The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 153 Competition Cheats

Chapter 153 Competition Cheats (2)

"Is the appearance of the proton frightened by the scene in front of me?" Di Jiuyin fell on Ye Junfeng's body with a slightly evil look, and looked at Ye Junfeng slightly. He had noticed Ye Junfeng's behavior since just now. There seems to be something wrong with the boy.

Ye Junfeng kicked the skeleton of a wild beast aside, raised his eyes slightly, "Huh? What were you talking about just now, Master?"

The national teacher saw Ye Junfeng's incomparably tough movements just now, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Cough, forget it, it's nothing."

Thinking about it, how could someone who dared to provoke him be afraid of such a dead thing that wouldn't move.

The national teacher and Ye Junfeng walked this road, and what they saw was the most important part of this stone room, a hall that was as big as a football field.

The main hall is extremely wide, with only a few stone pillars supporting the main hall, but there are countless light circles, large and small, floating above the main hall, which are colorful and reflect the splendor of the entire hall.

"Look quickly! Look quickly! The circles of light floating in the hall are all kinds of secret books of exercises. Those who are able will get more, so hurry up!"

After seeing the scene in the main hall, the soul-suppressing beast in the soul-suppressing tower was so excited that he wanted to run out and put all the things in front of him into his pockets.


Ye Junfeng looked carefully at the circle of light suspended above her head, except for a layer of blue circle of light, she couldn't see anything inside. It seemed that the secrets of exercises might be wrapped in this circle. In layer aperture.

But I don't know if the circles of light floating in the sky are full of secret exercises, if there are tricky things inside, it would be bad.

Ye Junfeng, who had made up his mind here, was about to ask the soul-suppressing beast in the soul-suppressing tower, but was suddenly distracted by howling ghosts and wolves coming from ahead.

"What! I'm trapped! Let me go!"

"Ahh! Help! Help me! Help me!"

"My God! What are these things! Cut off these things!"

Ye Junfeng turned her head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, and couldn't help being a little surprised. She saw that the person who had arrived a long time earlier than her was half-hanging with his feet in the air under the light circle. As for the hanging objects, some were vines, some were iron chains, Some even have fangs...

All kinds, all kinds.

Ye Junfeng silently let out a long sigh of relief, but fortunately she was not in a hurry to get the exercise cheats in the circle of light, this is not a trick, it is clearly fatal!
"Come here! Get me out quickly! Ye Junfeng! Get this princess out quickly!"

As soon as Ye Junfeng turned her head, she saw that Chu Bitong was wrapped in a pufferfish-shaped balloon, but the balloon's thorns grew from the inside, and it could be clearly seen from the outside that the balloon was covered with blood after Chu Bitong was stabbed.

And Chu Bitong was less than half a meter away from the ground, but because he was trapped, only half a meter was almost a world away.

"Ye Junfeng, what are you still doing in a daze! Don't hurry up and put this princess down! Don't forget that you are the proton of Qingqiu Kingdom to our Beiyan Kingdom. If you save this princess, this princess promises you Endless glory and wealth!"

Because Chu Bitong was too emotional, he accidentally touched the spikes in the balloon again, gasped, and shrank back to a corner in an instant.

Ye Junfeng walked up to Chu Bitong, because Chu Bitong was not far from the ground, and because Chu Bitong maintained a very aggrieved posture in order not to be stabbed, she even had to lower her head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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