The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 183 Then You Can Accompany Me

Chapter 183 Then You Can Accompany Me
"Ahem, no, no, I just feel that Guoshi, you look like a friend of mine." Ye Junfeng waved her hands again and again, so she wouldn't be so stupid as to admit that she recognized the evil spirit in front of her.

"Friend? Are you sure you're not an enemy?" Di Jiuyin squinted his eyes slightly, and his deep voice sounded, as if he had seen through Ye Junfeng's thoughts.

Ye Junfeng twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, thinking she was showing a decent yet polite smile, and changed the subject very cleverly, "Hey, National Teacher, where are we going?"

"A place where you can use your skills." Di Jiuyin said lightly and turned his head to look forward, ignoring Ye Junfeng.

Ye Junfeng looked at Di Jiuyin's calm and dignified appearance, she was very self-aware and didn't speak any more, and looked ahead in the direction of Di Jiuyin's line of sight.

They are now on top of something like a cloud and sea, without any special markers, even Ye Junfeng, who has always claimed to be extremely intelligent, now has the illusion that she is a road idiot.

Ye Junfeng coughed lightly, pretending to know where Di Jiuyin was going to take her, and before turning back to the cabin, she did not forget to say, "I'm hungry, Pai The people sent the rice into the cabin for the son.”

Seeing that Ye Junfeng dared to speak to his family hall in such a tone, the man in black standing beside him suddenly clenched the long sword in his hand, and a sharp gaze fell on Ye Junfeng.

However, the presence of the man in black was too weak in Ye Junfeng's eyes. Ye Junfeng swayed, ignoring the man and entering the cabin.

"Your Majesty, this kid is really too much, let the subordinates go down and teach him a lesson!" The man in black was ignored by Ye Junfeng, and he didn't know how to vent his anger, so he stood up and asked Di Jiuyin for instructions.

Di Jiuyin turned his head and looked over, with a bit of disapproval on his face, "I'll let you prepare the proton's meals."

The man in black's eyes lit up slightly, and he thought that this was a chance for him to vent his anger, and he immediately bowed his head in response, "Yes, this subordinate will definitely do their best to greet the proton."

Not long after Ye Junfeng returned to the cabin, a man in black with a black face walked in with a dinner plate.

Ye Junfeng was slightly stunned, she didn't expect that the people under Di Jiuyin were quite efficient.

However, when Ye Junfeng saw what the black-clothed and black-faced man was bringing, the slightest affection he had for them all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Junfeng chuckled, turned around and sat on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, "Heh, did your master bring a pig with you when you went out?"

The corners of the man in black's mouth twitched slightly, and subconsciously wanted to say, didn't this bring you a proton?

But the man in black expressed that he didn't want to be as uneducated as Ye Junfeng, coughed lightly, and put the food on the table in front of Ye Junfeng, "Proton, please eat."

Ye Junfeng squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the things on the table that were no different from pig food, frowned, and glanced at the man in black with some embarrassment, "Go and call your master, just talk about the essence I invite him to have dinner with me."

The face of the man in black immediately turned ugly, "A mere proton actually wants our master to eat at the same table with you, what is our master's identity, and I hope you, proton, can have some self-knowledge."

Ye Junfeng grinned and stood up abruptly, "Since you won't call your master, then you can accompany me!"

(End of this chapter)

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