The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 122 The Disliked Snake

Chapter 122 The Disliked Snake

I don't know how long it took, Ye Junfeng's thick black eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking at what looked like a cave in front of him.

Ye Junfeng found that there was no pain in his whole body, especially his ears were buzzing from time to time, presumably it was the sequelae after Chu Bitong threw that bomb-like thing.

After a long while, Ye Junfeng gradually recovered, and looked around in surprise.

The place where she is now is full of stone walls, the surroundings are dark, and there is no light.

In other words, there is no exit from where she is right now.

However, how is this possible?

She was obviously blown here by something like a bomb from Chu Bitong. Since she could come in, how could there be no exit for her to go out?

Ye Junfeng couldn't believe that she was trapped in such an unknown place, so she got up and walked forward in one direction.

The ground here is rough, and Ye Junfeng walked unimpeded for nearly half an hour with her good night vision, but the road ahead is still unknown.

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows slightly. Could it be that there is really no exit here?
wrong!The road she walked could be regarded as a straight road, but it didn't look like it was formed naturally.

In this way, since there are artificial elements, there will naturally be outlets.

Thinking of this, Ye Junfeng's steps became firmer.

At this moment, Ye Junfeng heard a sudden rustling sound from around.

Immediately, Ye Junfeng immediately became vigilant.

There is no light in this place, and it is obvious that no one will come here because of the location. Since there is no one, the sound...

Ye Junfeng smelled a stench coming from in front of her, coupled with the rustling sound, something suddenly came to Ye Junfeng's mind.

It's dark and humid here, and it's really suitable for the survival of something.

Listening to this news, this object is not small in size, if you confront it, it may be difficult to deal with it for a while.

Ye Junfeng looked around, she can only go forward or backward at her current position, and she has been walking for nearly half an hour, if she goes back now, it really doesn't suit Ye Junfeng's style .

Ye Junfeng held the silver snake dagger in his hand, and his eyes fell on the place where the sound came from, "The one in the hands of the essence is called the silver snake dagger, I wonder if you are a silver snake?"


After Ye Junfeng finished speaking, there was a gust of wind in front of him, carrying a stench, which made Ye Junfeng slightly frowned.

She is not afraid of this kind of thing, but the smell is really unpleasant.

Ye Junfeng dodged a little, and the wind blowing towards her passed directly in front of her.

With a sound of "Bang!", several huge boulders behind Ye Junfeng's original position were suddenly blown into pieces.

This strength really surprised Ye Junfeng very much, compared with the bomb that Chu Bitong threw before.

Ye Junfeng was even more vigilant in her heart. Looking at it like this, this might be a high-level monster. She must be very careful!

Although I thought so in my heart, the words that came out of my mouth were going to piss off the monster, "The strength of your snake is simply rare in the world! It's really admirable, but the most basic thing is to pay attention to it." Your own image, you see that you have such a bad smell with such a big body, let alone a female snake, even a male snake would not want to stay with you."

Ye Junfeng looked at the behemoth in front of him with distaste, and shook his head as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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