hands of these people, and everything that Dad and Uncle Cat have done for him before will be in vain. No matter how bad it is to look for opportunities by yourself, you will have to wait until you grow up and appear in front of these people with a different appearance, and you won't be recognized.

When Du Beiya heard Qi Chi's analysis, he thought about it carefully for a long time, and then he clapped his hands as if enlightened, and then exclaimed in surprise: "Why didn't I think of this? Let your body recuperate for a while, and we will head to the mortal world immediately!"
Recalling 16 years ago, this scene seemed to happen yesterday, two lines of tears were already on Qi Ye's face, while Qi Chen was still sitting at the table, his hand holding the teacup was trembling slightly. For the past 16 years, he has been nothing but a lonely soul, living in the shadow of Zilinggou all the time. For him, all this really happened yesterday, the yesterday of his life, how can it be so easy to talk about letting go? Easy?
Wan Mengyue was gone, and he could never find her again.

Qi Ye's body also trembled slightly, looking at his father, he continued: "After that, I was brought back to Qingyun Sect. , It was after Ye Li brought me back to Xinghan Peak that I regained my freedom."

A sneer appeared on Qi Ye's face again, and he continued: "It's ridiculous that he still thinks he can use his patience to influence me again. My trust in him dates back to the day when he was dragged out of the dungeon It disappeared in an instant."

Qi Chen knew that he was talking about his former master, Elder Li, and after a moment of silence, he said, "He didn't come to Zilinggou that day."

"He's here," Qi Ye lowered his eyes, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, and continued, "It's just that he doesn't dare, dare not admit all the despicable and shameless things he has done, and dare not appear in front of us." , and at that time, he timidly hid aside, watching the Daoist League he supported and those demon cultivators colluding, watching them commit such a bloody crime!"

Even though Qi Chen's heart tightened slightly when he heard these words, there was nothing abnormal on his face.

Qi Ye went on to say: "I fell into a madness overnight, re-practiced the magic cultivation technique that my father passed on to me back then, practiced like crazy, used blood, used human souls, and finally my hands were covered with blood , but my cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. When he found out, I already had enough strength to leave Qingyun Sect. However, I didn't expect that the old man would follow me. During the battle, he changed me back to the way I was when I was a child. For this reason, I can only use 16% of the cultivation base I have cultivated. I was repeatedly suppressed by him, and I could only run around. I have never given up on hunting me, and I have spent the past [-] years in this kind of life, not being able to stay in the given place for too long, nor can I show any limelight."

"My Ah Ye has suffered." Qi Chen couldn't help saying in a low voice.

Qi Ye gritted his teeth and said: "I don't feel bitter at all, I will never believe the disgusting faces of these people in the cultivation world. Only you, father, can change the world. So over the years, I have searched all over After exhausting all the methods, I finally found a way to revive you."

(End of this chapter)

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