The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 358 Inexplicably wanting to be nice to a woman

Chapter 358 Inexplicably want to be nice to a woman

"Oh! What's the big deal? The reason why I let you go ahead of me is because I didn't see Ye Junfeng before the trial. What's the matter with you!" Luo Haotian rolled his eyes in disdain, and he really thought so in his heart.

No one who is as good as Ye Junfeng wants to be with Ye Junfeng, it only means that people with brains never saw Ye Junfeng, anyway, he didn't see Ye Junfeng at that time.

The corner of Yue Qingxue's mouth twitched, that's not what she wanted to express just now, okay!

Zhu Changxuan glanced at Luo Haotian, his face was a little hesitant, but in the end he explained Yue Qingxue's meaning to Luo Haotian, "Well, what Miss Yue said just now seems to mean that we are not in the same group. It's not easy to distribute."

"Bah! Isn't this a trivial matter! This young master betrays me and wants to be with Ye Junfeng, who can stop me!" Luo Haotian thoroughly expressed his shameless behavior to the fullest.

Ye Junfeng watched with some headaches as these people were making noise under her nose, coughed lightly, interrupted them, and continued walking towards the destination, looking for the small flag planted by Qing Danzong.


At the same time, behind Ye Junfeng and the others.

After seeing Ye Junfeng leave, Di Jiuyin didn't intend to give up and continue to follow Ye Junfeng, but felt Ye Junfeng's breath slowly following behind Ye Junfeng and the others.

At this time, the black-clothed guard who had left before had been summoned back by Di Jiuyin again.

Although the black-clothed guard saw that his master's steps did not stop, but this slow speed had never been seen on his master for hundreds of years.

Moreover, that expression was quite serious, and more importantly, his master's eyes were a little blurred and hollow.

It can be seen that my master has lost his mind for not knowing what to think.

The black-clothed guard was extremely entangled in his heart. His master called him back just to hear his report on the previous mission, but right now...

Did he interrupt his master's distraction, or continued to report as if he didn't see anything?
The black-clothed guard followed Di Jiuyin's side at a snail-like speed, and had been muttering in his heart for nearly half an hour.


"Tell me, if a person somehow wants to be gentle and nice to her, what kind of situation is this?"

The black-clothed guard was taken aback, and when he heard his master's words, he couldn't help but engage in the scene where his master and Ye Junfeng embraced tenderly and looked at each other affectionately.

Now that my master asked such a question, I am afraid that my master has already fallen into a pit called Ye Junfeng.

However, he thought he still had a chance to pull his master out before he got stuck.

"Hey, master, this situation can be regarded as normal at all. The master is surrounded by all men. I'm afraid it's not good to have this kind of mentality! What is a man worthy of another man's gentle treatment? I'm afraid this There is something wrong with men's psychology."

After the black-clothed guard finished speaking, he looked at his master with some trepidation, for fear that his master would offend him when he heard that his master had mental problems.

But unexpectedly, not only was my master not angry, but he nodded in agreement, tilted his head and asked the following sentence, "What if a man somehow wants to be nice to a woman?"

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(End of this chapter)

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