The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 351: Soul-Suppressing Beast Shot

Chapter 351: Soul-Suppressing Beast Shot (3)

Because Qing Danzong didn't mention the small flag when it said the trial before, it is very likely that many disciples will not notice this.

Even she, if it wasn't for the scene of the soul-suppressing beast today, she would not know that there is such a condition.

After Ye Junfeng saw the small flags under the soul-suppressing beast's paws, she originally wanted to use her mind to take the dozen or so small flags out of the space of the Soul-Suppressing Tower, but after thinking about it, if she suddenly had more than one flag for no reason With so many flags, the people around him will definitely become suspicious.

Now they are just getting acquainted, and they haven't reached the point where they want to have a heart-to-heart relationship. Although Gu Hanyan and Luo Haotian have always said that they want to follow her and be her younger brother, the current friendship is still very shallow, and it is not worth letting her expose her soul. the existence of the beast.

After thinking about it, Ye Junfeng was still going to fool these people away.

She left quietly for a while, and as for what happened during the time she was away, as long as no one saw it, she could say whatever she wanted.

Ye Junfeng pondered for a while, then turned to look at Luo Haotian and the others, and said, "It suddenly occurred to me that there are some important things that I haven't had time to do, so you follow the route on the map first, and I'll come find you later .”

When they heard that Ye Junfeng was leaving temporarily, these people lost their composure for an instant.

Luo Haotian's eyes widened suddenly, "Ye Junfeng, I'll go wherever you go, I already recognize you as my boss, don't abandon me!"

After Luo Haotian said these words, he shuddered immediately, his eyes looked back quietly with a little doubt, and he felt a little fuzzy in his heart, as if he was being watched by others.

However, Ye Junfeng didn't notice the change in Luo Haotian's expression and movements, because just after Luo Haotian said this sentence, Gu Hanyan and Yue Qingxue also rushed to say a few words.

Yue Qingxue: "Ye Junfeng, you and I are on the same team now, how can you abandon me! What if you are in danger, with me by your side, I can still take care of you!"

Gu Han said: "Now you are our boss, we should go wherever you go, we should live and die together."

Ye Junfeng: "..."

Life and death together or something, it's really serious!

But this time, Gu Hanyan didn't miss Ye Junfeng's movement of looking back, a suspicion flashed in Ye Junfeng's eyes, "What's the matter, what's behind?"

"I'm not sure, I just feel a little cold on my back." Gu Hanyan smiled, not paying much attention to the changes in the breath around him just now, turned his head and looked at Ye Junfeng with burning eyes, as if he was waiting for Ye Junfeng Junfeng said to let them go together.

Seeing these people like this, Ye Junfeng felt a headache for a while, and even Zhu Changxuan looked at her expectantly.

She paused, and finally just said, "You all have seen clearly how good my qinggong is. If I take you with me, it might hold me back. You go ahead first, and I will be there in an hour. came back."

Ye Junfeng didn't wait for the others to say anything, jumped up and disappeared.

After hearing Ye Junfeng's last words, Gu Hanyan and Luo Haotian's expressions changed slightly, but they didn't refute or follow.

Because what Ye Junfeng said was the truth, except for some achievements in refining medicine or elixir, the rest of the things were useless.

【Third watch, and later】

(End of this chapter)

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