The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 168 Discovering the identity of the national teacher

Chapter 168 Discovering the identity of the national teacher
Ye Junfeng took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her heart, the man in front of her was really annoying to her, the most important thing was that she couldn't beat him, and couldn't drive him away.

"National teacher, did you turn over the window and enter the room of Essence Zi just to drink saliva?"

The national teacher put the cup on the table, turned around and sat on the chair next to Ye Junfeng, and said as it should, "My national teacher is injured, proton, you can help my national teacher heal."


Ye Junfeng looked at the national teacher in disbelief. The national teacher looked extremely impressive, that is, he had suffered a small loss in her hands twice. Who else could have such a great ability to Let the national teacher be injured?

Ye Junfeng looked the national teacher up and down, and indeed felt that the current national teacher looked a little tired.

The national teacher turned his head and glanced at Ye Junfeng with a smile that was not a smile, and a charming voice came from behind the mask, "Is the proton curious about how the national teacher was injured?"

Ye Junfeng woke up suddenly when he heard the charming voice of the national teacher, "No, the essence is just thinking that the injury of the national teacher is a big deal, how can it be solved in such a simple hut like the essence!"

The national teacher turned his head slightly, leaning his head on the back of his hand that was on the table, "My national teacher feels that if a national teacher dies in the place where the proton lives, it would be a big deal. Proton, don't you think so?"

Depend on!
Is this person planning to stay here and not leave?
Ye Junfeng took a deep look at the national teacher, didn't she want to stay with her, she made him perfect!

Turning around, she found in the drawer the healing medicine powder that she had specially made in combination with modern medicine, and then walked to the side of the national teacher, feeling a little troubled for a while.

Although the clothes that the national teacher is wearing now are still all white, but there is no trace of red on the white clothes. How can she know where the national teacher is injured.

The national teacher raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to Ye Junfeng with an air of persecution: "Hurry up and give the national teacher the medicine."

Ye Junfeng pursed her lips silently, "Cough, my lord, the essence is that I really can't see where the national teacher is injured. Can the national teacher reveal the injury by himself?"

The national teacher lowered his eyes and glanced at himself, then closed his eyes indifferently, "Your appearance will make the national teacher think that you are expecting something big to happen."

Ye Junfeng smiled coldly, yes, she was indeed looking forward to the great event of the national teacher's return to the west, but the premise was that she could not die here.

"The national teacher misunderstood, the essence has always hated trouble, it is better not to have such a big thing happen." Ye Junfeng stretched out his hand to pull off the national teacher's clothes while talking.

Because the national teacher was holding his forehead with one hand, and Ye Junfeng's movements were really not gentle. In short, the whole process was really invisible.

When Ye Junfeng finally took off a white coat outside the national teacher, he saw bloodstains on the chest of the national teacher's white inner coat.

Ye Junfeng glanced at the white coat of the Chinese teacher in her hand. She didn't expect that this coat was impermeable to blood, but she seemed to have seen the material of this dress somewhere before.

The national teacher slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at Ye Junfeng, "What? Want to steal my national teacher's clothes again?"

steal clothes?
Ye Junfeng blinked and looked at the clothes in her hand, wondering in her heart, when did she steal the clothes of the national teacher?

She is so big that she only stole the clothes of the stone model in the Purple Cloud Mountains, and so on!What did the national teacher say just now?Could it be that……

And the material of this dress is exactly the same as the one worn by the stone model!
[Show cute and roll around for support]

(End of this chapter)

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