The daily life of the villain

Chapter 796 The Heart

Chapter 796 The Heart
Hearing this, Xia Ci raised his head to look at Immortal Jingqi, a smile slowly appeared on his blood-stained face, and then said in a low voice, "It's comfortable."

"I feel comfortable." Xia Ci said in a daze.

But Jing Qi was full of ignorance, but he also guessed something in his heart, and hurriedly helped Xia Ci into the room.

In the early morning of the next day, the news of the assassination of Xianjun Qianchen and Mrs. Shenyi had spread throughout the heavens. God Longwu was furious and went directly to the Emperor of Heaven in a fit of anger. For this reason, the Emperor of Heaven also issued an order to track down the assassin who assassinated last night.

And the first house these people were looking for was General Lian Jue's Mansion.

The investigators were in vain, General Lian Jue was not at the mansion, so everyone started to investigate one by one again, at the same time, Jing Qi who was in the Xianjun mansion also got the news.

After Jing Qi got the news, he rushed to the secret room in a hurry, looking at Xia Ci who was skillfully cleaning his wound, Immortal Jing Qi frowned tightly.

"I've been in the army for a long time. To you, killing a person is like slaughtering cattle and sheep?!" Jing Qi said coldly. He knew Xia Ci's mood after receiving the news that Princess Eleven married someone else. It must be unstable, and he has been monitored for many days. These days, Xia Ci has not seen any strange behaviors. He has just let go of his mind, and these things happened in Qianchen Xianjun's mansion.

"That's all for the Immortal Monarch Qianchen, that Mrs. Shenyi, and those immortal servants, what is wrong with them, that you want to put them to death?" Jing Qi's voice was mixed with a bit of anger .

Listening to his question, Xia Ci lowered his eyes and continued to wrap his hands with bandages, and said slowly: "They are slaves to tigers, so we must not let them go."

"Working for a tiger? Do you know what it means to be a tiger for a tiger? The servants and servants of the heavens, their lives are not their lives?" Immortal King Jingqi never thought that his friends could do such things.

"I know that you are angry. It is true that Xianjun Qianchen did something wrong, but now it is done. The Eleventh Princess has married Xianjun Qianchen as his wife. Even if you think about it for the Eleventh Princess, you will not Do something like this to make her a widow in the future!" Jing Qi went on to say, "I never thought that you would be so courageous that you would dare to kill them directly. Now it's all right, the whole heaven is looking for you people!"

Xia Ci was stunned for a moment, then said flatly: "He deserves to die, Princess Eleven should be my wife!"

"Everyone knows that she was supposed to be your wife, but now, you have escalated the hatred of taking your wife into the hatred of killing your wife and children, Xia Ci, Xia Ci, what else can you not do! "Jing Qi blushed with anger.

Xia Ci frowned tightly, his eyes moved slightly, then he turned his head to look at Jing Qi, and then said: "Jing Qi, in this entire heaven, you are the person I trust most , now I have nowhere to go, please help me, you are from Guixu, the Emperor of Heaven respects you three points, no one dares to search your mansion!"

Looking at the eager face in front of him, Jing Qi suddenly felt very strange.

"What have you been through these years?" Jing Qi frowned tightly, looked at Xia Ci and continued: "Are you still the righteous and dignified Xia Ci I knew before, how did you become like this now? "

Meeting Jing Qi's eyes, Xia Ci was slightly taken aback, and suddenly a chuckle appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Justice?"

Looking at his appearance, Jing Qi couldn't help but twitch his brows.

"What an awe-inspiring justice, Jing Qi, Jing Qi, open your eyes wide and see, in this heaven, have you seen half of justice? If justice existed, I wouldn't have to endure the evil that Immortal Qianchen brought to me back then. If there is justice, I don't have to train hard in the army for decades to become a general. If there is justice, my wife would not be taken away by others. This heaven Up and down are all acting as if power and power are supreme, where do you tell me to find justice?!" Xia Ci shouted, staring at the person in front of him with wide eyes.

"You killed innocent people indiscriminately, do you still have a reason? Now that you don't know how to repent, I think you are no different from that Qianchen Immortal!" Jing Qi cursed angrily, pointing at Xia Ci's nose.

Xia Ci looked at Jing Qi in front of him in a daze, and sneered suddenly, his eyes were full of bitterness, he looked him over and over again, and then said: "Look at your current body, what a beautiful fairy body! , Jing Qi, it’s only been a few days, have you forgotten who found your heart through so much painstaking efforts?!”

After the words fell, Jing Qi slowly closed his eyes.

There was silence in the secret room.

Xia Ci looked at Jing Qi in front of him, and saw him take a deep breath. After an unknown amount of time, he said lightly, "No one can bear six lives for you. What you do, you have to bear it yourself. It’s the Xia Ci I know.”

While talking, he raised his hand, and suddenly pulled it towards his heart.

Xia Ci's eyes widened suddenly.

I saw Jing Qi's face suddenly turned pale, his brows were tightly frowned, and he gritted his teeth and pulled out his heart from his body.

When he opened his eyes again, he met Xia Ci's unbelievable gaze.

"I'll give it back to you." Jing Qi said lightly.

Xia Ci glanced at the still beating heart in Jing Qi's hand, sneered and said, "Do you know how important this heart is to you?"

"No matter how important it is, it's not as important as the Xia Ci I knew back then." Jing Qi's brows were still tightly knit. Words, he will definitely stand up and bear the mistakes he made."

Xia Ci's face darkened, took the heart from Jing Qi's hand, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Are you unwilling to help me?"

Even though Jing Qi's face was pale, he still said seriously: "Get out."

"Okay." A wry smile flashed across Xia Ci's eyes. When passing by Jing Qi, he paused, and then said, "Don't forget, your heart is in my hands."

After Xia Ci left, Jing Qi's body, which had been holding on for a long time, finally fell down. He staggered forward a few steps, and finally stabilized his figure with the help of the jade coffin.

Jing Qi's eyes were full of helplessness.

"Why don't I want to protect you, but if I protect you, what will you look like in the future? How many people will die under your hands? Heart... If I really give up on you, how can I Take out the heart and give it to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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