The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 243 The person who came will definitely not be Di Jiuyin

Chapter 243 The person who came will definitely not be Di Jiuyin

Seeing the real body of the alchemy furnace, Yue Lao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him excitedly, "How many years have it been! How many years have it been! Old man, I finally saw the real body of this cauldron alchemy furnace again. !"

Yuelao circled around the alchemy furnace excitedly for a few times, and finally stopped after a while. He couldn't help looking at Ye Junfeng with an excited expression on his face, took a deep breath and said, "Little girl, I haven't watched the old man so far. I wonder if there is something special about you that makes this alchemy furnace recognize you as the master, but since the alchemy furnace has chosen you, it means that you have a destiny with this alchemy furnace, so you can take it away!" Then suddenly thought What hurriedly added: "However, 380 million gold coins can't be less than a penny."

Ye Junfeng glanced at Yuelao delicately, thinking that luckily Yuelao met a more down-to-earth person like her, otherwise a person like Yuelao who can't do business would have to die.

Before the gold coins were in my hands, I asked others to recognize the owner of the alchemy furnace. This...

Ye Junfeng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I can still afford 380 million gold coins."


At the same time, on the large animal hunting ground some distance away from the bamboo building, a man with a stern face in a box at the top seemed to have sensed something suddenly, and the aura around him changed suddenly.

The two men in black standing behind the man saw the change in their master's expression, and immediately stepped forward, "Your Majesty, what orders do you have?"

Di Jiuyin, who was not wearing a mask, sneered, "This hall actually sensed the aura of that kid Ye Junfeng not far away. This kid dared to sneak out from Qingdan Sect, so he really didn't take this hall seriously."

When the man in black heard Di Jiuyin's words, he subconsciously wanted to reply, when did this kid Ye Junfeng see the emperor in his eyes?

But thinking of Di Jiuyin's thunderous means, he silently digested the words in his stomach, and didn't dare to say them at all.

"My hall is going to see that kid, you continue."

After the words fell, the people who were originally in the box disappeared instantly.

The two men in black looked at each other. Why did they feel that there was a faint smile on their faces when their master said that he was going to see that kid just now?Moreover, the atmosphere in the whole box warmed up at that moment. Could it be that they had an illusion?


According to what Yue Lao said, Ye Junfeng made the alchemy furnace smaller, and then put it in the space of the Zhenhun Pagoda, and then left the bamboo building and Boss Zhao to settle the 380 million gold coins.

Returning to Baibaozhai again, after settling the money for the alchemy furnace, Boss Zhao forced Ye Junfeng to look at other things in Baibaozhai to prevent Ye Junfeng from leaving.

Ye Junfeng had no choice but to reluctantly follow Boss Zhao around Baibaozhai.

Just thinking about whether to buy something casually and go back to Qingdanzong as soon as possible, unexpectedly, at this moment, a chilly breath suddenly surrounded Baibaozhai, because of the shadow from before, Ye Junfeng's body froze subconsciously. The urge to rush out.

But after a closer look, I found that this aura was somewhat different from the aura emanating from Di Jiuyin's pretty boy before.

Di Jiuyin is like a cold winter, but even though the breath is cold right now, there is a feeling of the cold spring.

It is also cold, but there is a difference between one in winter and one in spring.

In this way, Ye Junfeng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, the person who came must not be Di Jiuyin.

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(End of this chapter)

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