The daily life of the villain

Chapter 811 The Finale

Chapter 811 The Finale

After Yuan Wu's body completely passed the position where Qiao Youxue was standing just now, everyone saw that the figure in white was still standing there calmly, and the purple jade flute in his hand was not damaged at all.

On the other hand, the monster named Yuan Wu had already been divided into two at this time, and was split open from the middle by someone alive.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock, only to see that Qiao Youxue didn't have any injuries on her body, she jumped up lightly from the spot, and chased after Yuan Wu's figure.

The next moment, I saw her entangle half of Yuan Wu's body with ice-blue silk thread, then looked at the Emperor of Heaven, and shouted loudly: "Yuan Wu is formed by the accumulation of resentment, and it will take a lot of effort to get rid of it." After a lot of effort, I will hand over the half to the Heavenly Emperor!"

After the words fell, Qiao Youxue used the ice-blue silk thread in her hand to pull Yuan Wu, who had already gone berserk, and flew down along the road to the sky.

Even though Yuan Wu had already been divided into two by herself, Qiao Youxue still felt a little strenuous.

At this time, the people who were watching the road to the sky in the Yuanwu battlefield, suddenly the light in front of them was covered again, and there was darkness between the sky and the earth, and the crowd boiled instantly.

"This...what's the matter?"

"The road to the sky has already appeared, why did it suddenly turn into a dark night?"

"Everyone, look at the sky!"

"It didn't suddenly turn into night, but the sky above our heads was blocked by something, this... this should be Yuan Wu that Qiao Youxue said!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure in white appeared in everyone's sight.

"It's Qiao Youxue!"

"It's Qiao Youxue!"

"That must be Yuan Wu, let's go help her!"

After the words fell, all the monks present rushed towards Qiao Youxue in mid-air...

Qiao Youxue has never been so sad as she is now.

"I want to enter Xinghan Peak... I, Qiao Youxue... just want to inherit the mantle of the Great Elder..."

"When the heavens and the earth first opened, everything was chaos, and it was infinite. Everything in the world was derived from chaos. Therefore, what is the difference between spiritual energy and demonic energy filled in the body? Although I don't know why, but I know that Daoist cultivators ascend to become immortals, and demonic cultivators ascend to become immortals, so I can figure it out. If you want to become immortals, you must fully cultivate yourself, but not everyone just needs to cultivate their own. In order to be able to fly to the upper realm after completing cultivation, there must be some other conditions. The Dao I seek is not the way in the eyes of ordinary people. This Dao is just the road I am walking now, so Even as a demon cultivator, I will still practice this way."

"Perhaps the elder has guessed it, but today, I admit to you personally that I am the variable."

"On the day of my return, the world will be at peace."

"Lu Hehuan, all the sins you committed in this life will be borne by me. I will act chivalrously and protect the common people until all your sins are paid off. Before that, I will never leave."

"I, Qiao Youxue, dare to swear by my heart, that this black rain was definitely not caused by me."

"Shangxian, you have to be optimistic. It is the people of the world who betray me, not me. Why should I ask for trouble?"

But in the end, she still asked for trouble.

Among the many black qi, Qi Ye killed all the black qi in front of his eyes, and Qiao Youxue's figure in battle appeared in front of him.

He was stunned for a moment, and then turned his eyes to the monks who had been fighting hard around him. Among them, there were Taoist cultivators, demonic cultivators, and Buddhist cultivators. What's more, he still hated her deeply.

But at this moment, they are all fighting with all their might.

What Qiao Youxue said was right, she had indeed conquered people's hearts.

This battle was the largest battle in the world of comprehension except for the Great War between Immortals and Demons back then. It also took place on the battlefield of Yuan Demons. It is here, but it can still be seen that there are monks coming to support in a steady stream.

The black rain kept falling until finally, it finally stopped slowly.

The sky is starting to clear up slowly...


Just when many monks finally saw the hope that Yuan Wu was about to be defeated, they only heard Yuan Wu suddenly roared, and the resentment in his body suddenly exploded.

"not good!"

"Oops, this Yuan Wu, this Yuan Wu is going to explode himself!"

"This self-explosion will definitely release all the resentment in the body, and the cultivation world will be destroyed!"

"You can't let it explode—"

In an instant, people were panicked, and Qiao Youxue's brows were tightly knit together, and she looked up at Yuan Wu jumping high into the air, and her body slowly coiled into a huge black ball of light.

"Don't let it explode!"

Everyone's worried voices still kept echoing in their ears, but this time, Qiao Youxue was really helpless.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up from the crowd and flew straight towards Yuan Wu.

A golden light closely followed the man, and the spiritual energy around him was not stable at all, and became more and more restless.

And what he did next made everyone open their mouths.

I saw that he quickly mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body, squeezed the hand formula, ignited his body, and formed a thin barrier around Yuan Wu in an instant.

Qiao Youxue stared blankly at the scene in front of her, but when she saw the man's face, her heart went blank in an instant.

"No—" Qiao Youxue couldn't help running a few steps forward, looking up at the person who wanted to use his life to stop Yuan Wu's self-destruct, tears fell down instantly.

"It's the unmeeting elder of Qingyun Sect!"

Someone in the crowd recognized the man and exclaimed, but with only the strength of the elder, how could he stop this self-destruction?
But at the next moment, there was another figure chasing after him, it was Ye Li.

"Master!" Qi Ye's eyes widened, and the two words couldn't help but blurt out.

With the lead of the Second Elder and Ye Li, one after another, people flew into the sky, burning their own lives to envelop Yuan Wu, and finally formed a tough protective cover.


The black resentment exploded in the protective cover, and the sky slowly regained light again, while Yuan Wu and those monks disappeared into this world at the same time...

All of this happened so suddenly, the sky was already bright, but Qiao Youxue was still staring blankly at the direction where the black ball of light exploded.

"Since you have entered Xinghan Peak, you must practice hard. In the future, don't give your master Li elder, don't give Qing Yunzong, don't embarrass this deity!"

"I believe in you."


(End of this chapter)

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