The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 285 My Master Is Very Good

Chapter 285 My Master Is Very Good
Does Di Jiuyin look good or not?

Ye Junfeng looked around cautiously as if he had discovered a new continent, and then whispered to Fei Yan, "Hey, is your master not good enough?"

Hearing this, Feiyan was startled for a moment, and his face slowly turned red.

Ye Junfeng didn't see Feiyan speak for a long while, and looked at Feiyan suspiciously, then patted Feiyan's shoulder, and said, "Hey! Is your master not good at that?"

Feiyan was slapped by Ye Junfeng, as if he woke up suddenly, he took a few steps back quickly, and said anxiously: "Who said my master can't do it? My master can do it! Very good!"

Ye Junfeng was taken aback by Fei Yan's big movements like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and suddenly withdrew the hand that was still patting Fei Yan's shoulder and patted his chest along the way. With a confused face, he said, "What are you doing with such a big reaction? I'm not talking about you, oh..."

A flash of understanding flashed across Ye Junfeng's face, and then he looked at Feiyan with a strange smile, "I see, how do you know that your master is very good, don't you..."

"Stop talking nonsense! My master is a good man with a normal personality!" Feiyan said anxiously, afraid of hearing something bad from Ye Junfeng.

Ye Junfeng squinted at Feiyan, what is it called, there is no silver 300 taels here?
No wonder Di Jiuyin didn't marry a daughter-in-law, it turns out that the boy likes a man!

Ye Junfeng nodded, and looked at Feiyan with a talkative face, "Don't worry, I will never tell you about your master's liking for men."

The corner of Feiyan's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Ye Junfeng with a strange expression. He never said that his master liked men from the beginning to the end. How did this kid imagine it? Could it be that...

This kid has a habit of breaking his sleeves, and he's always thinking about their master?

Although his master said that the aura around him was not very willing to get close to, but their master's figure and appearance and the demeanor of the whole body, no matter if it was a woman or a man, they were likely to fall in love with it.

Thinking of a possible non-word, he looked at Ye Junfeng subtly. His master had been asking them to find a man before, and many of their subordinates suspected that their domineering master might be killed by a man...

Could it be...

The man their master wanted to find before was this kid in front of him?
Suddenly having such a guess, Fei Yan swallowed in horror, and stared at Ye Junfeng with wide eyes.

Ye Junfeng was looked at by Fei Yan with such eyes, and there was a flash of doubt in her eyes. It seemed that she didn't say any explosive news. As for Di Jiuyin's liking for men, his subordinates should have known about it for a long time!
Feiyan paused for a long time, and asked Ye Junfeng cautiously: "Hey, Mr. Ye, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Junfeng glanced at Feiyan in some confusion. She didn't know why, but she always felt that the question that Feiyan was going to ask next might help him determine something, so she nodded.

As if mustering up his courage, Fei Yan asked in a low voice, "Master Ye, where did you meet my master?"

Um?What kind of problem is this?
"Purple Cloud Mountain Range." Ye Junfeng said without thinking, but unexpectedly saw the face of Fei Yan on the other side who was shocked.

 [Thank you ^Time for rewarding 100 book coins] [Thank you Ah Hua for rewarding 200 book coins] [I love you, be more careful~]

(End of this chapter)

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