Chapter 211 The Big Show 4
Seeing that Ye Junfeng did not intend to be timid, but urged them to go in quickly, all the disciples of the Green Pill Sect couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. Could it be that Ye Junfeng really didn't hurt Mu Yuanshuang?
Elder Wei's probing eyes fell on Ye Junfeng, looked Ye Junfeng up and down a few times, seeing that Ye Junfeng didn't look like he was pretending, he nodded slightly, signaling everyone to go in.

As soon as he walked into the dormitory where Mu Yuanshuang lived, he was greeted by a strong smell of blood.

Ye Junfeng opened the fan and slapped it in front of his nose, and exclaimed in surprise: "My God! It smells so strong! How much blood must have been shed! Let's go over and have a look, I see This seems a bit bad! In case of one or the other, there will be no one to prove my innocence!"

The disciples of the Green Alchemy Sect did not expect such a strong smell of blood here, and they showed worried expressions on their faces, but after hearing what Ye Junfeng said, they wished they could kick Ye Junfeng out.

"What are you talking about, boy! How can something happen to our senior sister! Are you just hoping that something will happen to our senior sister, so you can come to a dead end!"

Ye Junfeng looked at the restless young man standing in front of her, looked at him anxiously about his IQ and shook his head, "I said this young man, do you feel your presence? It's too low, you deliberately made a presence in front of me! No one here knows that you have already pinned the crime on my head, and I came to your senior sister to prove my innocence!"

Elder Wei glanced at Ye Junfeng, and waved his hands at the disciples of the Qingdan Sect behind him, "Don't worry, we will know if Ye Junfeng lied again after confirming with Mu Yuanshuang, we are punishing Ye Junfeng Not too late."

Ye Junfeng shook the fan in his hand and nodded approvingly, "Yes, yes, what Elder Wei said is indeed too correct, otherwise you will accuse me inexplicably. The second is that some people will inevitably be dissatisfied, so without further delay, let's find Mu Yuanshuang as soon as possible!"

All the disciples of Qingdan Sect gave a cold snort, and Xianye Junfeng walked to Mu Yuanshuang's bed.

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows, chuckled lightly, and didn't get annoyed, she took a break in the crowd and came to the front.

Before everyone could speak, Ye Junfeng's eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw something unbelievable, "This, this, this... You guys are going too far! Mu Yuanshuang was injured like this, In order to escape responsibility, you want me, a newcomer to the Qingdan sect, to take the blame, it really hurts! I am really blind to join your black-hearted sect!"

Ye Junfeng sighed and looked at the blood-stained and unconscious Mu Yuanshuang on the bed with a look of regret and regret, and stroked his heart, with a heartbroken look.

Everyone was stunned by Ye Junfeng's behavior and statement. Everyone, look at me and me. You obviously don't know what's going on now, and you don't know why Ye Junfeng suddenly became like this. She looks like she's about to cry.

On the contrary, Elder Wei was quite shocked. He slapped the table with a "pop!", looked at Ye Junfeng in front of him, and snorted coldly, "What are you crying about? Now that Mu Yuanshuang is unconscious, how can I confront you? What you said is just your one-sided words, which is not enough to be believed!"

(End of this chapter)

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