Chapter 765
Wuhua Daoist sighed again, and continued: "There are always some people in this world who will suffer hardships that ordinary people have never experienced, and those who can ascend in the end must be those who have suffered hardships."

Liao Keyou quietly listened to Wuhua's lecture with lowered eyes, when suddenly his five-year-old apprentice trotted over.

"Master, Master!" Little Luobo ran towards Guanxin Waterfall with his short legs, and stopped on the bank because his cultivation was not high enough.

Daoist Wuhua has been liking children more and more in recent years. When he saw his little disciple running over, his brows and eyes immediately curled up. Then he raised his hand and waved a spirit energy, dragging the little radish to On the jade platform in the center of the lake.

After the little radish stood firmly on the jade platform, she immediately threw herself into the arms of the real Wuhua, and said softly, "Grandfather Shizu!"

With a smile all over his face, Master Wuhua lightly pinched Little Carrot's cheek and said, "Hey, what's the matter with coming to your master in such a hurry?"

Liao Keyou felt a sense of helplessness in his heart when he saw Master Wuhua doting on Xiao Luobo so much. He had always been strict with his apprentices, but his master preferred to spoil him, which made him feel helpless in the future. Change how to teach ah.

Little Carrot jumped out of Wuhua's arms with a smile, then saluted Liao Keyou and said, "Master, Sister Meng Xue from Fu Nian Valley wants to bring some spring water back to make soup, so she specially asked me to ask Master."

Hearing this, Liao Keyu was slightly taken aback, then patted Little Radish on the head and said, "You take it and give it to her."

"Yes." Xiaoluobai agreed, and then went to work on her own.

The real Wuhua looked at the busy figure of little radish, and the light in his eyes moved slightly.

"Master, don't you think this...isn't this too much?" Liao Keyou frowned slightly. Just now, when he heard that Meng Xue was going to cook soup, he thought of Qiao Youxue who wanted to get the second elder. Since Qiao Youxue is no longer here, the master wants to use future generations to imitate what she did back then, but the food can be imitated, the character can be imitated, but it will never be. Can't imitate people.

Wuhua Daoist said indifferently: "Fake is fake, it will never be true. This time, the master wants to destroy this child."

When he heard what his master said at this time, Liao Keyou couldn't help but think deeply, and after thinking about it, he felt a wave of fear in his heart.

"This..." Liao Keyou hesitated for a moment, then sighed helplessly, and continued, "I hope this child can keep his original heart."

After Meng Xue left Guanxin Waterfall, she stood in front of Fu Nian Valley and watched the scenery inside from a distance. It was different from the curiosity she had when she first came here. Now she feels that this place has become her prison. locked up.

Demon repair land
Qi Ye looked at Qiao Youxue and asked, "Now that Sect Master Qi Wu and An Qing are dead, what are you going to do next?"

It was late at night, and the three of them were sitting around a bonfire. The excited and jumping firelight reflected on Qiao Youxue's face, making her look even more beautiful, but at this moment, her beautiful eyes were innocent. Feelings, cherry-like lips gently opened and closed and said: "I said that I want to fight people's hearts. Look, their hearts are already messed up."

After Qi Wu and Yan Qing died one after another, the cultivation world, which had been silent for six years, became restless again, and everyone lived in fear.

After Qiao Youxue remained silent for a while, a cold light flashed across her eyes, and the corners of her lips raised slightly: "Next, I will make their hearts even more chaotic."

"Oh?" Qi Ye suddenly became interested, and the way he looked at Qiao Youxue changed slightly.

The way she looks now, she really doesn't look like a good person.

Qi Chi noticed the change in Qiao Youxue at this time, and felt a little more puzzled.

Qiao Youxue continued: "I want everyone in the world to know that the road to heaven has been blocked. No matter how hard these monks try, there will be no good results!"

Her words exploded in the hearts of Qi Ye and Qi Chi like a thunderstorm. One must know that once this matter is leaked out, it will inevitably cause great panic in the entire cultivation world!Without a knife or a sword, some people's hearts have already been killed!

The consequences of this matter spreading are unimaginable. When those monks know that all the cultivation they are doing is useless, and there is no hope for ascension, how many people will feel desperate and confused. Those beliefs who got up collapsed in an instant, what can support them?

And Qiao Youxue never thought that the last incident was spread from her own mouth. She knew a secret and turned this secret into a weapon to kill people.

When there was silence in the air, Qi Ye suddenly burst out laughing.


This strange laughter always echoed over the forest.

Qiao Youxue and Qi Chi didn't speak. After Qi Ye laughed enough, he looked at Qiao Youxue with more interest, and said, "You really dare to do something."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Could it be that Senior Brother, do you have any other ideas?"

"Just do as you say." Qi Ye looked at Qiao Youxue and said slowly.

Qi Chi frowned slightly, although he felt that Qiao Youxue's actions this time were a bit too much, after all, this is something that can affect all cultivators. Once this secret spreads, the entire realm of comprehension will be completely destroyed. Mobilized up ah.

Even though he felt something was wrong in his heart, he was still willing to follow Qiao Youxue's wishes.

So, on the second day, such a rumor appeared in the cultivation world.

The road to heaven has been blocked, and no one in the human world can ascend to the upper realm.

As soon as this rumor came out, it quickly swept the entire cultivation world like a virus. During this day, people in almost every corner were talking about it.

long street

"Hey, have you heard that the road to heaven has been blocked, no matter how hard we practice, it is impossible to ascend to heaven!"

"I've heard that, what should I do? I've saved the Lingshi for a long time and want to buy a baby fruit to help me successfully advance to the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base. This is all right, the road to heaven can't pass , no matter how hard I practice, I still can't escape the end of old age and death in the end!"

"Longevity, where are we going to seek longevity!"

(End of this chapter)

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