The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 409 Who is the cheated person

Chapter 409 Who is the cheated person (7)

Ye Junfeng looked around at Luo Haotian and the others, and said softly, "You guys wanted to form a team with me, but now that the situation has developed to this point, don't you regret it?"

"Oh! A joke! I don't know how to write the word regret!" Luo Haotian snorted coldly, snorted and turned his head away.

Gu Hanyan said this very sensibly, "Although the current situation seems to be severe and not good for us, I feel that you, Ye Junfeng, will win in the end, so there is no future for us at all. It’s a matter of not regretting, and without you, the Qingdan sect must have no relationship with us.”

A look of surprise flashed in Ye Junfeng's eyes, "Now only a small part of the disciples who are undergoing trials have returned to the Qingdan Sect. How can you be confident that I will bring you into the Qingdan Sect?"

Gu Hanyan smiled and didn't say a word. Now that the facts are in front of him, no matter what happens in the trial ground, their pair must be the team that got the most flags, and their team was the first to come back. There is no reason not to let their team enter the interior of Qing Danzong.

As for Yue Qingxue and Zhu Changxuan, when they heard Ye Junfeng's words, they quickly expressed their loyalty.

And Yue Qingxue has been troubled by the timidity of the man who dragged Ye Junfeng away before, she didn't dare to talk to Ye Junfeng at all, and finally got such an opportunity, how could Yue Qingxue be willing to let it go?
"Ye Junfeng, I fell in love with you at first glance before starting the trial. I didn't expect that your strength would be so strong. It can be seen that my vision is still very right. Those who regret it are completely fools." Yue Qingxue squinted With a pair of eyes closed, recalling the things before the trial, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, as if thinking of a rather happy thing.

Luo Haotian, who had been idly walking in front of him, immediately straightened his ears when he heard Yue Qingxue speak, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, why did he feel that Yue Qingxue's words seemed to be confessing his love!

During the previous trials, Yue Qingxue's confession was unsuccessful because Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared, so is it going to start again now?

But Yue Qingxue didn't say anything more after saying this, and walked silently at the furthest distance from Ye Junfeng.

According to Yue Qingxue's guess, the terrifying man who suddenly appeared in the trial site before is likely to be someone from the Qing Dan sect. My little life will be gone soon.

Ye Junfeng just smiled, glanced at the bag with the flag in Luo Haotian's arms, and said, "We will hand over the flag we obtained in the trial ground to the instructor in charge of this aspect, and then we will rest for two days and wait for the rest The disciples have returned from the trial ground."

Luo Haotian paused with his hands holding the burden, subconsciously thinking that he didn't want to hand over these flags to the mentor of the Qingdan Sect, but he thought of something again. Guang Guang immediately nodded and smiled, "Okay, I'll send it over now."

Zhu Changxuan tilted his head in some doubts, and said softly, "Why do I feel that Luo Haotian's expression just now is not right, is he planning something?"

Gu Hanyan and Ye Junfeng looked at each other, laughed lightly, and did not answer Zhu Changxuan's words.

Zhu Changxuan was left alone in the circle.

(End of this chapter)

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